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angel not fish

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Everything posted by angel not fish

  1. Oh my .... Its remind me the Sienfiled episode that he have had to sell his car because nothing works to take away in the valet BO .
  2. I heard the youngest ones are the hungriest.
  3. My snail have been laying eggs this last couple months and now they are in a stage that look like bird food. I can see some just "flying" in main tank but theres thousands (I believe) in sump. I took the socks out. Should I turn the skimmer out ? Something special that I want to do / add ? Fabiana
  4. Yep, when they think they are in "danger" they hide into rock cavities and eat some small pods or what they can find in there. During a storm I got 10 days without electricity, so I pack what I could and set up a tank at treesprite house. But I never could find the wrasse until 4 days later coming out off the rock. They are tough guys...
  5. http://www.seachem.com/Products/product_pages/MarineTrace.html Good explanation.
  6. If do you decide to get a setup, you can get the one advertised from fishie and sell all the sps (hard to keep) to decadence ( as he/she said in post).
  7. http://www.asseenontv.com/forearm-forklift/detail.php?p=296302&nav:Alpha+Sort I just move my tank this last weekend to change the carpet and it helped a lot. You can get it at uhaul.
  8. Submerge in vinager, let couple hours. Should I brush ? Any tip to do a good cleaning ?
  9. My yellow tang love this macro, my blue tang just eat this when nothing more available.
  10. In that basement lives couple birds, couple cats, sometimes his dog going to spend the day and a gigantic turtle lives in the back area + hundreds of fishies.
  11. They are great to deal with. I got my fishies from him, my cabinet, honest advises, trade rocks (small to larger and vice versa) coral for credit in store, he holded a coral once when my water quality was bad.
  12. I suggest the rockville pk at petco, because everyone know where it is.
  13. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/12/manatee-deaths-red-tide-algae-2013-florida_n_2856655.html?utm_hp_ref=email_share#channel=f15eccf9543df5&origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffingtonpost.com&channel_path=%2Ffacebook%2Fchannel.html%3Ffb_xd_fragment%23xd_sig%3Df3f63de8b5a2a76%26
  14. I got my peppermints from reeftopia (5 for a 72 gallons) and in a week they did a great job.
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