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T-Rocks ADA Rimless Build


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Well its been a little while since ive updated my tank build. I mainly havent posted much as I went through a mini-crash of sorts. I had bad RO/DI filters followed up by my skimmer cup 3/4 full ended up overflowing into the sump while I was out of town.. Long story short, it killed a bunch of coral and caused a massive algae outbreak. I have since gotten things cleaned up and turned around. I lost almost all of my SPS, and some other assorted corals. Now the tank is almost back to normal and the corals are looking happier day by day. Luckily my fish were fine through out the whole process.. After the litttle crash and loss of SPS I decided to return to my initial plan of NO SPS, all LPS and softies. I have since added a few sweet new corals. I will try and get some new pics soon. One other change to the tank that was long over due was making overflow covers. The tank originally had a clear overflow, which IMO was the only ugly part of this tank. I got some nice black acrylic and cut it to fit, wow, what a difference something so simple can make. Like many others, the issues had me a down a bit about my tank, but ive been through it before and refused to let keep me down. I will get some updated pics on here soon, of the new corals and the new fish..!!

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  • 2 months later...

Well its been a little while since ive updated my tank build. I mainly havent posted much as I went through a mini-crash of sorts. I had bad RO/DI filters followed up by my skimmer cup 3/4 full ended up overflowing into the sump while I was out of town.. Long story short, it killed a bunch of coral and caused a massive algae outbreak. I have since gotten things cleaned up and turned around. I lost almost all of my SPS, and some other assorted corals. Now the tank is almost back to normal and the corals are looking happier day by day. Luckily my fish were fine through out the whole process.. After the litttle crash and loss of SPS I decided to return to my initial plan of NO SPS, all LPS and softies. I have since added a few sweet new corals. I will try and get some new pics soon. One other change to the tank that was long over due was making overflow covers. The tank originally had a clear overflow, which IMO was the only ugly part of this tank. I got some nice black acrylic and cut it to fit, wow, what a difference something so simple can make. Like many others, the issues had me a down a bit about my tank, but ive been through it before and refused to let keep me down. I will get some updated pics on here soon, of the new corals and the new fish..!!


Define soon? It has been 2 months. How about some pictures for inquiring minds.

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I missed the July post, Travis. Sorry for the losses. Are you still on track for softies and LPS, or has the lure of SPS been too great? Time for an update.

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I missed the July post, Travis. Sorry for the losses. Are you still on track for softies and LPS, or has the lure of SPS been too great? Time for an update.



+1 Really sorry!!

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Tom- All LPS and Softies.. I took a shot at SPS, but it went down hill with the crash and cut my losses and moved on. Back to the original plan..


Mike - you still dont have water in that tank youve owned for months..


Frank - Thanks, it happens. I was frustrated, but I didnt lose any fish. Had I lost fish I wouldve been much more upset about it.




As for the tank. Its doing ok. I have had a few other issues (leaks, bulb out i didnt realize, etc) and trying to get things dialed in right now. I think the tank is coming back to where it should be. I really promise to get some pics once things look normal again. I did get a couple fish recently. Here's a little fish stock as of now.


* Longhorn Cowfish

* Harlequin Tusk

* Bangaii Cardinal

* Transparent Cave Goby

* Green Mandarin Goby

* Lemon Chromis x2

* Lemonpeel Mimic Tang

* Purple Tang

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Nice fish list, been trying to get a mimic tang to survive for awhile now, have tried 3 times so far to get a health one. Beautiful fish!!

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Thanks, I bought mine from another member, its done great, eats everything.I'm pretty happy with my current stock. I do want to add a few nice active fish, my fish are slow paced.


shoot, you could put about 20 more fish in the tank...hahah

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shoot, you could put about 20 more fish in the tank...hahah



According to some people around here that would be ok... I will probbaly add a few more smaller fish until I upgrade.. Not sure what fish yet. Ive been pretty patient with adding fish. I am trying to keep my stock list a little different from the norm.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, finally a few pics. These were taken from my cell. Dont mind my infestation of aiptasia, I just added 2 filefish who will hopefully enjoy the feast on the aip not my coral. The tank is finally coming back to normal after a couple months of hard work. I had some real ups and downs with for a while, but things are looking much better these days. I had almost all my acans turn brown or dark reddish color, along with lots of others that took some big hits. Here are a few for now, I would like to take some more, and some better quality ones. Hope you enjoy.

































































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I had almost all my acans turn brown or dark reddish color, along with lots of others that took some big hits.



Looks really good Travis.


What do you think caused the acans to turn brown? What did you do to correct/eliminate the cause?

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Looks really good Travis.


What do you think caused the acans to turn brown? What did you do to correct/eliminate the cause?



Lack of water changes, high phosphates, very unstable params, my mini crash I had.. I have been doing 2x 10g water changes per week for about 6 weeks now and things are looking great. I have been keeping up with testing and just trying to give it the time it needs. It was painful to see it get bad, but the reward from it turning around is great.

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Looks great Travis, keep an eye on that lobo, when I had it, my filefish like to munch on it.



Will do.. Im hoping the forest of aiptasia will occupy them. I have seen them picking at the aiptasia a little, and they have also been eating frozen and some pellets.

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Looks great, TRavis. Wow that little fish has gotten huge. I lost all my acans to the copperband and Regal Angel. I miss them. I had a huge colony like the green one you have. Everything looks fantastic, as always. Nice work.


I nominate this for picture of the month. Beautiful!!!



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