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WAMAS Teacher Member
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Everything posted by gastone

  1. http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.p...threadid=282136
  2. What are you planning on keeping in that tank? Corals, fish, bio-load in general... Garrett.
  3. Dave, I've got a 55 taking up space in my back yard if you or Doug would like it. Not drilled, not too molested, no pics. Garrett.
  4. I disguise myself when I come in. Real incognito like. I'm batman.
  5. Jeff, do you have any concerns with the tank being adjacent to those double doors? Garrett.
  6. I look forward to it. It looks sharp already.
  7. Yauger, that's a nice looking tank. That intake for the CL scares me. Seems to be that it will be easy to clog, have debris fall into. Can you fit another pipe into your overflow box? Maybe plumb the intake for the CL directly into the side of the box. Garrett.
  8. another 7 cents towards my watermelon challice fund.
  9. Bob, I looked and didn't see a wavysea sponsor forum either. They may have pulled it as they didn't have time to oversee it. Garrett.
  10. Don't thank me unless it works. Garrett.
  11. Hey guys, did you get a chance to try firing the ballast? Garrett.
  12. Lance, IMO caulerpa is not the way to go. Although it functions well inre to nutrient consumption, it can be extremely invasive if it gets into your display. I would prefer chaeto only. Most people would probably tell you a mix is best, and I would agree that diversity probably is best. But if you every transfer anything between fuge and display, the caulerpa can catch hold and it is a nightmare to eradicate IMO. BTW, I have both in my fuge. Garrett.
  13. Do you have the ballast, harness, endcaps, lamps, and diagram? If so I can try to help. Garrett.
  14. Then I will bring you some tapetums as well. They are the modern aptasia. Garrett.
  15. Go here: http://blogs.frags.org/member.php?uid=4043 Scroll down. Garrett.
  16. Here's a better pic of the blasto wellsi polyps. Finally adjusted the white balance: Still looking for other SPS or zoanthids. Garrett.
  17. Here you go. http://www.northcoastmarines.com/icecap_la...figurations.htm
  18. Could also be that the shrimp has molted. Sometimes when this happens they will go into seclusion for a day or two as they are quite vulnerable. Have you noticed a molt laying around?
  19. IME clowns leave shrimp alone. However, hogfish are famous for eating shrimp. Garrett.
  20. Dave, I was going to bring Doug some mini tapetums. Would you like some as well? Garrett.
  21. hold on a sec... you mean they need water???
  22. Let's just say that I prefer to take my business elsewhere. Garrett.
  23. I live in Fredricksburg. For me it is easier and more cost effective to go to Petsmart. They price match their online prices. I just print out the price from their website and take it in. Sorry Johnny, if you guys were closer I would give me money to BRK. Garrett.
  24. I've got plenty of endcaps/standoffs if you need them. Garrett.
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