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angel not fish

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Everything posted by angel not fish

  1. My yellow tang is VERY smart. He swim fast in a short space moving sand around (like playing). If water parameter is not right or I forget to feed him, he comes to the glass looking at me (calling) . He observes everything around the house, when I open the front door, he goes to the tank corner to check out who is coming. He also interact with TV colors and sometimes noizes.
  2. I got mine from deep blue, you can ask your local fish store and they order for you. It has a good price.
  3. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=615894811825973&set=vb.366358090112981&type=2&theater
  4. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151690809714364&set=vb.39741899363&type=2&theater
  5. http://www.wimp.com/artisticfish/
  6. Wow. My daughter will be 21 in couple weeks too. I am imagining a fish in your tank since my baby came to this world. (long time). Congrats for being a good aquarist.
  7. Der ABT have had a 10 years old clown, and it jumped out. My foxface passed away with 5 years old My powder blue from ich with 6 years.
  8. Tropical lagoon - yes, Steve is there in the basement. If exotic aquatics is the one at north Colesville RD -Silver Spring, no, they closed like 7 years ago.
  9. I hope your fish does not rest forever in the new bed.
  10. reduce feeding + do yourself a favor and add a six line wrasse
  11. Yes Alan, lest see if your finger taste good too.(maybe like sausage)
  12. http://promar.org.br/en Must see the movie on that site.
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