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angel not fish

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Everything posted by angel not fish

  1. I am interested at non-living. E mail : Fabibonetti@aol.com
  2. Ops, dirty tank, so clams will gona like my tank .
  3. I went there last year. I got one cream angel and a month later my tank was devastated. The fish came with ich, but was much more than a regular one. I almost quit the hobby. I had to wait 8 months to be able to add a new fish, everything else died in 15 days. I took the corals in a smaller tank and added cooper in the main tank. Made water changes .... I lost every single fish I tried to add, even a clown. I don't want to be near that store.
  4. I have mine for around a year. Developed 17new heads but they are growing slow, but always.
  5. Nate, I saw at your tank, that is placed on top. Mine is at the bottom in a medium flow. I got 1 polyp and very fast grow to 17. The orange digitata you gave-me is very pretty and healthy. Thanks so much. Angel
  6. aquarium one has nice ones (rockville)
  7. I am using a natural sea water, for a while, but my nitrate is always around 40. This last weekend my skimmer pump got cough and skimmer stopped working. The nitrate jumped up and just killed my flame angel. I made a major water change mixing salt in ro water. But my mix was not that good, because a bought a safe ph, the one that is "supposed" stabilize in 8.3, so a added it a lot, thinkhing, is better more than less - is safe. When I look, my hippo blue tang (the one with ich) was gone. I check and the ph was bright purple. I added more water. At this time the salinity drop and I saw the foxface suffering. I fast added salt. Was a water - nightmare this weekend. How is the water to be done ? In a bucket and tested before added ? How long a water can be stored ? I Think my nitrate was high because of so many bacterias that comes in the natural sea water . I do have a 34g red sea max. Hey guys, remember, I am just a egg ( a broke egg) - learning.
  8. angel not fish

    fs 2017

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