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Life! Be in it!


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I am a kind of private guy... but WAMAS has been important to me for several years now - and when you have an experience like I am having, I think this group of friends is just who I would want to tell.


Two weeks ago, I was diagnosed with a large brain lesion, and given a year to live... some to all of it paralyzed on my right side.


Cancer doc thought it looked operable and sent me to Dr. Watson, who agreed. On Wednesday, Dr. Watson spent 3 grueling, exacting hours inside my brain, removing every trace of that tumor.


Expectation was weeks to months of rehab, to repair the inadvertent damage done by the surgery, to allow me to walk and use my right arm properly, etc.


Two days later, I left the hospital - walking, but with assistance. This evening, 4 days after surgery, I had dinner with friends at the cheesecake factory. And I walked in on my own two feet. It wasn't ballet, but it was walking! I may have dropped my fork once or twice - but nobody noticed.


With radiation therapy, there is no good reason I might not be a WAMAS member another 20 years (that I am aware of yet).


So the morals of the story... and why tell one without them?


1. That geeky kid that spends 10 years of his life, and borrows a half a million dollars so he can become a brain surgeon? If I won the lottery, I'd put a half-dozen of them through school. They take the largest risks, and the reward is saving other people's lives.


2. When things look the darkest - sometimes the sun breaks out with a vengeance. I have found true 'friends in need' popping out of the woodwork! I even had a facebook friend light a candle for me in the 2nd smallest church in Ireland. She says 'those candles really work!' Something did!


3. IMPORTANT is SUCH a relative term. Save it for the important stuff!!


4. Wake up every day happy, and try to pass it on!


Thanks so much to my WAMAS friends for their support during these miraculous weeks!



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A very good friend of mine was diagnosed with brain cancer several years ago. The tumor was a branching type and had grown quite large before being noticed. She was given months to live and the option of a surgery that would either kill her or perhaps extend her life by a few months. Surgery took many hours with friends and family worrying the whole time. She recovered fully and is alive and well today--with no signs of cancer.


While I'm saddened to hear what you have been going through, I'm very happy to hear that you are doing well and I hope you are around another 40 years (why settle for 20?) to continue telling everyone that life is worth living and worth fighting for! You and your attitude are an inspiration to everyone who knows you!


--The other Bob


P.S. I still have your blue storage barrel, the one you left here about three years ago after the frag fest. Let me know when you want it!

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It's amazing what modern science is able to accomplish.


Your attitude is a great outlook on life. I hope that your recovery continues the path it is on. You will be an inspiration to a lot of people who have less challenging roads to face.


Best wishes on a speedy and full recovery.

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Thank you for sharing with the club.... I've only met you twice, but I could tell you had a passion for the hobby. Speedy recovery!

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Whenever someone feels like they have too much to bear that person should read this thread.


Thank you for sharing.

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I hope you continue with a solid, speedy recovery. I think I speak for all the members when I say we will keep you in our thoughts and our fingers crossed for you.


Thanks for sharing your story.



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I am a kind of private guy... but WAMAS has been important to me for several years now - and when you have an experience like I am having, I think this group of friends is just who I would want to tell.


Two weeks ago, I was diagnosed with a large brain lesion, and given a year to live... some to all of it paralyzed on my right side.


Cancer doc thought it looked operable and sent me to Dr. Watson, who agreed. On Wednesday, Dr. Watson spent 3 grueling, exacting hours inside my brain, removing every trace of that tumor.


Expectation was weeks to months of rehab, to repair the inadvertent damage done by the surgery, to allow me to walk and use my right arm properly, etc.


Two days later, I left the hospital - walking, but with assistance. This evening, 4 days after surgery, I had dinner with friends at the cheesecake factory. And I walked in on my own two feet. It wasn't ballet, but it was walking! I may have dropped my fork once or twice - but nobody noticed.


With radiation therapy, there is no good reason I might not be a WAMAS member another 20 years (that I am aware of yet).


So the morals of the story... and why tell one without them?


1. That geeky kid that spends 10 years of his life, and borrows a half a million dollars so he can become a brain surgeon? If I won the lottery, I'd put a half-dozen of them through school. They take the largest risks, and the reward is saving other people's lives.


2. When things look the darkest - sometimes the sun breaks out with a vengeance. I have found true 'friends in need' popping out of the woodwork! I even had a facebook friend light a candle for me in the 2nd smallest church in Ireland. She says 'those candles really work!' Something did!


3. IMPORTANT is SUCH a relative term. Save it for the important stuff!!


4. Wake up every day happy, and try to pass it on!


Thanks so much to my WAMAS friends for their support during these miraculous weeks!





thos four rules/guidelines would make everyone a better person if they would see what IS really worth it. I am glad youre doing better and came out with very positive outlook.... that seems like true wisdom, at least to me. Thanks for sharing Bob



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Thank you for lettting us know, Bob. God's speed in your recovery. If there's anything I can do to help, please do not hesitate to ask. Don't ever give up! Don't ever give in! You are awesome!!! When you walk through a storm

Hold your head up high

And don't be afraid of the dark

At the end of the storm

Is a golden sky

And the sweet silver song of a lark


Walk on through the wind

Walk on through the rain

Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown

Walk on, walk on

With hope in your heart

And you'll never walk alone

You'll never walk alone

You'll Never Walk Alone - by Rogers and Hammerstein








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Reading this gave me chills. It really is amazing just how quickly and with what magnitude everything can change. Great, positive outlook! I am very happy for you that things look on the up and up.



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Your opening sentences filled me with dread, Bob. I've lost three friends, two of them like family, to brain cancer in the last five years - high stage glioblastomas.


It's about time someone kicked its butt.


Thanks for sharing, and for thinking enough of our little community to do so. May you greet every sunrise with vigor and a thankful heart.

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Very glad to hear it went the right way, Bob.


I almost lost my wife to cancer several years ago, and have lost too many friends and relatives recently. It really does change your outlook.

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Great to hear you're beating it! I lost a close friend to brain cancer several years ago. He was supposed to last just a couple months but made it over a year. Anytime above ground is good time.



Leep up your good spirits!

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Bob, I am glad your surgery went excellent and that you are feeling great, cancer is such a terrible disease. You are also a valued asset to this forum, loosing you is not an option anyone here can cope with, so please keep us updated and stay in great spirits, because your fish, corals, friends, family and WAMAS needs you.

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Like Tom, I was terrified when i read the first couple sentences of your post. Good to hear that things are moving along well!

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I am glad everything has made a great turnaround. It was your positive thinking and determination that helped with your speedy recovery. Good luck and may god be with you. :)

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So thankful to hear everything is looking better. Those opening lines were pretty ominous. Best wishes for many more enjoyable and fruitful years!



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Sorry to hear about your unfortunate situation Bob but I am glad you have recovered beeter than expected by doctors. I hope you continue with your speedy recovery and go on to living a long and happy life.

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Thank you for charing this beautiful and powerful story with lost of word of wisdom. I am very happy to hear that you are doing well. God is great and miracles do happen. All you have to do it have faith. We still have faith and pray everyday and please you do the same. My Aunt is going through the same but unfortunaely the Cancer Doc has said too late. This was one year ago and they stopped Kimo and said it cannot be operated. Said let her live her few months (6 per say) in happiness and with family rather than going through the pain of Kimo. She is still alive. Not getting better but it has been over 6 months and over a year. So our faith in God is still strong that she has lived longer than expected. We belive she will be blessed and we will see a miracle. Sorry did not want to take the glory and happiness of this post but just wanted to share the power of faith, it does not matter where you stand in life you should keep fighting and never give up till God himself says it is time.


I am very happy for you and God Bless you and your family.


I love this club, you guys are the best.

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