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Everything posted by FearTheTerps

  1. Dont even have any rain anymore out here in Hagerstown now
  2. New silicone will not bond with the old silicone. You must remove it all to reseal a tank.
  3. +1 Great Stuff. You do have to go to store at some point though, its a must see. It's a great set-up with tons and tons of things to see, it has the be the best LFS I have ever been to. The only thing that could be better if they were open late on Sunday evenings when traveling home from the beach. I have yet to devise a plan to pick up stuff on the way to the beach, keep them alive all weekend, and then make the trip home.
  4. I thought I felt the bed shaking last night, then I realized I was the only one in it.
  5. Oh no, not another Mountaineer fan I hope Welcome to the club both of you
  6. he might not want a deep tank because of maintenance reasons. reaching the bottom of a 36 inch tsank isnt easy, even for a guy like me thats over 6 feet tall.
  7. At least this thread livened up the boards today, its been incredibly slow lately.
  8. Yea that may be it, the WAV has an electric motor that turns to direct the flow. I would imagine it takes alot of force for water to turn a swcd. If I remember correctly the WAV turns at 4 rpm. I think Bruce also recommends a larger diameter pipe to also reduce the head loss due to friction.
  9. What Braden said ^ As to what Joshua said, I didnt notice the flow slow down that much. With the WAV you do have to install a few extra fittings which will slow it down some, but not much IMO. I had one on my 72 bow front when I had it set up before i moved last year. I really liked it, it gave lots of random flow. I had it hooked up on a quiet one 4000 pump for awhile, and had plans to hook it up to a ehiem 1262 but never got around to it before I moved. I'm thinking about placing my WAV on my 55 gallon with the 1262, I should be able to remove all my powerheads which will be really nice. I'm pretty sure treesprite also runs a WAV on her tank without any powerheads as well.
  10. I guess I can cross " Experience an Earthquake" off my bucket list. Now I'm starting to think I should drive south this weekend and knock out a hurricane as well.
  11. ^ hahaha. I said the same thing your wife did about my tv when i put it above our fireplace. I never did attach it to the wall, luckily no damage today though, I wonder if I should attach it now? What are the chances of the next one coming?
  12. anyone felt the aftershocks yet? they are reporting them on the news scrolls, but no eye witnesses yet talked about them?
  13. YEP, texts worked better calls. I have gotten thru to both landlines and cell lines from own cell, but it took 50 attempts, its probably just call volume at this point.
  14. I heard it was 3 miles deep, all the information now is mostly useless. Metro is closed for anyone wanting to know, loved ones might be stuck in the city also just heard the Washington Monument is pulling a leaning Tower of Pisa
  15. An end table in my living room walked across the floor about a foot to 18 inches, nothing fell off the walls or anything tho.
  16. How big is the tank? You could drain most of the water out leaving only a few inches. Should be pretty easy to catch then.
  17. +1 to what Dave said, turn your powerheads and pumps off. You dont wantthose chips of plastic flowing around in the tank where a fish would try to eat it and possibly choke. I know my fish will just about try to eat anything that does in the water.
  18. I doubt we will really notice it as well, but just think of the craze that happended with finding nemo. How many people went out and a bought a ten gallon tank and put a cute lil nemo fish in fresh water and wondered why he was dead the next morning. These guys are kinda like a double edge sword, they give some good advice which makes them seem credible. And then they throw 100 in a brand new tank Of course putting 20 sharks in a tank before they decorated it didnt make them look too bright either.
  19. OMG Really? That phone booth tank is just asking for trouble. I cant believe the amount of fish they put in there, there had to well over 100. How the H-E-double hockey sticks are they going to get all the fish outta there when they die? Its ridiculous, I dont know whats worse, putting half a dozen yellow tangs in a 2 foot tank, or putting about 75 damsels all in one tank. Its kinda sad really, I thought maybe certain parts of the show were "faked" as in they edited the timeline of everything. Like they would come back a few weeks later and add stuff, but make it appear it was done all at once. I really hope this is the case, I dont know how you add 100+ fish to a new tank and expect them to survive, or on the mob with all the fish waiting to go in. Who in their right mind would order fish before you even put water in the tank? There's no way it was true that they filled the tank with 90 degree water, added ice and salt then added the fish an hour later? Please be kidding me, There had to be thousand and thousands of dollars worth of fish in the mob tank. I keep saying to myself that is fake, and edited that way, but when you see 30 boxes of fish sitting next to the tank it just makes you wonder. It looks like my intial thoughts about this show were right, I think we are all going to hate it, but I'm not so sure about the general public. All they will see is a nice clean new tank with lots of pretty fish, but unforunately we know the sad truth, Soon most of those will be dead because of poor care, and downright stupidity. I love seeing nice large tanks with lots of livestock, but these guys just go about it all wrong.
  20. if you really like your fish I dont think I would put an eel in with those. The general rule of thumb I have always heard is that if a fish can fit in the eels mouth it will most likely eat it at some point.
  21. up close do they look like this? might also have a slightly darker spot in the center of the body.
  22. The small things you discribed could be flat worms, I had them in my tank, but went away after a few months. They are small, around 1 or 2 millimeters, usually white/clear in color, and bell shaped. they will go away on their own, nothing to worry about.
  23. Saw the show the other week as well, it was like a sneak peak or something, that same episode is on after the premiere toworrow night. I agree one of the coolest parts of the show was the fish importer place, it was a huge warehouse filled with livestock. I also agree Braden in that appeard to be really scripted. Alot of new shows feel that way though, so maybe it will get better as time goes by. I didnt like the car tank either, for the size that the car was, the tank looked really really small. Theres was also the fact that they said the tank was made a delivered in one week, as all of us know, theres no freakin way. For one they had to build the actual tank to fit inside the car, I would have taken a week worth of measurements alone. The other part was the paint job on the car, Theres not a chance that that old rust bucket was prepped and painted in less then a week. I dont understand why shows feel the need to fake reality tv. The main part of the show I didnt like was the fact that all the tanks I saw were fish only tanks. While large FO can be really really nice, I perfer a smaller tank full of coral.
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