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Everything posted by pizzaguy

  1. Just my opinion and based only on the pests you have listed bryopsis no way im takimg a chance. Bubble algae i have plenty of emeralds for that. Aptasia as lomg as its not crazy bad i would cut frag off and re plug or no plug at all and i also have plenty of peppermint shrimp. Any other pest like red bugs red planaria etc absolutely no way. Again just me peraonally
  2. Got mine yesterday. They sent me 3 bottles instead of one so that was really cool
  3. I submitted on jan.27th havent seen mine
  4. Digital aquatics or pinpoint ph? Is one better then the other. Mine is two years old guess i should replace it. I have a reef keeper elite hence the reason apex probe is not a choice
  5. Dido. I got so mad I was having fellow reefers over to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong
  6. Agreed. I have 4 clams in high traffic they got used to it
  7. Only my personal opinion. I hate them they irritate my ZOA's alot
  8. So what time is the snow expected to actually start hammering down. We have maybe 3 inches so far
  9. I'm very prepared. I sure hope its gonna snow more then this... Haha
  10. Agreed. No two tanks seem to be the same and each requires different things. I was dosing po4 in my last tank and when I moved to my new tank about 8 months ago I also had to dose po4 pretty heavy actually as my corals were clearly starving to death and dying. Once I put ridiculous amounts of food grade po4 in over about a 2 month period things started to stabilize. Now I'm feeding crazy heavy to keep po4 up a little bit in my tank. At this point my coral are doing better then they ever have
  11. Mods can you change the heading to harlequin instead of sexy shrimp please
  12. Just realized I'm talking about the wrong shrimp. I meant harlequin shrimp..
  13. My torch colony is very healthy and happy. But the stalks seem to be dwindling away and heads breaking off. Is there anything that would be eating the stalks or other possibilities? I have a astronomical amount of asteria stars always on the stalks if that's a possibility
  14. Can a sexy shrimp go with a brittle star and other shrimp like cleaner and peppermint?
  15. This tank is awesome. I had the opportunity to check it out. Pics do no justice
  16. Remember the k.I.s.s. method. Don't make it more complicated then it needs to be
  17. Doesn't look like you have a ton of coral. You shouldn't have to dose anything as long as you do regular water changes.
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