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Two tanks, One room


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Still jealous…. 


Don't be, think about all those instant frags :)

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Have you seen this?



Figured you could fully automate your set up lol


That's pretty wicked! It's weird that you posted that.


My best friend and I are looking at making levers out of Arduino, with many different capabilities, however, this is already cheaper and kickstarter worthy on my end! Thanks for sharing!

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Well, I've just come up on over a year with WAMAS. I started with a 14 gallon Biocube. In post #46 Jimlin changed the history of my build threads forever, and decided to document everything through here. Memory lane can also be walked through via my biocube build, and this current thread, which was my 57 and now this 150.


Lets take a walk down memory lane quickly with pictures:












There was more in between, but they came and went, or got torn down for some reason or another. I've dealt with all sorts of problems over the past year, and had many successes, both in my hobby, and personal life as well. I've also met some wicked cool people on here, and received support and help through so many. Some I've never met face to face, others I see what feels like close to every weekend. So if you're reading this, you're probably one of those people, THANK YOU!


So I took some snaps today, and I've decided that I'm going to keep doing water changes to bring my dkH up. I dosed a small amount of baking soda, and I have what I need for calc and alk, but Rob proved a great point, that I can tell my consumption without magically hitting a number first. I finally shelled out and picked up some Salifert test kits for calcium and magnesium. I also picked up a ULR phosphorus checker (I'm off the charts... no really) but that's OK with me, not being ultra low :)


dkH: 7.28 (130)

Magnesium: 1440

Calcium: 490

ULR Phosphorus: 106


Still have an algae bloom on my back wall, and I had some red slime, which I've not seen since I first started. I did a water change and it cleared up, although I've noticed more bubble algae, and hair algae (not huge amounts) popping up in random places. My TDS was reading at about 4, so I've ordered all new filters for my Typhoon III. A few water changes after replacing should get me back to normal. Everything is growing nicely, and I recently acquired some aiptasia X, so I'll be blasting those little buggers tomorrow!


Lets wrap up the year with some pictures from today:






The scoly on the right is being nursed back to health (I hope) it is my first attempt and trying to bring something back, I've already noticed it's skin is growing over the skeleton in just the past week, so hopefully I'll be able to turn this into the master scoly is should be!



This was my first scoly from ERC, one of my favorite pieces for sure:



I bought this war coral during frag fest. It's over the plug, and probably doubled in size if not tripled, I enjoy watching this grow:



I decided I didn't like acans, then I did, so I threw a bunch in my tank:







I cant get this miyagi color via photo, but it's a beautiful green!



I thought this was a cool shot as well:





New comer, awesome personality:





Melanurus, you're so cool!



everyone but the clowns:



Some Zoas



without the blues:



the single polyp was sold to me as "rainbow" zoa. The palys above are called "vivid rainbows." I will see once it get's bigger if it matches:



I have been battling with what I think is bryopsis on my one frag rack. After countless hydrogen peroxide dips, I finally used a toothbrush, and it seems to have taken care of the trick. The zoas are pretty resilient, and have all opened back up again, or are starting to. When they get to my zoa garden, they will be ready to grow out nicely:






Zoa garden:





Flower Petal Monti, growing bigger quickly:



I have fragged this green monti out for several WAMAS members, and it still is growing extremely quickly:



A slow grower, reeftek starburst monti, I've not had many pictures to document growth, but it's slow:



Aussie elegance, also growing quickly:



Resident Urchin:



Birds of paradise:



Blue Staghorn of some sort. This is from Fazio, about half a year ago, same with the BOP, and didn't take off till the 150:







I am trying to grow the mangroves out of my overflows, now that the mantis is in the sump, this way they can get the light they need. They started with all leaves, and I'll brought them all to deaths door, and some back again, see how they do up there (so far so good)





My view from the couch:



Thanks for following along all year, and if you're still reading this and haven't just skipped through and looked at the pictures, good for you as well! Here's to another year, hopefully just as good, if not better!






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congrats and thanks for the share. this was a great post!


Thanks for following along, and for all your help this year!

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Wow, I still remember the day you won the RO/DI unit from the raffle. Cant wait to see your next upgrade haha.

ha ha and the TANK!!!


Isaac...what can I say...you have grown so much in this hobby in  a year...you are doing such a great job and have been challenged with virtually everything a tank can throw at you and you stayed the course and researched and overcame it or will.


Great job my friend! I can't see what the new year brings for you here

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You had a busy year. Your tank looks great. Now you can just sit back and enjoy the tank. Moving tanks is stressful.


Busy indeed. It's like I can't stop until it's jam packed! I'm working on my fish list now, it's taking some turns from what I originally planned. As the corals grow, I will thin out the herd, so to speak, and make room for the ones I enjoy.


Wow, I still remember the day you won the RO/DI unit from the raffle. Cant wait to see your next upgrade haha.


It feels like just yesterday, it almost was! I hardly knew what an RO/DI was when I won it, lol!


That's amazing.  I would have never known you've only been here for a year.  Is that in WAMAS or in the hobby?  You took the fast track!


I passed go and collected $200 (and promptly spent it on lights, skimmer, top offs, sumps, testing equipment, more corals, ok, this list could get long.) Just the hobby, once I put my mind to something, I get in it!


ha ha and the TANK!!!


Isaac...what can I say...you have grown so much in this hobby in  a year...you are doing such a great job and have been challenged with virtually everything a tank can throw at you and you stayed the course and researched and overcame it or will.


Great job my friend! I can't see what the new year brings for you here


And the tank, a blessing and a burden. Thanks for the kind words, I'm slowly learning how a calcium reactor works, that will be my next big endeavor (I know I'm a ways off, can start saving now...) When I look over, I'm content. And by content I mean let me get my fish in there!


Great job Isaac, tank looks amazing, how are the frags doing?


Thanks Frank! The frags are doing well, the Superman Milli has actually grown some. I think the other one was a Rainbow Granulosa, which had some trouble with my tank params. It browned out, but is quickly showing lime green at the base, and should be back to perfection in no time. Please correct me if I'm wrong and it wasn't the Rainbow Granulosa, I'm trying to keep track of all my corals and who they came from!

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Looking awesome. Thank for all the pics and the inspiration.

Thank YOU! You've been super helpful on my short trip thus far. Stop on by and start picking out some frags for when you're ready!

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nice issac! hey i have three frags for you, i only ask that you hook me up when i get back to DC. yellow tenius, joe the coral, and cali tort. hit me up ! i am also excited that my tank is at .04 phosphate!

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nice issac! hey i have three frags for you, i only ask that you hook me up when i get back to DC. yellow tenius, joe the coral, and cali tort. hit me up ! i am also excited that my tank is at .04 phosphate!


Like I talked with you about man, frags wont be hard to get to you where you are going!

I've got that cord for you, I'll call you tomorrow if you're around about switching off. I'm really wishing I had space for a frag grow out tank, eh, the racks are working for now!

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I wanted to share one of the sickest additions I've had in a long time.



It doesn't look like much under the whites (regular cool acan, but under the blues, just wow. I edited the photo to get it as close to what it actually looks like, as I'm having a really hard time getting a shot. I would venture to say it's nicer in real time, a big thanks to ERC:




Same edit on this picture, also a frag of zoas I got from ERC as well, no idea what they are, but they are nice in the whites, and beautiful in the blues, they are a bright blood red, with black stripes pinwheeling around:



I've also wrassed proof my tank, or so I hope, with some pretty big updates coming in the next couple of days here.

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i know you love your epoxy and thought of you when i saw this today:


You've changed my life, now I can epoxy EVERYTHING! Thanks for sharing, you know me well!



He looks so uncomfortable trying to be more personable, but I love it!  The effort shows, and that's what matters most.


Nice acans!


I'm sold, I love me some epoxy, something that doesn't drive my skimmer batty for days, I can't believe it's not butter.


Thanks, that's true to how it looks under the blues, I wish I could have shown it without editing.

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Think your going to stay with the same tank for a whole year now? The roll your on your going to be rivaling Steve with howmofte you upgrade and change....

Edited by smallreef
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Nice pictures Isaac. I am glad you posted the "walk down memory lane".  Looking forward to seeing this tank mature through 2014!


Thanks! There were some I didn't include in there, but they are in my old builds, I put in the important ones! I look forward to watching it go as well! I feel like a little kid watching my SPS grow, it takes so long!


Think your going to stay with the same tank for a whole year now? The roll your on your going to be rivaling Steve with howmofte you upgrade and change....


I like to think so, Kim. I'm kind of stuck with this one, and here is my logic. This is as big as I could have gone without my fiance killing me. If I ever go missing, it's because I tried to convince her I needed a 180. I have planned the scape and corals according to the dimensions, no sense in making things harder on me. I also really want to let things mature, I'm seeing amazing growth, and I constantly have to remind myself that my tank is still very young, I like the results I'm getting, and I don't want to keep switching things around (ie. tanks) and never seeing anything grow to it's max potential.


If I ever change tanks, the 150 will be paid forward again, I have decided that much.


I have some really big, and very exciting plans in the future. Even over the past couple of weeks I've had some really nice changes and surprises, I will write up a post and share pictures once I make sure everything is the way I want it! My Copperband started eating mysis instead of pods yesterday, which is a huge deal for me!

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