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Kevin Garrison

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Everything posted by Kevin Garrison

  1. We had a great time Johnny, thanks for doing this for the group. The fish are acclimated and doing great, though Michele's anthias is hiding. Great prices and a good time appeared to be had by all, the putting contest was fun, I'm amazed I won beings my handicap is playing golf. Kevin, Michele & Alexander
  2. Congratulations Phil, I'm glad to hear the wife and baby are doing well. Your son's birthday is 10 days after mine, may he bring you and your wife many years of joy and happiness. May he be happy, healthy and successful his entire life.
  3. James if I could find the cash you bet I would, I've wanted one of them for a while. However with the current water temp issue I have, I would be afraid to add it. Kevin
  4. May be upscale... but I'm inclined to agree with the roadtrip concept...
  5. I won't be back in town until late Thursday, not sure yet if my boss is going to insist on me going to work on Friday or not yet, but I am sure I have some pieces to help you out also. And I'm nbot that far from you
  6. I have, here is a link to help you start planning. http://www.fishandtips.com/index.php This was posted by another member a while back and I find it very helpful.
  7. I do indeed, I'll be bringing my table saw up from Danville within the next week, I have a mitre saw and any # of other power toys.
  8. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/...81021094006.htm My wife sent this link to me, I thought I'd share.
  9. Hi Chris, I'm in NJ doing some training for my job, but I'll be glad to give you a hand when I get back. Kevin
  10. Cool site, I can think of a few uses for those and beings I just moved and have to re-plumb everything, I think I will make good use of them. Thanks for the link Mark!
  11. Bob, Michele said to find a way to get a container with ammonia up inside (preferably without spilling it into the tank ) She said the smell should irritate the wasp enough to drive it out.... THEN SMASH THE BUGGER!!!!! Kevin
  12. I love chalices, mine died in the move, so for now that is that, I've migrated the 75 fish only into the 6' 150 tank and I'm starting my reef over beings nearly everything died. I have a duncan frag left, some leathers and a few zoos, even my armor of gods are gone which was the first zoo I got to successfully start growing. To quote James "sometimes this hobby really sucks".
  13. I've observed several of my fish doing this, basically think of it as arranging your home. He wants it the way he wants it and is going to keep doing it until you leave it the way he wants it. You want your home just so, so does the damsel.
  14. Count me in, that's far enough off that I can make it. As my standard answer states, my handicap is playing golf. But I have occasionally been known to get closest to the pin at my church outting sponsored by my dad's church.
  15. I am sorry you had the fire that delayed being able to home things, which caused them to stay in the bag longer and likely causing the death of the animals. However having spoken with Christina the part of this that is not being told is that when you reported it to Paypal, after she agreed to refund, you tied her hands until paypal finished their investigation. So where you are saying she reniged on her promise to refund, you actually took her ability to refund away. In the end you got what you wanted with was a refund, be happy and go your seperate ways. I've never had a problem with Christina and will buy product from her again. I'm tired of seeing vendors getting abused and the whole story not being told. When there was a problem with my last group buy and some of the items were either missing or doa, she readily replaced the doa items and missing items. Even the items that were doa because UPS dropped one of the boxes and crushed the box, breaking the styrofoam inside and popping several bags. That was not her fault, yet she replaced the items. There are always good and bad experiences with all vendors, even LFS (though I've not had any with our LFS personally).
  16. I was there when the stock came in, John has some amazing fish in. John I'll be back down later today.
  17. Well, in the case of the 75 I cut out and scraped the inside sealant so all the inside surfaces were cleaned. Then I started with the bottom seams and ran a bead along one seam and used a tongue depressor to make a nice seam. You can also get various tools at Lowe's and Home Depot to give it a nice seam. Once you have the bottom seams done, use the same process on the side seams. Mine dried for 24hrs and held water with no leaks and no issues well over a year and a half later. In your situation where a seam is leaking, you may want to cut just that piece of glass out and run a new bead between the panes and then use the inside procedure. If you want a hand, I'll be glad to come down and give you a hand.
  18. I've successfully resealed several tanks, completely resealed my 75g, resealed a 55 for a friend. Currently in process of resealing a 54g corner tank and a 120g (migrating the 75 into it afterwards). There were others of various sizes, just never done anything over the 75, but I doubt it would be any different.
  19. Nope, they get very defensive of their territory! I have one, I know.
  20. Wish I could John, but cash is a tad on the tight side at the moment. I'll be down to check out the frag tanks hopefully soon though.
  21. mushrooms and chalices and acros... oh my... specifically those chalices....
  22. Add my name to the frag list... sure I'm way down on the list... but that's NICE
  23. Bob that is simply beautiful, I don't have the tools or the skills to do that and I definitely can't afford you (much to my dismay).
  24. Steve, If Johnny is still holding one for you, I can meet you there on Sunday and we can get it back to your place with my van. Kevin
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