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Everything posted by gmerek2

  1. You going to run GFO? It really helps prevent. I quit in my tank as an experiment. What little GHA I had started to come back right away. Ill never do that again.
  2. Glad you are back! Good to see a moco reefer! I'm sure you will find less issues with bio load & algae in the larger tank. Just under stock it with fish and over stock skimmer. Its a lot easier to prevent the algae than get rid of. That tank is amazing I'm jealous!
  3. My tank uses roughly 700 watts. Calculated to about 35$ a month in electric charges give or take a few.I have a digital electricity usage monitor. Reads out watts. My reef octopus nwb250 was the biggest hog at 200 watts and both my pumps (mag9.5) rang In at around 150 each. I have a 125 gallon system. Just food for thought. The money this thing costs me is a lot. But I have the extra money and its worth every penny. Just food for thought and thought it was interesting.......
  4. Wow tough call! I would try to dremmel it out then chip the rock when dremel cant go farther. Let us know how it goes.
  5. I have a feeling I would get an empty bottle and an intoxicated moderator to deal with. Oh well payback is a stinker. What fire dept you work for? I'm paid in Montgomery county.
  6. Yup mine are both in the elbow. I thought it was a small leak before this thread LMBO. I don't think my splashes get to anything so I'm just going to keep them open so I can openly see the water flowing when I decide to check for function.
  7. Yea pics would be nice . And oh it's also customary on here to mail me a gift of baileys when you first join
  8. Thanks for the info guys. Mine are drilled in the overflow area but not below water line. Squirting down into the water. Not easy to reach for me or snails. Definitely could see algae and stuff clogging them over time.
  9. Oh so the siphon break is not built into the tank? It's something I have to add? Where should I drill the hole?
  10. . Do I absolutely have to have a one way valve on my return pump line? I'm wondering if there is a siphon break in my return lines so I can take it off. All I would have to worry about is the water in my lines draining out if there is a siphon break. The reason why I would want to take it off is to increase flow. You lose GPH with it and I have space in sump for lines to drain. Thanks wamas!
  11. We are their God. Food pours from the sky when we are around and we decide when to bless them with good care and a bigger tank
  12. Here is a pod video of my refugium. Week 3 and its crawling with pods everywhere them suckers reproduce quick. I built this 30g refugium for under 100$ I can do a build thread if interested. Helped out water quality a lot!
  13. Thanks it probably helped me minimally i saw a bunch more coraline algae growth with the lighting but its export is minimal. I focused on export. The refugium, beefed up skimmer and aging is what I now believe got my nitrates undetectable. I have not changed feeding habits. My nitrates were as high as 80ppm. Is live rock only live with lighting? I don't need more but if he adds more can it help with water quality?
  14. So a tank fully lighted won't have more nutrient export than a Half lit tank? Algae grows in healthy tanks right? I use tangs crabs and snails to keep it under control and in refugium grows freely. Older tanks don't have more nutrient export? Just trying to learn. I understand that food is creating more free nutrients to break down into nitrate eventually but that was already stated.
  15. Your tank is somewhat new. The older it gets, the more "stuff" that grows to help lower nitrates. Microscopic bacteria. Algae on rocks, sand etc Others please help or correct me if I'm wrong I'm new too. The older my tank gets the more my nitrates go down they are finally 0. I did it with mainly PATIENCE with aging, more lighting to get dark spots growing algae, water changes and adding a nice sized refugium. Until 6 months from now.....you must do 20% water changes frequently no slacking. There is no other POSSIBLE way to reduce until your tank is aged like a fine wine. Wish I could speed aging of wine or fish tanks I'd be rich. I'm not yelling the capital letters are for importantce the other suggestions are also great i wont repeat. +2 love this site
  16. had this happen also. Check air intake and also water intake pressed up against glass restricting flow.
  17. Darn. I enjoyed its company. Time to die!
  18. This has been in my tank awhile. Hasn't split or given any problems. What is it??!!
  19. Let us know if there is any change in coral growth or algae difference!
  20. wow neat thanks for replying. Didn't realize they do that. I must have some Big boys that hide
  21. In Ohio we called them crawdads. That sure was a beautyrester! Welcome to the hobby and WAMAS how did you hear about us? Where are you located?
  22. 1ppm and rising quickly is very very serious. Get it to 0 or get her out of there or that fish won't be eating at all soon laying on side.
  23. I dont even like the coloring of them lol. Id offer $5
  24. Get your sniffer checked. Thats poop in there and it stinks!
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