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Everything posted by FearTheTerps

  1. TAKE A PICTURE!!!! The topic for POTM this month is EATING, we need more submissions. Still plenty of time to enter. MARCH POTM
  2. I keep getting dead stink bugs in my tank. At any given time there's about 10 to 15 of them stuck to the powerheads. As nasty as these little creatures are in just the house alone, I'm wondering what kind of problems they could be causing in the tank. I've been cycling my tank for a few weeks now, nothing seems out of the norm. I have a bit of GHA but that could be normal for a new tank as well. With the cycle I can't really tell if the dead bugs are affecting my parameters or anything. Any thoughts?? Anyone else have this problem??
  3. I bought a bit from from the link below a few weeks ago. Its a cheap bit, about 15 bucks, but it worked pretty well. Ive cut 4 holes with it and havent noticed a difference it the time that it cuts. DONT PUSH on a 10 gal tank, I made that mistake myself on the first tank i drilled. Let the weight of the drill do all the work, it took me about 4-5 mins to drill my 10 gallon, and that was with stopping and starting alot. http://www.glass-holes.com/Glass-Hole-Cutt...8F.qscstrfrnt01
  4. I was wondering the same thing. I read your post about 5 times before i finally started to understand it. Pictures would be helpful but I think im starting to get it. I havent done anything yet. I will probably have to wait until this weekend, work is keeping me too busy still. I cant even find the time to run to home depot to buy parts yet alone work on the tank.
  5. +1 for AWI I have a Typhoon III as well. My tap water was reading 475 at the tap, 0 tds after. Works like a charm, only problem i have is i have very cold water so I only get about 40gpd out of the 75gpd membrane
  6. Hadnt thought about that, that might be a good solution. Havent really tried anything yet, just looking for a few suggestions before I do anything. Would hate to go chopping and cutting things to bits, then have to rebuild back to something similar to what I have now. I read about putting a T connection in place of the last 90 elbow. The top of the T is left open for the air to escape... Anyone use this??? Any more suggestions would really be appreciated. Thanks, -Steve
  7. I have a problem with my drain line putting lots of air bubbles into my sump, which is making it incredible noisey. I dont really know what the cause is, I have had this system set up before without much difference and I didnt have this problem before. The tank is a 72 bowfront with a CPR 90 HOB overflow. The overflow itself is quiet, this is not the cause of the noise. I have a durso installed to combat the flushing/gurgling noise of the overflow. Again the problem is in the sump where the drain exits causing lots of air to bubble up. The drain line comes down about 2 feet where it connects to a hose barb fitting into vinyl tubing ( I thought that would be easier to plump, but wondering if it may now be the cause of the problem itself). The tubing then connects to a 90 degree hose barb fitting then travels about 18 inches horizontally, then into another 90 degree hose barb turn 1 foot down into the sump. All plumbing is 1.25 inch. Bulkhead in the overflow is rated at 600gph, and my pump with head pressure is running about 500 or so. Any thoughts or suggestions??? I havent tried yet to experiment how to fix it, way too busy with work. Looking for suggestions first before i go and start tearing everything apart.
  8. My thoughts exactly, why in the world would you even put a tank like that near a window or door that was close to traffic. Im sure no one thought that a truck would come flying thru the building, but come on.
  9. Tried the hair dryer method first, it worked ok and got most of the curl out of the tube, but not all of it. So then i tried the boiling water, and it worked pretty well. Before I just used really hot tap water, it helped but not much. the boiling water made the tube really soft and i was able to roll it very tightly back onto itself it in the oppisite direction of the curl. I tied some string around it to hold it in place, then let it cool down like that for about 2 or 3 hours. was kinda wavy at first, but after a few more hours it became fairly straight. Thanks for the tips. The dryer would have been fun to try, but i got the tube installed already. Next project, Finish my sump build. -Steve
  10. I have tried just about everything i can think of to straighten out some vinyl tubing I have. Was just wondering if anyone else had some tips on how to straigthen it out. I got some from home depot and it was near the end of the spool so it has a really sharp curve to it. Its 1 inch diameter clear tubing, 3 feet long. I have tried bending it the oppistite direction of the curve. I also put it in a tub of very hot water hoping that would soften it up and then i could bend it into shape, but that really didnt help that much. One other thought i had has attaching with zip ties to a dowel rod or something, and after letting it set for awhile it would straighten on its own. Cant think of anything else, and cant find answer anywhere else either. Any Help??? Thanks, -Steve
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