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Everything posted by GaryL

  1. i soak food in minced garlic the wet stuff you can find in the stores....then sometimes through the garlic in the tank with the fish...but not too often tho..the fish will usually taste it nd spt it out..but i think they may get something from it.
  2. sustainable reefing and policing the industry with our knowledge and dollars. great ideas of fragging techniques. just a little that i took from it. and how devastating aquacultered live rock is to the area it is created in.
  3. why did mine say kick me?? oh wait.
  4. 4,5,and 12. AMAZING SHOTS!!! i like them all but what i listed is what i like best.
  5. dude! looks like a cow backed up and poo'd right on your skimmer.... any chance you can get mike rowe to come and clean it?
  6. i worked at mcd's chasing the girls that worked there. married and divorced one of em..so beware..the work was crappy but at least it payed my bills at the time so i cant complain...all in all if it gets that bad i would go back.
  7. granular ferric oxide? like rowaphos and phosban...i used the stuff from aquaco..cant remember the name but that with vodka dosing and all mine is gon...just bare rocks now
  8. i'm pretty sure that ball's stopped making it. unless it came back on the market recently, i havn't seen it on the shelves in about 2+ years
  9. i will talk to some of my construction buds at work when i go in today and get an opinion from them as the engineers here pipe in, i will let you know what i find out.
  10. it says full basement underneath...is it finished or can you add structure without tearing down the ceiling or will you have to do a major renovation under the tank? if more support is needed...my thought would be overtime it may sag if not
  11. better? 'ther topics introduced in the New Math include modulo arithmetic, algebraic inequalities, matrices, symbolic logic, Boolean algebra and abstract algebra.[2] Most of these topics (except algebraic inequalities) have been greatly de-emphasized or eliminated since the 1960s.' we had to do boolean in electronics.. i think it was and, or, nor?
  12. i think the smell would constantly make me thirsty.
  13. sans the engineering goby i remember you once having..i hope
  14. let it sit in some vinegar they get kinda crusty on the inside and they stop working freely. if you can let it sit in a deep enough solution put a small powerhead on the inlet and run the solution through after the soak...that should free it up.
  15. number three puts a new meaning to "earthy taste." i agree with all of them...i think for dual mode the body should be "boxy" for and for performance look at the euroreef and its clones with the recirc mods unfortunatley it may have to be big for the same amount of volume the others can churn out. maybe with a standard mesh mod wheel design.
  16. some of the vodka you can get isn't even good enough for cocktails
  17. maureen is right for suggesting the FTS. looks great!!!! i love the aquascaping
  18. if you are using a different salt and plan on switching ...do it very slow especially if you have sps. i did like the jugs for the water though. i had alk issues also and switched back to IO. probably just for availability to me... if i had bioassay near me i would go back to it and stay with it.
  19. so my college professor was right when he pronounced it al-jay? instead of al-jee.... i cringed every time he said it.
  20. doesn't ae have a long e sound like in algae
  21. kye-toe zoo-zan-thel-lee the thel sound is like mel
  22. not really they work on a motor and go from one side of the tank to the other...like on the big bins at aquaco
  23. what are they called and where can i get one to work with my a 250w light for my 150? auquaco has em on their bins but use a 400w on it. was looking to cut some heat/wattage by trying one of these what do you guys think? worth the cost?
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