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What was your snowmageddon disaster?


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no disasters here other then my flights being cancelled postponing my texas trip.



Same here...

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Disaster Update:


Guy who said he would come this morning called and said his plow's transmission is shot and can't move.  Now we gotta scramble to find someone who can plow 1600' of pipestem for the neighborhood.  Just hiked to the entrance.  VDOT clearned the local roads but definitely didn't make it easier to get into our nieghborhood!




One a different note, my 5 year old has decided he likes the snow again.



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Turns out they are on vacation and the son is too busy plowing their paying clients to go by Mom and Dad's house to plow us neighbors.


To be completely honest, that's exactly what I would do.


I've been looking for pro bono snow plowing for a while now (work.) The City plows are too big to get into our parking lot and maneuver. I've been talking to the maintenance guys at my apartment who have been shacked up in the demo rooms, and our mgmt company is going to shell out for literal snow removal, they are going to transport it somewhere to melt.


I walked down to the Mosaic District (shopping center near my place) and they have completely plowed and dried their roads and sidewalks, all the way down to the cement, pretty impressive. The roads there were packed snow, might as well have been ice. I could navigate it in a car, but my worry would be stopping for one of the many pedestrians walking the road. Hope the metro is running tomorrow!

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To be completely honest, that's exactly what I would do.


Yup, don't begrudge him at all, business is business.  Free is free so the neighborhood can't expect more than what they paid for.  The real problem is that for 20 years everyone was just ok with things and never took the time to work out a real arrangement.

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Just threw my back out shoveling. My car won't drive over 1/4" snow so I'm stuck at home for the time being. I just want to go get some pho.

don't you wish you kept the Subaru  :happy:!

make your own pho. I have the ingredients if you like to hike over. I can't get out since they haven't plow our street yet!!! 

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Not a disaster per se, but three trips out on Thursday/Friday to get everything for my little generator that I kept forgetting on the previous trip -- new spark plug, additional gas cans (which I had to fill with Premium since the corner gas station was out of everything else Thursday night), more two-cycle oil, bolts to attach the handle to replace the ones I lost, 10-gauge wire and 18" spike to properly ground the thing ... and then a wife extremely irritated with me for wasting so much time not taking care of everything in one shot. Not that the last isn't a valid point. Ultimately not even a blip with the power, which is still after all a good thing - especially since with the snow drifting I'd probably need to go out a ground floor window with a shovel to remove the probably three feet of snow from the spot I had selected to put the darn thing! And then spending most of the day today shoveling walks and driveway and getting snow off of cars, not that they'll be moving anytime soon.

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I have a 5 year old boy.  Last hour or so went like this;


Whaa, Daddy I want to go out and play in the snow.


10 minutes later: Whaaa, this jacket and snow pants are making me too hot!


10 minutes later: Whaaa, this snow is too deep, my feet don't work!


10 minutes later: Whaaa, my face is cold!


3 minutes later: Whaaa, I want to go back inside....


My 5 year old got himself ready to go outside yesterday... He put on his rubber fire fighter boots with no socks. He stepped off the porch and his boots immediately filled with snow.  He only lasted about 30 seconds outside before he went back in. 

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I love living in town now (vs our previous farm)... heard the plows go by many, many times Friday into Saturday morning.  Once Saturday night.  None today.  It's only one lane, but we can easily get out and go if needed.  I miss that peaceful snowy quiet, but hearing that plow rumble by and beep is not a bad thing!

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How many people have had their neighborhoods plowed yet?

I live in a rural part of Loudoun County (off of a dirt road) and VDOT contractors were out this morning with a bucket loader clearing the road. I'm fully dug out now. Feeling fortunate.


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For VA folks looking for plow ...check this out ...  http://vdotplows.org/


It works - there's a truck just finishing our street, exactly as this shows (although you've got to do a lot of panning and zooming to find your location, the address feature doesn't seem to work, at least for me).

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My disaster....got fish iny new tank and my aciii stopped working....luckily with the return and other pumps on the heat is staying consistent to not need the controller....few degrees cold but in 5he acceptable range....the other heater i had as backup will not self regulate the temp....gonna be a few days to get a replacement


I got my excursion Out and down the big hill to the 1 plowed road...luckily it has some ground clearance..got it back up in a few tries but luckily no shoveling required.....we are on baby watch since she is due in 3 weeks Soni wanted the ability to get to the hospital...and I love driving in snow


About 6 a backhoe came down the street....first time I've seen that.

Made a pseudo path but forgot one side of the hill

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I plowed all of our driveway landing and half of the driveway leaving about 200' of driveway late Saturday afternoon. Went back out and the tractor wouldn't start. Well, it would start, but it would immediately die when it came up to RPM or was put under load. It was like it was nearly empty, or air or fuel starved. Air Intake was clear and still had a half tank of diesel. I pulled the fuel filter for a quick look and found it had collapsed and compressed (radially). Didn't have a spare filter and couldn't get out for a new one so decided that I had no choice but to pull it and operate without one so I complete the job of opening up the driveway. It worked. I'll head out today to get a new fuel filter.


I didn't hear much about power going out among our members. Did anybody lose power?


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home after 72 hours of work. Dug out my 180' driveway. Now looking to see what to spend my overtime money on. (Ooops here comes the wife, close BRS website CLOSEEEEEEE faster).................

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home after 72 hours of work. Dug out my 180' driveway. Now looking to see what to spend my overtime money on. (Ooops here comes the wife, close BRS website CLOSEEEEEEE faster).................

:laugh:  :clap:  :laugh:

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home after 72 hours of work. Dug out my 180' driveway. Now looking to see what to spend my overtime money on. (Ooops here comes the wife, close BRS website CLOSEEEEEEE faster).................


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I plowed all of our driveway landing and half of the driveway leaving about 200' of driveway late Saturday afternoon. Went back out and the tractor wouldn't start. Well, it would start, but it would immediately die when it came up to RPM or was put under load. It was like it was nearly empty, or air or fuel starved. Air Intake was clear and still had a half tank of diesel. I pulled the fuel filter for a quick look and found it had collapsed and compressed (radially). Didn't have a spare filter and couldn't get out for a new one so decided that I had no choice but to pull it and operate without one so I complete the job of opening up the driveway. It worked. I'll head out today to get a new fuel filter.


I didn't hear much about power going out among our members. Did anybody lose power?


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We lost power briefly today for 10 minutes. Just got the car out tonight!



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No power out for my part of lake ridge. I love having underground power lines. And, I have to compliment my HOA, they had our street clear basically the entire storm. Kudos guys!

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