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Everything posted by blaze98

  1. are they hydroids or asterinas? If they are hydroids they will go away on their own, if they are asterina they will multiply. Mine never really get out of hand, I have never had a problem with having too many unless they are coming out when the lights are out.
  2. What kind of flow do you have? I point my powerheads at the waters surface and it creates a nice wave pattern that gets rid of the layer of "stuff" I have 3 Koralia 4's in my tank though.
  3. Yes he does, that is where I picked up my b-ionic. I am not sure of the price of the jugs, but the two 32 oz. bottles of parts 1 and 2 were $19.99 together
  4. I saw some 2 part at Pristine Aquariums the other day, should be right around the corner from you.
  5. that's what it looks like to me
  6. We all know you are a great guy I don't have much faith in RC anymore after getting into it with one of the moderators. I have only had one problem with another member but you live and learn, people on the internet can be really difficult to deal with.
  7. try some Rod's food, all my fish seem to love it, even my mandarin.
  8. Wow, it looks good Rik. I wish I could have made the mini tank tour, but being an old man......I was in bed by 9 that night.
  9. I finally get to see where all those corals end up, your tank looks great.
  10. blaze98


    BRK is great, I have only been there twice but both times were an excellent experience. Sorry Ozzy for giving you a hard time yesterday
  11. that's nice.....very good work sir
  12. I believe the branching SPS are a little more prone to bleaching when they are freshly cut and the temp bothers them. I rarely have them bleach on me within one day, that normally happens when they sit in a hot UPS truck all day and the driver delivers them at 7 PM . For a one day event like the fragfest I think you will be fine with baggies and a cooler to make sure your frags don't overheat.
  13. I'm sorry I got a little confused. Are you asking how you should package the frags that you receive at the fragfest so that they make it to your home? If that is the question then I agree with Flowerseller. Simply double bag your corals and make sure that they go into the cooler with the ice blocks, you don't want them sitting around in the sun boiling in water. If you need any bags just let me know and I will bring extras to the fragfest, I have a ton of them. .
  14. Good luck with your surgery.
  15. Isn't that fishie torture? Suppose someone has smelly feet.
  16. I just spit coffee all over my monitor
  17. Me, my wife and son will be there so add 3 more
  18. I sent an email to Aquarium Specialty this morning and the owner is out of town until Monday. I was informed to resend the email inquiring about a discount on Monday, but I may just give them a call, I called this morning but didn't get an answer, I guess because the guy is gone. You can post up here if you are interested in joining in on this. Once I get a definitive answer about a discount I will start a thread in the group buy section.
  19. what kind of screen is that Chris?
  20. My wife works in West Bethesda, I am sure we can arrange some kind of pick up. I have read that as long as the tank is not very deep you can keep a clam under t-5's. I don't personally have experience with this, but I am hoping the bulb combo suggested will offer very good lighting for all types of corals
  21. I posted the same thing over at RC and the grimm reefer suggested: ATI Blue Plus UVL Super Actinic UVL Aquasun ATI Blue Plus Should look 14K ish, good PAR I think I am going to go with Aquarium Specialty for the order....now who's up for a group buy? I have already had one person approach me about doing one.....Does anyone else need bulbs? I can arrange the group buy and we will all split shipping. If there is interest, I will contact Aquarium specialty tomorrow to see about a discount.
  22. Thanks for the very informative post. I am trying to avoid having that yellow look to the tank that the 10k's give while still maintaining good growth on my corals. I am leaning towards the 2 blue plus an aqua blue, and a 75/25. I hope this will be good for growth while minimizing the yellow tint. I think I am going to check with Sean at Aquaco to see if he has the bulbs I am looking for, I don't mind paying a little more to get them in my hands quicker, besides, I love his store
  23. You think the ATI have a better color than the Geisemann? I have considered them, I saw some at Aquaco that caught my eye.
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