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Everything posted by FearTheTerps

  1. You know you got too many corals from frag fest when you cant even put on the lid to the new cooler you bought, and you have to fasten a seatbelt around it for the drive home. I have videos to post as well, I'll see if I can figure out how to do it, that why you all can see Doug almost cut his fingers off
  2. To avoid the splashing noise from the drain you will have to play with it. Thats one of those things Josh was talking about it that you just have to tinker with because it depends on lots of factors. On my old tank I brought the drain right down to the water level, and put a 90 degree elbow on the pipe. Half the pipe was under water and half was exposed to air. This let some of the air escape which helped with my noise level. Some people use filter socks to help with the splashing noise, but they can be a pain to maintain. Having to empty them every few days and washing as well.
  3. I actually think we have a pretty good mix when it comes to the age ranges, but maybe its because I'm just getting old. I think today I saw more kids ( under the age of 10) then I have at any other meeting, thats always good to see.
  4. What about making your own, paint and clear coat? That should give a high gloss finish.
  5. Once again, thanks to all the officers for all that do for the club, I cant imagine how much of your free times goes into planning an event like we had today. Thanks to all the vendors that donated prizes for the raffles, and corals for the fragging demos. It was very neat watching Kyle from Pacific East showing how they frag with the little band saw, even letting us newbs run it too. I thought I was going to get a LE Doug Thumb frag watching him using that tile saw. The fragging demos were great, I have lots of pictures that I took that I'll share later. Right now Im busy acclimating all the stuff I got today. Thanks to all the memebers that were helping with the frags, Doug, Chip, Carla, Kevin, Christina, Scott, and Rob ( did I forget anyone?)
  6. Aww that sucks, I thought you would have had water in it already tonight lol
  7. Stand and canopy look great, are you gonna start making these for other members? Im sure a year a two wait for a stand isnt too long to wait. All kidding aside it looks really good. When I first saw the trim on the stand I thought you were trying to blend it with the chair rail that goes around the room for a built in look. That would have been really nice, but probably take you a few more months.
  8. Finally got a better picture. Found him on the back glass today, I guess the xenia liked the flow back there better, the polyps were extended and pulsing, pretty cool to watch. I also found another one, the pic is bad because I havent cleaned the glass in awhile I've got tons of dwarf snails as you can see.
  9. For someone just coming into the hobby I would look for a good used T5 light. No need to spend all that money on an LED fixture if you don't really know what you are getting yourself into. This will also let you spread your money around on other important stuff, tank, skimmer, powerheads, etc. There are endless amounts of bulb color combinations you can do with T5, so you can customize your color however you want.
  10. You should move to my neighborhood, I have 3 neighbors(4 people total) that deliver for fed ex. I usually get my packages when one of them comes home for a lunch break, I even had one of them keep a package for me over the weekend, instead of letting it set outside for a few days, once when I went on vacation.
  11. Yep, hot water should do the trick. Heat expands, cold constricts.
  12. Surprise Me Sounds good, will trade for frags, zoas, polpys, mushrooms, any softie really. I have lots of the lil buggers to give away, was thinking of dividing them into groups of 10 and 20. Most are about 1/4 inch or so, which is the max size, will probably have some of the babies in there as well. Groups of 10 free, 20 for a frag. If I cant get rid of them all some lucky person might walk away with 100.
  13. From the other thread. any help on this one?
  14. Well for starters I see it spelled differently all the time, with either an A or an O. Mojano or Majano? I heard people prounounce it with the J sound like the name JAN, and I've heard people say it (although less common) with the J as an H sound like HAN (think Han Solo from star wars). "Moe-Jan-Oh" or "Ma-Jan-Oh" "Moe-Han-Oh" or "Ma-Han-Oh" 4 pronunications for just one word, thats why I started this thread............
  15. I had thought about saying something to you or chad about that, but then I thought it would be better to make a topic that others can add to, or even ask how to say something they dont know. Hopefully more people will add to my list, maybe we can make it a sticky if it goes well. Already started the topic btw.
  16. As all of us have learned or will learn, this hobby takes alot of time, patienece, and knowledge of how things work. Someone coming into the hobby can be easily overwelm with all the information out there, sorting fact from opinion. That is why its great to have communities like WAMAS to be able to learn from other people who have been in our shoes before. Hopefully this thread will help all the newbs out there, and maybe some of the old timers will learn a thing or two as well. With all the different corals with keep there are tons of taxonomy names that are hard or near impossible to pronounce uunless you took latin in school. Feel free to add your own words, or ask how to say something. Chaeto - "kay-toe" Aiptasia - "app-tay-jah" Caulerpa - "call-er-pah" Palythoa - "pah-lee-tho-ah" Zoanthids - "zoh-an-thids" Acropora - "ack-roe-pour-ah" Actinic - "ack-tin-ick Banggai Cardinal - "bang-guy" Detritus - "deh-trite-us" Ocellaris - "oh-sell-lar-ris" Copepod - "cope-e-pod" Cerith Snail - "serith" Astrea Snail - "ass-tree-ah" PLEASE ADD MORE..........
  17. yes, "kay toe" is the way I pronounce it now as well. I'll have to start working on a list of words for starters and then other people can add stuff as well.
  18. I have actually been thinking of coming up with a pronunciation guide for common terms in the hobby that are hard to pronounce. I'm sure Im not the only person that got a strange look before when they asked for chaeto at the LFS and was then told they sell cheetos at the grocery store.
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