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Everything posted by FearTheTerps

  1. I think the best thing to do would be to call around to all the LFS. Click on the LFS map at the upper right of the webpage, All of them should have their phone number listed.
  2. He has been nominated , Im sure Im not the only person that has done so. Awesome looking tank, looks like your star polyps on the side glass has really taken since I saw your tank. All those nice SPS and I notice the star polyps in the back
  3. Thanks to all those that participated this month. Please See The Submission Thread HERE
  4. Im not 100% sure if I can drive or not, so for right now Im looking for a ride in the Frederick area. My truck doesnt have AC, and only seats 2, not sure if I'll be able to burrow someones car or not. If someone from Frederick is going for sure please let me know. I can also drive to Gaithersburg or Rockville as well, but Frederick would be nicer.
  5. Since Dr. Mac's isnt right around the corner like most of the vendors, I thought it would be a good idea to start a carpool thread so that members can plan to take the trip together. Maybe some people have already talked about it with one another, but I think more people will be inclined to come if they dont have to make the long drive alone. I cant really thing of a good system to match people up with one another other then just saying if you can drive, or if you need a ride. Make sure you list your location so everyone knows where you are, and if you are a driver list how many seats you have. Dr. Mac's Pacific East Aquaculture WAMAS Social
  6. +1 Also if you have alot of cleaning to do and you are worried about removing too much water you can run the siphon into a filter sock in a bucket. You can then put the cleaned water back into the tank if you removed too much during the water change.
  7. how about khaki green monti with pink polyps? There's way too many names for corals
  8. isnt the turboflotor 1000 a hang on the back model?
  9. Great to hear some good news, looking forward to the pics as well.
  10. I cant really tell from the pics, what makes up the black trim? Are the ends of the acrylic painted? Great looking tank, For my next tank I think I'm definently going with a NAGA built tank.
  11. I would get some buckets and try to pump as much of the water out of your sump to make it easier to catch him. I heard of lots of members that have found fish in their sumps or overflows. Just goes to show you that fish dont really need alot of food to eat in order to survive.
  12. Since we got so few entiries this month, I'm going to let the submissions run until tomorrow, please submit your pictures. I'll close the thread tuesday night. Thanks, Steve
  13. Yea, I would say he has some type of internal parasite, Thats what I would treat for first.
  14. Too bad it wasnt red white or blue, that would win Picture Of The Month for sure. All kidding aside, sorry about the fish, I hope the rest pull through. I would say that the weakened state of your fish has just led to secondary problems, which is why you see different symptoms in different fish.
  15. Could it be lymphocystis and not ich? Does it look like cauliflower? Lymphocystis starts as small white growths, eventually they grow and clump together and get the appearance of cauliflower. It is often confused to be ich. Its a virus, with no real cure, the best thing you can do for it provide a healthy enviroment. Good water params, and a healty diet are best, use vitamins and some selcon in the food. It is contagious for other fish, so I would move it back to the QT, and keep a close eye on the fish in your DT. The disease it itself isnt usually fatal( unless growing around the gills), its normaly a secondary infection that kills the fish. In the QT you can treat for bacterial or fungal infections that may arise, but not in your display. It may take a few weeks, but you should see the growths go away. As for the water quality in your QT, for a new fish the easiest the thing to do use water from a water change on your DT. Theres nothing wrong with this water that you would normally flush down the drain, its perfectly fine to use provided your fish in the DT are healthy.
  16. Eheim 1260, at 3 ft of head it should give about 600 gph. These are very good, reliable, quiet pumps. If space inside the sump is an issue they can also be ran as an external pump. I think the guys at Avast once said they could make their ATO sensor work as a low level sensor, just have the wire the circuit in reverse. I dont really think many people use a low level switch tho.
  17. I have used the Water Weld as well. I found it really easy to work with on dry rock, but for me it didnt seem to stick well using it under water. I just had to play with it alot more, but in either case the bond is strong and I havent had a problem.
  18. I know its too late for you, but maybe it will help someone else... I have heard of people pre making a burrow for the pair before they are placed in the tank. Then they put them in the tank at that exact spot where they made the burrow in the hope that the pair will stay there where they want them to.
  19. BUMP, great month to try to win some raffle tickets, not much competition.
  20. look for the DIY thread we had going for mixing your own salt. Im not sure if rock salt was part of the mix or not.
  21. That was Anthony , Fazio92 Here's the thread... http://www.wamas.org/forums/topic/42141-amyloodinium-ocellatum-marine-velvet/
  22. The only thing with maroons that you have to worry about is when they are juveniles. They can be alot more agressive then other clowns so you will need to split all the juvies up into small groups. Other clowns are fine to keep several dozen even a few hundred together for a long time, but the maroons are best to only have a few per tank. This just means you need more grow out tanks, you dont really have to do anything special for them, its just more space and equipment. I'd love to try to raise some, I've been wanting to do it for a long time now. I dont have anything set-up right now, but maybe in a month or two.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epE_Api-eVk
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