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Kevin Garrison

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Everything posted by Kevin Garrison

  1. The wife and I have been through some rough times of late financially. On more than one occasion I have been considering leaving the hobby. On those nights when it hits me the hardest I start looking in my tanks for the reason I got in to this hobby. This is Jake, he was named by my son Alexander. Jake is a Golden Moray eel and he's about 14" long. Alexander loves eels and this one is especially cool because he's on the rarer side. Jake is one of the few reasons I find to stay in this hobby right now when I look in my tanks. Hope you all like him as much as we do. Thanks for looking, Kevin
  2. Okay, so I'll give it a shot, I had a better pic but the stupid CF card started having problems. Here is my new baby!!! Submitted by: Kevin Garrison Locataion: my 75g tank Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5000 (best I have) Subject: Golden Moray Eel
  3. If combinging the plumbing on the tanks, which is a good idea, is the route that is decided on. I will be happy to lend a hand doing the plumbing work as long as someone else does the drilling I haven't drilled a tank yet, I'd rather not experiment on someone else's tanks and especially not these tanks. Again I say to all those pitching in, donating and offering to help host an event I say bless you all. As a cancer survivor I can honestly say you are an amazing group of people and I am proud to be part of the group.
  4. Don't know with how or what, but count me in. I will recommend beings I didn't see it mentioned, replacing the Coralife dual timer ASAP. From personal experience with 12" flames coming off one, they are a danger to anyone and everyone. I am a cancer survivor, I know what a treatment room looks like. When I was done with my chemo treatments I would have nightmares that I woke up from where I could still feel them putting the chemo needle into my arm and the chemicals going into my system. To all of you offering to help, bless you all, you are wonderful people.
  5. Clyde, if you decide you are serious about getting rid of him, let me know. I got my son one a while back and he disappeared, I have a "bully" tank with a 4" jewel damsel and a picasso trigger that will keep him in his place. Kevin
  6. Welcome to the officially paid ranks of the WAMASers
  7. Happy Thanksgiving to all from the Garrison family, may it be safe, calm and restful for all as we reflect on the things we are thankful for in the past year.
  8. Not sure what happened after the upgrade, but I can't get onto the boards from my treo anymore. Not sure if there is anything that can be done about it, but figured I'd say something. Kevin
  9. Your tank looks great, someday hopefully I can get mine looking that good!!
  10. Congrats, cool looking goby, always good to find things you thought were dead. I'm going through that right now with my pearly jaws, no sign of them in over a week.
  11. I've seen it, it's nice, if I had the cash I'd be all over it and scrap the 4' 150 I have to replace the bottom in...
  12. I think he means "Share the Wealth And Propagate"
  13. My answer to that would be no... you'd get busted in customs for it. Other than that have a GREAT trip.
  14. Where is this place? Would you like company to go back there? I'll dig out my duster and go with you. Something about 6'4", 295Lbs and a duster tends to make people notice and play nicer. Oh... and I'll wear a 3 piece suit under the coat, pin stripe... make myself look like a lawyer type with an attitude...
  15. It's not flatworms, almost looks like a small mushroom of some sort, but I've never seen one like it.
  16. Available at most PetCo stores.
  17. I have a digital one, it never got put back into service after the move to Chantilly, I was referring to the ones on the internet as far as the others. Seems this is a constant problem that originally started with the timer not turning and overheating.
  18. I didn't see any evidence of water, no wet spots on the wood, etc, so I can only assume it, like the others before it, just fried.
  19. Well so far the good news is that it did not fry my pc fixture. plugs are replaced and all 4 lights work... well all 4 plugs work, I lost a bulb.
  20. Outdoor rated equipment that will hold up to rain. So here's the aftermath, lovely, isn't it??
  21. It's not the decent that matters, it's the sudden stop at the end and for the record for those that don't know me I'm 6' 4" and can definitely stand to lose a fair share of weight, no picking on the big guys... we hurt when we land on you!
  22. No injuries other than her stress level which makes her fibromyalgia worse for the wear. I did send an email to the mfg, I am also planning on calling them. Where it goes from there is up to them and the answers they give me.
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