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Everything posted by pizzaguy

  1. Cant see in the pic but mine has the green base
  2. Sounds like a good plan. Bring it up slow
  3. To each his own. Its what your willing to take a risk on. I have in the past but i also have a ton of peppermint shrimp which make quick work of any that gets in
  4. Thank you. The last few months have really stabilized my system. On the right track now.
  5. I run 4 ocean revives and a 4 bulb ati on a 200 gallon deep dimension. I get almost 300 par on the sandbed growing sps on the bottom. Actually have them turned down a good bit as it was to much for alot of the lps
  6. The real question is how much you wanna spend i believe
  7. Do you live in winchester
  8. Nothing around winchester thats for sure
  9. Lol i was thinking the same thing.. Hes only a couple miles from me as im in the process of settimg up a auto water change system
  10. Really good pricing on those sumps
  11. This system is one of the best ive seen. Almost fully automated and well planned out. Very very sweet setup
  12. Man i should really spell check or slow down. Sorry using a cell phone
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