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Everything posted by CaptainRon

  1. I've never used that heater brand - only the Ehiem Jagers. That being said, I'd think about getting a slightly smaller heater and getting two of them rather than one large one.
  2. I picked up a trio of Banggai Cardinals from BRK yesterday. I've only had them one other time so don't really know a lot about how they act. I got three of them at the recommendation of John and based on what I've ready in the past. I've always heard both that they will do well in groups and also that they'll go highlander unless you get a pair that gets on well. Well with having a trio, I was hopeful that I'd see two of them pair off. Not being sure what to expect, I'm not sure if it's possible that they could have paired off already. The three of them have only been in the tank since yesterday afternoon and by yesterday evening it looked like two of them may have paired up. All day today there's been two of them together and one by himself at the other end of the tank. I put them all in my frag tank so that I could relatively easily make some fish moves if needed. Is it really possible that these two guys have paired off already? If so, I'll grab those two and put them in the display. Thoughts? Thanks!
  3. "Small Room, Big Tank, Patient Wife" Or, substitute tolerant for patient lol Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk
  4. Thanks again for putting the lobo and gift cards up for raffle John! Lobo is looking awesome in the tank already.
  5. I had a starry blenny once - biggest a-hole fish I ever saw! My poor kole tang had bit marks all over him for a while. I recently saw a little midas blenny going after other fish in a store too. I think blennys are like mean cheerleaders. Nice to look at but big jerks!
  6. Well I can't get the link to work on my tablet, but it's the mag float with a built in replaceable scraper.
  7. I have one of these and it tore through coralline on my glass. They make smaller sizes too. http://www.marinedepot.com/Mag_Float_Scraper_Magnet_Cleaner_(Glass)_Large_(3_4_Inch_20mm)_Floating_Algae_Magnets-Mag_Float-MF00400-FIMTAMCMFM-vi.html
  8. Thanks for putting up some great items at the raffle John. I won that awesome lobo AND a gift certificate! I'll see you next Saturday!
  9. Huh... Couldn't watch in on the computer, won't D/L on my phone.
  10. I agree with John - Green Star Polyps and Bristle Worms. The Bristle Worms are fine to leave in there - they eat detritus. Just don't touch them! Darn bristles are like a fuzzy cactus.
  11. In the past, I've kept drilling until the sound started getting a little louder then covered the hole with tape.
  12. Add a 1/4 turn or so past finger tight and see if that fixes your leak.
  13. I was fortunate enough to win one of the gift certificates at the meeting today! Thanks so much for making the donations John. It's very appreciated Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
  14. Looking great as always Chris Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
  15. Thanks for the input guys. I have it in a separate container that's in the tank right now. Hopefully I can keep it around - I think it'll be fun to see what I end up with, even if it does turn out to be an aiptasia lol.
  16. In that case I'd take the same advise that Marco gave me - use thread dope rather than the Teflon tape - seems to work much better with less stress on the parts.
  17. Are they the bulkheads that have a built in barb fitting? They're notorious for failure.
  18. I'm a mass murderer. If one happens to get on my hand as I'm turning the sock inside out, back in the tank it goes. Otherwise, they're getting washed!
  19. Thanks! I think the fish is what makes this so much fun for me. Love the corals, but a tank full of corals isn't as much fun as a tank full of fish! I discovered wrasses how much fun a tank full of wrasses could be at Chris Tran's house a year or two ago and have slowly been building up a nice little group in there. I think I still have room for more - just need to do some more research to see what I might like yet!
  20. Good luck with the build! Should be fun to do.
  21. Thanks Marco. Everytime I get into the frag tank I have drips and spills on the floor. And with ALL the electronics in front and on the floor... it was a little worrisome! It feels MUCH better to get it up and out of the way. Nothing special for cord management - I didn't make the stickers behind the panel thick enough to get a plug behind it so everything is stil in front of the pannel. All I've done so far, and I more than likely won't do anything else, is just put a zip-tie around that mass of cables that in the lower-left of the photo. I then put another zip-tie to the first one and put a screw in the panel to hold all those cables up and out of the way. You can see there's a little access door just under the panel so I needed to make sure that was easy to get into (under-stair storage). The MP40's are on the main display on the other side of that wall. However I do have a pair of MP10's on the frag tank - there was enough cable to go behind the frag tank to the left hand controller up top. The panel is 36" wide so there's definately room to run them a good ways, thankfully! I agree with you, definatley wanted to keep all the electronics in one location.
  22. No tank update this week, but I did get my rats nest of wires... not cleaned up exactly, but relocated! At least the sump area looks much cleaner than having all those wires in front of the frag tank and sump. Not perfect, but I like it quite a bit! (And so does my wife )
  23. So saw this front and center on the glass this morning. It's sitting in a contain in the frag tank now - can toss it if it's a known baddie or let it grow for a little while in the container and see what the heck it turns into! I suppose it could be a tiny RBTA transfered from my Dad's tank. It seems to stick pretty quickly - I took the pictures and by the time I walked back to the frag tank to transfer it to a different container, it was sticking by the foot already. Anyway, here's the photos...
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