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Oprah Wrangler

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Everything posted by Oprah Wrangler

  1. No, I wish I had LEDs. It is a 6x T5 fixture running 3 daylight, 3 actinic, and 4 night LEDs. It also has a built in timmer so that makes it nice. I like it. Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  2. I know. I was actually done and had a few stragling supplies and tanks around the house when a coworker who's husband had a solitary clown for years in a failing system pulled the plug on him and brought me the clown. So I had to set back up. Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  3. This is my latest set up. I tried to get out of the hobby but got sucked back in. It's a 30 gallon breeder, with a hang on back filter. I do a 5 gallon water change every other day. I am having a cyanobacteria issue, but I have discovered that my RO unit needs new cartridges so they are on order. Just need to add some more life to it but its coming along. Any wamasers in the Woodbridge area unloading frags? Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  4. I won one of thier typhoon extreme systems a couple of years ago and it is amazing. I love it and have not had a need to upgrade. Congrats on the win.
  5. Thanks for taking this off my hands and I can't wait to follow along. If there is anything I can do to help, just let me know. Great to meet you Jake.
  6. The shop that is open now has no fish. They are scoping out a bay down the sidewalk a ways to run as thier aquarium store. At least thats what they told me when I was in there last week.
  7. I would love to read this. Where might I find a copy?
  8. The reviews I have read about these leds are astounding. I think I might give them a try as well.
  9. That is really creative. Question? What is the noise like on the overflow? It looks like a rather long way for the water to fall.
  10. Hello all, I am sure this is not as exciting as I feel it is but I thought I would share anyway. Tonight I decapsulated 50 grams of brine shrimp eggs and have stored them in a brine solution in the fridge. The process was rather cool and fun. Anyone who has not tried this should give it a whirl. Absolutely fascinating.
  11. You said that you got this rig from nanotuners?
  12. Thanks for the input. Do you have any pictures of your lighting set-up?
  13. LED DIY Strip I found this on ebay this morning and would love to know what the rest of the group thinks about them. Thanks in advance for your opinions and input.
  14. Thanks for your reply to my post. Have you had any personal experience with this vendor? It sounds like you might be the single voice of opposition and I am curious if that is due to experience. Thanks again.
  15. Thank you very much for the specifics of your experience with this site. As I said earlier, it is difficult to digest information from other reviews when you are unfamiliar with the character of the person leaving the review. Your input has been very helpful. I had a similar experience with reefscavengers.com, they are also out of Florida. I hope this isn't a pattern for that area. Anyway, thanks again for the information.
  16. I have read those reviews also. It can be very difficult to decipher the valid crappy reviews from the invalid crappy reviews. I trust the judgment and experience of my WAMAS family. I have found that some reviews are the by product of user error rather than bad business. I am sure that someone here has used this company before.
  17. There prices are nice and the selection is great. It is really going to make me sad if they suck. Thanks for joining in on this inquisition.
  18. Hello all, I thank you in advance for any input. I have been reading through this online store and it strikes me that most of there stock is likely wild caught. The dilemma is they have a nice variety. I don't want to support trapping and taking form the wild. What do we know about this online seller? Aquatic Connection
  19. +1...I used this method on my 75 gallon and it worked really well. The tank had a sticker on the bottom panel that said "do not drill, TEMPERED GLASS". I was unsure if it meant just the bottom or if that was the sides too. The computer screen and polorized shades was perfect. I used a glass holes kit and I love it. I t was my first time drilling.
  20. So are we feeling that this is worth it or not worth it? Does this get the wamas seal of plausability?
  21. I also went with glass-holes. It was my first time ever drilling a tank and the kit came with everything not to mention the instructional videos on the website. Drilling the tank was absolutely a piece of cake.
  22. I am considering 10% Formalin at 1ml/g for the duration of my fish QT so about six weeks. I have not made any purchases yet but I am looking for input?
  23. Merry Christmas from Springfield Emergency Animal Hospital. Keep the chocolate, raisins, grapes, wrapping paper and tinsel away from your dogs and cats today.
  24. What is the name of that mesmorizing melody playing in the background...I love it!
  25. Thanks for the info, Red Sea has come out with a new line of test kits and supplements that apppear to be well thought out.
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