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About davidk

  • Birthday 12/23/1968

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    Vienna, VA

davidk's Achievements


Urchin (4/13)

  1. Sean is like that. He has a real passion for the hobby that goes beyond $. He has a customer for lif in me as well.
  2. Count me in as well. I would love to assist in any way I can - financially and time. I have a bunch of frags and equipment that I would love to donate as well. PM me when ready.
  3. I have a 135 with a 25 gallon sump. Current inhabitants: Midas Blenny Mated Percs Hippo Tang (medium) Regal Angel (medium) Six Line Wrasse Damsel Pygmy Angel Algae Blenny
  4. I'm currently battling an outbreak of hair algae and think it may be due to overfeeding since my water parameters are ok. I currently feed 2 - 3 times a day (pinch of Ocean Nutrition flake once or twice and a cube of frozen Mysis/Cyclops once). Does this sound like a normal feeding routine or am I overfeeding as I suspect? Thank you
  5. I had something similar happen to me with my Coralife timer/power strip. Each time I worked on my tank (acrylic with cutouts on top), any water that gathered on the top of the tank would run down the cord into the strip. I had no idea until one day the strip started crackling and smoking terribly. I replaced the Coralife and now have a loop in the line and the timer/power strip at a higher elevation than the bottom of the loop.
  6. Thanks all for your kind words. When I got home from work today, the temp in my tank had lowered to 81. I was a bit concerned that the quick shift (approx 5 hours) back to a more normal temperature might cause additional stress. So far only my Blennies, Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, RBTA, and misc. coral have perished. Not sure what will happen in the next couple days, but have decided to keep my lights off and will do daily water changes (approx. 20 - 25% total). Does anyone have a RBTA that they are looking to sell? My homeless Percs are looking very agitated. Thanks again!
  7. While cleaning my tank last night, I dropped my Aqualogic Temperature Controller. I did not notice that the temperature probe had slid out of the tank when the unit fell. The probe read the temp of the room and the heating element stayed on all night. This morning I awoke to a 93 + degree tank. So far I've lost the following: RBTA Ember Blenny Midas Blenny various coral The following appear to be revivable so far: Regal Angel Hippo Tang Damsel Invertebrates Depending on what survives the next couple of days, I may have a 135 gallon Tenecor Flat Back Hex and all remaining contents for sale. This really took the wind out of me.
  8. I've ordered a couple things from them in the past and was always satisfied. The owner will answer any questions you might have - very good customer service for an on-line vendor.
  9. Can anyone suggest a good Point & Shoot? I don't want to spend more than $350 and don't want anything too big or too complicated. I've had Leica, Canon, Panasonic in the past.
  10. I have a Midas in my reef and it's my favorite fish in the tank as far as character. Very cool fish and it stays to itself.
  11. That's what I thought at first but he almost seemed paralyzed - as if something stung him. His color changed a couple timed from very pale blue to normal/dark blue. I also noticed a few (3 - 4) tiny white spots near his tail.
  12. I have a large Hippo (approx. 9") that died very suddenly. I found it wedged behind some rock yesterday motionless and unaware of its surroundings. When I moved the rock it swam/floated very stiffly away. It floundered like this for approx. 10 minutes and finally stopped breathing. The Hippo was very healthy and ate like a horse up until yesterday. All of my water parameters are good and my other fish appear to be doing well. Does anyone know what might have caused its death? I have a couple large rock anemones - could they have stung it?
  13. My experience exactly. I used to go to the Marine Scene exclusively until I discovered how ridiculous their mark up was/is compared to other LFSs. Blue Ribbon is great but I would also highly recommend the Aquarium Company (also in Reston) for quality and price.
  14. Stopped by the Aquarium Company last night and was amazed by the coral selection. Sean always has a nice selection but the shipment he got in this week is incredible. A must see today/this weekend.
  15. Everything that I've purchased from them thus far (clowns, tangs, anemones, coral, etc) are thriving. You will do best if you ask for Karim or Yannis. Mention that you are a WAMAS member and most likely they'll give you a discount. I have not found better pring in the area - even Roozens.
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