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Everything posted by pizzaguy

  1. This tank is awesome. I had the opportunity to check it out. Pics do no justice
  2. Remember the k.I.s.s. method. Don't make it more complicated then it needs to be
  3. Doesn't look like you have a ton of coral. You shouldn't have to dose anything as long as you do regular water changes.
  4. IMO you need more of a bio load and feed more. That would be my best guess
  5. And your numbers are not bad. Po4 a little high but I've seen worse. Need an accurate test for that. One fish there's no waste
  6. Ever considered your corals might be starving?
  7. What's the difference between bowsers and cars they look the same to me in your pic
  8. I see far to much photo shopping nowadays. I really try hard to only buy coral in person. Have been burnt a few times
  9. Dido what Eric said. Very simple to replace but keep in mind they do a lot of work and keep the lights relatively cool compar d to a lot of t5 fixtures. And there dirt cheap to replace
  10. This is the list on the racks. I have lost some of them and honestly couldn't tell you which ones are what. Horrible pics but its all I got
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