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Everything posted by NAGA

  1. This whole mess has given us a little boost in business but, people are very leary and guarded obviously and it makes for a tense transaction til they get there tanks.
  2. Yeah, but many not so great things also
  3. The writing was on the wall with this one. I had heard through the grapevine that this was going to happen. With all the continious specials they were running they obviuosly were trying to get as much money as they could before closing. It's too bad because that leaves the only glass tank builder nearby "glasscages" Oh Boy.
  4. I'd go back to them.............just make it a point to not have him help you and if he does tell him you want someone else to help you. I would also tell Johnny your experiences. Perhaps not your difficulties mentioned will have an effect but, if others are having the same problem then that may cause there to be a change made.
  6. I delivered those new large aquariums last week. They are getting a inverterbrate system as well that I have yet to complete. They will be doing a lot more on the fish system after they have finished the coral and invert system.
  7. Hey, Congrats on getting the photo posting thing figured out!!!! Get some pics of the whole setup from back a little bit catching that monster rose anenome in all it's glory. That baby came out of my tank and it's now over 21" when fully open. Quite the center piece!!
  8. You mean with that big fancy new camera you can't post pics?
  9. The evaporative coolers are pretty good if you only need a little bit of pulldown. If for example you have a 180 gallon tank running 3 x 250's this would be a perfect situation for a evaporative cooler. Really all they are is a wetdry type of setup that has a fan mounted to the side and blows air through. You might be able to buy a cheap used wetdry and modify it to house a fan. Another option is if there were enough people we could do several as a group buy for a DIY project. If someone wants to start a thread on who might be interested in doing one of these we could gauge to see if there is enough interest in doing these. Chiller season is coming upon us folks. Something to think about. Besides a fan you would need some type of temp controller to turn the fan on/off as temp fluctuations demand it.
  10. having experienced both clubs the WAMAS club has a much larger membership from my understanding. There is a broader participation level in Wamas as compared to CMAS from my observations as well. As far as the forum go the wamas board is a lot more active. The meetings for wamas have a much larger turnout and this may be due in part to the forementioned fact that wamas has quarterly meetings vs. cmas having monthly meetings although they do take the summers off and have tank tours. Again this is just my observations The SMAS club in southern Maryland is also smaller than WAMAS. They do hold their big event every year but, it's still pretty small by comparison to wamas. Their meetings though generally are pretty small but, I will say they are a great group down there. I support them
  11. Great pics Chris as always..................I am calling you back today...........just been burried with work lately.
  12. I definitely agree with Phil as i have done the same. Works well..................after practicing
  13. Howard, I have been asked that question often. There are currently people that are experimenting with that but, Ihaven't heard any definite success stories that show it working for years. There are ever ongoing efforts to find adhesives to bond the two materials so that they can have the best of both worlds. This I can tell you for certain, you will never achieve the strength that acrylic has when it's bonded to itself. However I think in the future there will be a reasonable alternative. If you ever hear of success stories that have glass and acrylic together let me know.
  14. Yes it will................however I haven't seen it and if it's caked on there you will have to get it clean first and then the magnet will keep it clean. Shop around for that magnet as it's not too commonly purchased due to the high price. You will get what you pay for but, that Euro exchange rate against the dollar is a real rump buster.
  15. this is it Power Magnet 220.57 Power Magnet 220.57 (0220.570) Glass thicknesses: 35 - max. 60 mm Cleaning surface: 115 x 77 mm with felt for acrylic panes Height: inside 26 mm, outside 27 mm Instructions for use 1: Deutsch, English, Francais (x0220.5788) 0220.570 532.35 USD there is actually one that is stronger but, you don't need it. 60mm is plenty but, this baby has a steep price.........you get what you pay for though.
  16. Mike, I have had to deal with the same problems lately with coralline on large tanks. When you have to deal with thicknesses of 1.25" on up the technics to get the algae off change a bit. 1.) You ABSOLUTLEY must have a powerful magnet. For the thickness you have of 1.5" the most powerful magnet made for that is one that Tunze makes. I forgot the whole model number but, I know it ends with .58. This magnet is good for acrylic up to 2". 2) The BIGGEST mistake people make when taking on a good peppering of coralline is that they will get it all in one session. What tends to happen is that one gets a good go at it and concentration lapses and you get a serious scratch. Mark off a section and take it on spending no more than 20min. at a time. 3) THE MOST IMPORTANT........................ Technic of moving the magnet should NOT be long strokes back and forth across the tank. Keep your movement to a small area (perhaps only moving 6" in either direction) this keeps any potential damage (scratching) confined to one small areal. What really helps though is if you take out the magnet after you have taken off some coralline and rinse out the pad so that the buildup of coralline chunks on the pad don't scratch the tank. This is really key, rinsing the pad often as you remove the coralline is HUGE. If you have a powerful magnet and you get those chunks that are removed from the surface stuck on the pad for long they will come back and bit you. 4) Now the part of geting along the gravel lines and the side corners of the front panel is the MOST DIFFICULT. Now on deep tanks in excess of 30" it's particularly hard because the scrapers we can get from our suppliers are not rigid enough to where we can get enough pressure (due to the handle flex) to remove that algae at the gravel line very easily. In addition the scraper blades themselves really arent suited for this but, they can be used. What I have found and it's a bit more pricey is to use a 1/2" stainless steel rod and modify the end to mate an attachment assembly to accomodate a scraper blade. This way you can put all kinds of pressure on that algae gravel line and it one stroke take off the algae. Now you might think with that pressure your going to scratch the tank. Scratching of the acrylic really occurs when you have to go over the same spot over and over again where you get some coralline to come off and when that gets between the blade and the tank it scratches. If the blade gets if off in one swoop (or at least a good chunk) you just need to make sure you clear the blade off before you re-apply pressure again. hope that helps, now if I can refine this a bit perhaps the moderators can pin it somewhere as it is a question that is asked often. I'll get to Carls question in a bit..........gotta make a run somewhere. Jeff
  17. Thanks everyone!!! This will be what I will be using for all tanks, sumps, refugiums, or whatever. I can cut 10' sheets that are up to 5' wide. It will hold 8 router bits in the auto-tool changer that can be rotated into play at whatever program I have running at the time. What's most impressive to watch is to see this thing cut 4" thick acrylic, with it having a 16hp motor it's not a problem. I wanted to get my pillow and sleep on it tonight but, my daughter told me to give her a break I hope that sometime this summer we can set up a DIY workshop for some of WAMAS members to have a acrylic gluing class where some small sumps or frag tanks can be built.
  18. well after weeks of waiting it's finally here. It came in on a flatbed tractor trailer with police escorts. I think this baby can cut some acrylic. This was the staging area where we unwrapped our little present. This is every little boys dream toy Here I am thinking I'm going to work this monster LOL!! I was kicked out pretty quickly not too bad for a homemade dolly............nerves got quite tense during this part of the move This is the vaccum table pump setup to hold the material down on the table while it's being cut out We have some video of this going up on youtube with the police escort coming down the street that I will try to get up tomorrow. I am drained after all of this and hopelfully we can get this thing fired up to start making those tanks for everyone.
  19. well, got 8 pms today so there is plenty of spots for you treesprite
  20. Moderators.....................could you lock this thread............I am done with this thanks
  21. Nick, looks like your gonna get a move on it quickly now.....................nice to have met you yesterday. Hope you enjoy that tank. Jeff
  22. this is a new toy for someone; skimmer is 68" tall and has a 27" diameter tube for the main chamber and a 20" collection cup. The final riser going into the collection cup is 8" in diameter. This skimmer is conservatively rated for 2000 gallons. It is going on a 2000 gallon system. Prostaff on CMAS is the owner and I don't know if he is on this board. Below is the beast being delivered; We had quite a time getting it under the stand of the 1000 gallon tank as yo can see below. My daughter thought it was quite silly; There are two of these skimmers being delivered to Exotic Aquatics in the next two weeks. Yes, they are of the Volcano style skimmers seen on Reef Central. There are some design differences however.
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