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Everything posted by GaryL

  1. it kinda reminds me of jar jar binks
  2. ok i have saved alot of piping over the years of tank moves, and i have noticed alot of tube worm colonies building up in the piping. usually at the the couplings where they can get a good footing. if you notice you have to turn your pumps back over the years because your drains cannot handle it anymore, you may have a colony build up. one suggestion i have is try to make your plumbing easy to get to and use true unions to easily remove for clean out. just and idea i was thinking about, thought i'd share.
  3. i picked a small one up from walmart makes things alot easier for sure
  4. its now where near the quality of your pics but here is a fav of mine i took with a kodak 1.0 mp
  5. same here. but bob usually has a list at the front to make sure he has a count of members being up to date.
  6. pretty sure i will be there
  7. seems pretty neat, but is it dependent on someone always being in there to keep it up?
  8. we had one in the past but i think it all changed when we switched boards or something like that. i still think it should be an option for all kinds of discussion.
  9. the dude can just about build or remodel anything, sort of the jack-of-all-trades kinda guy. and there is also stories of the thong.... but he's an all around good guy.
  10. i hope my stand turns out as nice as yours. awesome looking setup!!
  11. what about running the drain (or one of them) from the main tank to the frag tank then the frag tank drain through the chiller then to the sump?
  12. i'm not sure i would have the chiller drain plumbed back into the return.
  13. my ole sailfin would gobble it up like it was a twizzler or something. would attack it faster than nori....
  14. very hardy. they can take all kinds of light and i never feed mine and they still clone. mine even lived trough a tank crash which wiped out all my fish and my rbta(that i had in that tank.) feed it a few times just to watch it. sometimes they shrink up or stretch out like their doing weird things and once they find their right spot for light they stay put...usually. IME they never stung any coral or anything.
  15. since it was from a wamas member its a good chance it is a borneman...looking at the picture it IS a borneman.... i have 2 had more but gave some away. not a fish eater and the shrimp love to hang around it. under the right lights the colors around the mouth are very nice and have a cool design. mine have cloned themselves several times and even el presidente himself (gatortailale) has several...or has had several. i think they came about in this group from micheal gerdes who is a friend of borneman and one of the founding members of this club.
  16. i know i had seen an ac jr or ac3 when i was there.... can you pm me the price of each and the accessories?
  17. 1,14,15,18,and 20 are my faves..... some serious talent you have there...your inspiring to make me pic up the camera and snap some shots!
  18. both would make most very very happy!
  19. if the tang isnt showing signs of stress i wouldn't worry. mama (sailfin tang) used to take food out of the mouth of my e.qauds and borneman anemones.
  20. i'm in, since i'm setting up a 40g breeder. any 40g breeder suggestions? like whats the biggest fish or flow rate or whatever you'd like to add? i will be moving some of the fish over from the 150 when i get the stand and tank where i want it. they will be 2 black ocellaris 1 green chromis, 2 royal grammas, and a tail spot blenny. i have two let over fish a copperband and a powder brown tang that i'm trying to decide what to do with.
  21. i actually only have a check valve on my ato to prevent back siphoning, used it for the kalk reactor but was having issues so took it off line.
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