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Everything posted by flowerseller

  1. I've had the cops over here many times over my generator so yes they do come. Most are sympathetic and suggest you shut down by 10. Most of it is jealousy. I have learned a few things; Run it for several hours and turn it off for several hours. My 400g system does fine does fine with battery bubblers during the night and I go at it 7am during the week 9am weekends. Allowing a cord for neighbors helps but read the second line again for those too far away. Running the tank for an hour does wonders and you only need 03 lighting if out for several days. Cold weather I hook in my gas furnace blower and I'm set. don't worry about powering anything other than re circulation pumps and 03 lighting only if more than two days. no need for kalk reactors, uv's or any "toys", heat is good but they can take lower temps, 60s, as long as you raise it back over a few days. In 12 years and several outages in many different seasons I only lost a 10year old flame angle and a neighbor couple - read line one and two, they no longer party on my patio and eat my food or drink our alcohol anymore. btw way, fireworks (good ones) can have the same effect and the cops come too. also, consistantly loud revs of a car with zoomies does too only the cops usually just want to sit in my car and have their photo taken or tell me about their car when they were younger.
  2. whatever you want must be G-rated
  3. you brought the bulb type feeder wands and I still use mine to this day. The wand was brought up here a few years back and you and Origami (if I remember correctly) were talking about the chlorine chemical reaction released during the process. I made one off the thread, (probably still in the DIY section) but if given the chance I would buy it because I've seen the new version and it could be construed as "sexy".
  4. How about 3 - 7 orange stripped cardinals?
  5. I double dog dare you. probably tastes like chicken anyway.
  6. It may appear that way but your original "vendor experience" thread a was not described completely accurately and was/is no longer a true source of an experience since it was been edited and parts removed and or changed . We have a "vendor experience" forum we hopes work to our advantage and we are all allowed to use it and are encouraged to do so. Unfortunately we do not have a "customer experience" forum and it does not work to the vendors advantage to have one for opposite reason. but wouldn't it be hilarious?
  7. Actually, That's not how the querry went but it is part of the entire catalyst that started the whole escape. I've not heard they were being bought for resale so that's probably not a fair assertion and I'm guessing mere speculation. The jist-- Compounded by misconceptions and misunderstandinsg of how CC/Debit card/paypal and the hold/pending transaction process led to more misconceptions after the order was cancelled for reason correctly stated above. Some wheeling and dealing of this for that amonst the two parties involved in an attempt to rectify it lead to further complications Then as the two bickered and ragged on each other it got totally out of control and a credit may have been with held because it was said purchaser was going to disputed thru the payment company . This was a classic example of how a dispute should NOT be handled
  8. Is it possible the pump feeding it is the culprit.
  9. This is the step that should have been taken in this case after this much time has elasped. It then becomes a discussion between the vendor and the cc clearing house while it's investigated. You should have the monies placed back in your account during the process but can have it debited against you if it washes out by some fashion I may have touched on above. Obviously, there are many other instances and possible scenarios that I did not bring up.
  10. As someone (also a merchant) who looks at a lot credit card and paypal transactions, some of the "info" being presented in this thread is simply not accurate. At best it's what is thought to be an educated assumption. You look at your cc statement and then look at a merchants statement. Difference between a pico tank and my 400g system. I'm not disputing that a refund to the cc should have or could have taken place at this point, not sticking up for anyone or saying ethical or unethical*** practices have taken place. examples, merchants can charge your card account and "ask" for payment from the cc company clearing center when "they" choose. There is no rule that we have to charge the cc once it ships. NONE Just because you get an authorization code from the bank does not mean the card or card information is not stolen and the merchant will get paid. It could mean the cc has not been reported stolen yet. The merchant can be charged back as much as a year later. YESSIREE! When a merchant tells you they credited your account, they could have and it will show on "their" statement too. It could very well be a clearing house error or a transaction error. Debit cards and credit cards do not act the same, can act the same and the "hold time" can vary significantly. Sometimes based upon you repayment or dispute history. Credit cards act differently and now often similarly to debit cards if you view your statement online frequently. I HATE DEBIT CARDS and the idiots that look at them online several times a day. If your that paranoid someone has your number use a credit card - plus, you just made a case for MC and why he charges cards immediately for payment. now, again *** the post above, number 2 I think has a link to another dispute with MC, similar to this one and there are others. Most if not all issues were addressed and corrected prior to posting, it was** loaded with inaccuracies and has been edited, not by me, since I (moderator investgating it) spent multiple hours personally talking to, PMing, texting and viewing email attachments from both involved. **I know it was edited, the one who edited it knows it was edited, and I may still have the original screen shots I took of the entire thread somewhere*. *I may have deleted them because the whole thing was very inaccurate and unfair to begin with and made me sick the more I heard, read and saw. It continues to make me sick each time it's brought up. It has also spawned several other threads containing misconceptions at urgings.
  11. So check all your parameters and post. Been said but you need to trust your pH reading first. I'd mix up some kalk and it should be around 12-12.5
  12. Is the di portion exhausted? You can easily tell if you have color changing resin. Check the level prior to it going through the resin if not.
  13. pretty much the story of life, ask any teenager
  14. I thought neptune temp probes were plug and play being calibrated at time of manufacture.
  15. You're only permitted to edit in the first 30 minutes of posting. This is automatically over ridden if you are selling, running a group buy, and a few other cases I can't think of before the coffee is finished. This was instituted to prevent people from flying off the handle and posting a bunch of crap, then changing it later when cooler heads prevailed. Oddly, IT WORKS GREAT at accomplishing this and there will be no plans to change it, nor should there be. Plus we like looking at your old picks of your set up and regularly share them with others at cocktail parties. Now you know why you're ears burn some nights with no apparent reason.
  16. My first thought too because I know they get slimmey pretty fast..
  17. those tabs are for zip tying the mangroves in place. the down side to that method is foliage and roots will not permit future removal of the plants without damage to one or the other. I would suggest gluing the tabs on alternating sides of the strip and loosely zip tying the mangroves in place, if you like that method. Not a bad idea all in all.
  18. I use something similar except it's the actual overflow box itself. I thinks it's important to have god flow over and around both the surface and thru the media. btw, if you are looking for a benefit via filtration, look elsewhere. Keep these plants for the love of plants or as hitching posts for the horses.
  19. imagine seeing those after a good joint and a couple beers drunk really fast. can we say joint on here?
  20. Today is going to be a real nice day. Open your windows and allow the built up CO2 in your house to escape. Do you use kalk? If so and I personally hope the answer is yes, you have to recharge, via adding new, kalk on a weekly basis to keep the calcium hydroxide in solution to benefit the tank. btw, standing in front of your tank talking to it and asking it why it's pH is so low followed up by assuring it you want it to be higher is not good. You guessed it, unlike talking to plants, talking to reef tanks is bad because you are expelling more CO2 which is your problem in the first place.
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