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New member Rockville


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I'm new to the hobby in Rockville. I picked up a 29 gallon bow front tank off Craigslist in August with 2 clownfish, a damsel, and a brittle star and live rock. It initially was at the request of my 2nd grader who had a 3 gallon freshwater tank in her room which we had tried to keep going but was hard and crashed a couple of times before I gave up. The local fish store suggested a larger tank would be easier to manage and next thing you know I'm in the marine tank hobby. I've enjoyed it so far. The maintenance has actually been less than any freshwater tank I've owned and much more dynamic and colorful.

Problems so far have been an aggressive adult damsel who now has a new home at the LFS and some marginal lighting which I corrected with a new fixture.

Fortunately I have the help of one of my daughters friends father who eyed my tank when picking up his child one day and told my wife he has some experience...turns out it was Justin Casp who has been great resource and suggested I join WAMAS.

Anyway, I've learned a lot lurking for a few days so I thought I'd take the plunge and lighten the wallet for membership. Looking forward to learning more (and getting some power back on)!


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Welcome, Mark! Having Justin as a friend can be very helpful in this hobby! I hope that you'll join us in some upcoming meeting.


BTW, I'll be dropping your membership card in today's mail. You should have it early next week.

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Yup. Pretty amateur job but I humored him wink.gif



Haha!! Understatement of the century!!


Welcome to WAMAS!!!

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