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Everything posted by stevearlen

  1. http://www.wamas.org/forums/index.php?s=&a...st&p=182635
  2. I live in the subdivision that borders Oakton High School. I'd like to donate $50 for this project. I can drop off a check at the school or mail it. Let me know your preference. Steve
  3. All, Thanks for your input. The deed is done. Didst thou not hear a noise? Steve
  4. According to http://www.reefpedia.com/index.php/Sarcophyton ... "Why is there a hole in my leather? Typically, a hole in the cap of your Toadstool leather is the beginning of the coral's reproduction. As the hole grows larger and approaches the edge of the cap, a small piece of the coral will dangle from the mother colony and eventually drop." Any experience with this? Hoe long does it take?
  5. Good point. I understand some offices cut off the A/C overnight. For over 20 yrs now, I've directed the use of hygothermographs (similar to ones used in museums) in computer rooms under my jurisdiction. It is very telling to find a temp spike overnight/weekend. BTW, have most of the deaths been during the summer? If it is a temp issue that can not be addressed with office A/C, the tank may need a chiller. Steve
  6. I'm disapointed to hear the above story, particulalry the bounced checks. I must say that there is a very high bar for me to say something negative on this board but I also had a less than satisfactoy experience with NAGA. However, it was not a serious as ArtC's. I send NAGA a PM in response to his post titled "Acrylic sump tank and water topoff tank SPECIALS, LET ME KNOW WHAT SIZE YOU WANT" (see http://www.wamas.org/forums/index.php?show...mp;#entry209958 ) It took some time to get a return PM but eventually I did.... with a request to call him. I called but he never returned the call. PM follow-ups didn't work -- I believe his box was full or turned off. I imagine running a small business is tough and we are in tough times. I don't want to bash someone when they are down and recocognize that folks have issues/struggles from time to time. At the same time, it seems like I was more interested in buying than he was in selling. So, I've abandoned the idea of upgrading my topoff tank..... Steve
  7. Lionfish Decimating Tropical Fish Populations, Threatening Coral Reefs http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/...80717164319.htm
  8. Some sort of bristle worm eating some sort of sponge?
  9. Wow.. What a beauty.. Should be "TOTY" steve
  10. I have a 4' long 100gal tank. I had to give away my hippo when it was 7" long 'cause he was gettin' too big for the tank.
  11. I can bring 2 x 5 g of salt water. Steve
  12. Very nice progress. This is much better. In any case, I suggesting waiting a bit to hear from others with more expertise than I have. Steve
  13. Cant tell if this will work.... for my setup I had to slide the tank though one of the two (front) doors, pushing it out the back openning (either directly across or to one side) and then swing it in... If that doesn't work, I suggest a smaller sump. You will want the flexibility of NOT having to take your stand apart if you need to remove/replace the sump. Let's us know what works
  14. I worked in an aquarium store in DC in the early 1970s (yes...35 yrs ago). At the time, summer was the "low season" in the industry and I assume that is still the case today. I also agree that the economy is hurting almost everyone, including all retail. Steve
  15. Sam, I've been at this for sometima and am still learning. I get nervous about multiple pump scenarios. Looking at your diagram with three pumps, i tried to imagine three scenarios (in each case, imagine one of the pump fails). For example, if the "Pump to 75 left" failed (shown in red), it seems to me that the 50 gal fuge would overflow as water from (1) the 40 gal breeder continues to drain into the 50 gal fuge and (2) as water from the 30 gal sump is returning to the 75 gal tank and overflows into the 50 gal fuge. I suggest thing of scenarios where each pump fails or a combination of pump fails. ALso think about a total power failure. Finally, scenarios for maint that requiring a temp shut down of any component. Hope this helps. Good Luck. Can we hear from some of the plumbing gurus on this topic? Steve
  16. What kind of sand is recommended? Is play sand from a place like hoe depot good enough or should I get something packaged for the aquarium hobby -- such as CaribSea aragonite Aragamax?
  17. All fish go in quarantine for about two weeks in a 10 gal QT tank with lower salinity. I also do a brief fresh water dip with meth. blue. I keep a plastic pants and a few short pieces of PVC in the QT tank. I'm not "just" interested in QT for the sake of disease control. I want to be able to readily observe the fish. I want to make sure the fish are eating OK before they get moved to the established tank. Steve
  18. So, they were once a Tenecor competitor and/or Tenecor dealer?
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