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Many of you have been to my house. Very few of you have seen my 'original' tank, the 24-gallon aquapod.


About every 6 months, I clear some of the algae out of it, and do a water change. Sometimes, I even kill the aiptasia. What I don't do is take pictures of it. But - as I was getting ready to start cleaning it up, I decided it actually has a certain charm of its own, so here is a 'behind the scenes' look at my 3-year-old tank.


Full Tank Shot:



I know some of you have decorator crabs... here is one of my 'decorator snails'. Note at least two distinct types of algae growing on it!



Clove polyps back in the corner:



The fish! I purchased this fish to 'cycle the tank'. 3 years later, he is still the only fish in there.



Briareum and 'Blue Xenia' (cespitularia):



A cute little colony of RED bubble algae!



This hermit has been in there the whole 3 years. Red eyestalks, and one big claw:



And last, but not least - the aiptasia garden:



Hope you enjoyed the tour!


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If you fed it more you could get those aiptasia to really take off.


I'd worry about the nitrates getting too high, and ending up with green hair algae!



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Is your water the color of green tea?


The water is crystal clear - the algae keeps it that way. For the first year or so, I kept excellent care of the tank - regular water changes, constant measurements. The Sunset Montipora that I have so much of started out in this tank. It really IS a healthy tank - it's just 'different'.



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Well, the sand is certainly clean looking - no cyano! I actually like the look of aptasia, just don't want them filling up my tank and stinging "the good stuff". Same with mojanos. If they'd limit themselves to a couple here and there I'd be happy to let them stick around and look, um, natural.

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except for the distinct possibility of the aiptasia moving to the bigger tank, this would be a great start for a refugium to another tank

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wow Bob, this tank looks almost like my tank now :( but I think I might have you beat in the size of them aiptesia which swallowed one of my peppermint shrimp this weekend that I bought brom BRK. It was an expensive feeding for these suckers. What is your plan of action on this tank?

I put 10 peppermintss, a copperband in my tank this past weekend, Copperband it not even going close to even small baby aiptesia and shrimps are no where to be found..:( so frustrated..

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a copperband in my tank this past weekend, Copperband it not even going close to even small baby aiptesia and shrimps are no where to be found..:( so frustrated..


give the copperband time....mine took a few weeks to start chowing on them...i also didnt feed my fish as much like every other day, that might of had something to do with it.

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GaryL, thanks for the advise I've actually cut down on feeding also (every other day as well), I also nuked them aiptesias with AiptesiaX which are still closed up from Sat. Keeping my fingers crossed for copperband to attack them as this is my last hope.

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GaryL, thanks for the advise I've actually cut down on feeding also (every other day as well), I also nuked them aiptesias with AiptesiaX which are still closed up from Sat. Keeping my fingers crossed for copperband to attack them as this is my last hope.


IME the peppermint shrimp do best against smaller aiptasia. Your combination of aiptasiaX/Joes Juice, peppermint shrimp, and the CBB should work over time.


Good luck,


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Reminds me of a tank I saw in a restaurant in Hawaii. Well minus the hair algea. The entire aquascape was covered in aptaisa's. It actually provided a pretty nice backdrop for the fish they had in there. We actually considered setting up a tank like that on purpose.

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Reminds me of a tank I saw in a restaurant in Hawaii. Well minus the hair algea. The entire aquascape was covered in aptaisa's. It actually provided a pretty nice backdrop for the fish they had in there. We actually considered setting up a tank like that on purpose.


If you ever decide to setup tank like that let me know..lol I'll sell you my entire rock/sand that already comes with green algea and aiptasia..:)

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