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Everything posted by Sikryd

  1. Majorie Fairy Wrasse Pair $799.00 Saw these on DD and thought I would post up the info. Crazy expensive, but rare I guess.....
  2. Thanks Yep - work in progress. Those fish are just plain crazy looking. Not something we would pick up, but to each their own. +1 on the kids in the sweat shop :(
  3. +1 I do all of the above, including spirulina and nori. All of my wrasses tear the nori up like a tang, so they must like it. I think a lot of people miss the boat on QTing fish and using praziquantal and metrodianzonal to make sure any flukes or internal parasites are cleared out. Even though they may not kill a fish, they can severely impact the health, coloration, and general well being of all the specimens in our tanks.
  4. This hasn't hurt at all so far - it is kind of like getting a massage.......from He77 To each his own. The wife has some glo fish and loves them. We kept danio's and tetra's that were injected for years. I don't see a freshwater fish necessarily "feeling" that much, if anything at all. But that is just my elementary thinking on the subject. Where are the pics!?!?!!?!?!? Now on to the ink - I LOVE tat's
  5. I've never seen these before - any pictures? They sound like a royal pain - it'd be nice to know what to look out for!
  6. Better picture - still of him in the bag acclimating, but way cool colors It was HARD to get a picture, because he isn't scared at all, and was swimming in my hands and around the camera to see what it was!
  7. New fish update A buddy called last night to tell us about this Labouti they had in at HOT, and an Atlantic Tang. No Atlantic Tang, but it got the wife there to see this - she couldn't pass it up. Its 5-6" and REALLY nice looking. This is a picture at the LFS with my camera phone. I'm acclimating it in QT now.
  8. It looks like some sort of alien eye favia. Jan - Here is the Dragon Soul
  9. LOL - Use google sketch up to help see how it will look. I taught myself how to use it yesterday. It is really easy to use and REALLY helps with layout decisions. I'm getting ready to order the rock, sand, and tank this coming week I think.
  10. Someone else mentioned that on CMAS too. My tank is 5ft away from my Plasma upstairs and we don't have a problem. The basement is also 25ft x 45ft - so I think the layout may be a little decieving. If it is an issue I can always put up one of those Japanese screen things inbetween the couches. Thanks for looking out though. We're trying to think and hear all kinds of ideas so we can be sure we love it before I start building it. Framing should start next week. Ideas are welcome......
  11. Any suggestions on designing the basement are more than welcome. This is what I came up with so far though.
  12. Here is some modeling I did tonight. Its all pretty much to scale. I have a lot more stuff to add like the fireplace, t.v., some couches, ect. I kind of like modeling this so I can see if I REALLY like the layout and design before I go start building it!!!
  13. That is why I am thinking about a 60" x 30" - I didn't like the depth in your old one - too far back to reach, let alone view - UNLESS - I did a penisula tank - then I could see doing a 36" x 72" (LengthxWidth) Here is a quick rendition of the area of the basement I have been looking at putting it in. The room behind the fish tank will be a bathroom with shower. I'm still designing the basement so I'm trying to figure out the best layout as far as space, and a good viewable area for the tank. AND if and when we sell this place, I want to make sure that we aren't losing any square footage of "usuable" space due to the layout.
  14. I'll have to check into that. These are just real quick models that I am making right now while I am learning to use Sketch. I must have been asleep at the wheel. I was wondering why it looked "off" There are the dimensions I am thinking about - it keeps it in the 180g range too.
  15. I forgot the "regular" dimensions. I thougth my 125g was 30". I'm leaning towards this - 240g
  16. I am trying to design our new tank and was wondering if anyone that uses google sketch already has a model made up so I can just edit it. Here is what I have so far on my own. I'm really just trying to see what different dimensions "look" like. I'm still trying to decide on the height of the tank - I'm thinking 30" is about right. I like the look of a 3'x3'x30", but want something bigger. Any ideas? I'd like to stick in the 220g range.
  17. One of the cooler wrasses out there! Love those guys.
  18. Laura - I talked to Sean at F&F's today about ordering one from AGE. I'm still working out the dimensions, but I imagine it will be in the 180g-225g range from our discussion today and what I am looking for.
  19. I'm ordering my new tank soon. 125g is too small - depth wise, and a 300g maintanance wise. wise. Im leaning towards a 36" depth ~225-250g. Probably 5"x3" I figure it is the perfect match for what I'm looking for. I might go a tad smaller though. I plan on doing it up pretty nice inside and out. o I want to keep it manageable, yet CLEAN looking . I think the biggest mistake is going big then not having enough time or money to go "big" on the aesthetics - which is way ore important to me than just a huge "messy" looking setup. Good luck finding your balance - Im still working on finding mine.
  20. Thats a deal Chip! We pay ~ $600 winter - $350 summer - no kiddies - all lights off whenever we leave the room. 3200sqf - all energy efficient, all electric though. I just switched to Washinton gas for 10.8c per 1000kWh I bought a killawatt meter to check things out.
  21. Thats funny! I can't believe you went to the vet and they wouldn't give you any. Its freaking heart worm medicine.
  22. LOL - There is a reason they don't have an SPS tank. Either they don't understand, don't want to learn, or just aren't into them. In any case - 99% of the information I got from them was pretty off as far as if you are going to run a full mixed reef. Unless you want to have a 300g fuge with 200lbs of macro, they're kind of limited as far as true to life information. They remind me of the crazy Uncle you never want to visit. Bob - As far as HOT - they not the best or the worst as far as fish go (I don't even walk by the coral tanks - waste of time). They pretty much are like any other fish store that doesn't QT. A lot of us up here buy fish from them. They're survival rate is actually better than some of the "cleaner" looking stores. Its the same with Roozens - looks can be deceiving. I look at it this way - 90% of fish come through the same channels. It is best to buy fish either right away (so they get acclimated once) or after a week of being wherever you buy them. I also QT them at home in a dimly lit tank with low flow. Since I have done that, I haven't lost any fish - from Roozens or HOT. I just picked up the SWEETEST looking Kole tang the wife and I have ever come across - from HOT. Here is my ranking of best places to buy fish (death rates from myself and friends included) 1. Roozens - 15/1 (this doesn't include the ones I killed :( ) 2. House of Tropicals - 10/1 3. Blue Ribbon Koi - 1 4. Marine Scene - no experience myself 5. Mr. Coral - Haven't heard of any surviving (but I don't hear too much from people that go there anymore either) Best online - NyAquatics - 6/2 LiveAquaria - 3/1
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