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Everything posted by geofloors

  1. Looks like Astreopora to me. Actually an sps. George
  2. Switch1 is a float switch in a break out box. Because it's labeled ATO doesn't mean it's an ATO brand top off unit. It could just be a powerhead, If you loose power the alarm will sound. George
  3. Here's your instruction booklet As for the probes, any probe with a BNC connector will work. I use pinpoint and neptune brands on mine. The probes will be bad if they were not stored in water. If they are dry throw them away, otherwise you can try to calibrate them. Solution is only a few dollars. George
  4. I have done 15 minute FW dip, symptoms come back in a week. 30 minute FW dip, same thing. So actually we were going for a 45 minute dip but forgot about them and now all the clams have been symptom free for many months and growing. I figured I had nothing to loose so we kept going longer and longer. The hour long dip was the cure in my case. That's a long time for any saltwater animal to be in freshwater. George
  5. I give my clams a 1 hour freshwater dip. Using RO/DI treated to keep the pH at about 8.2. This will kill any pathogens that might otherwise survive other methods. This will not kill pyrmid snail eggs. George
  6. Congrats Glenn, good to hear all is well!! George
  7. I was using a Red Sea 100mg unit but recently picked up a 200mg Ozotech unit. The new unit is very nice but would recommend the Red Sea unit aswell. Mine is controlled by my ACIII so I don't need a unit with a controller built in. http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/Ozotech-ozon...oduct_info.html George
  8. The dalmation/linkia multifora are known to drop legs in captivity and re grow new starfish. I have several varieties that are now multiples. http://www.bluezooaquatics.com/productDeta...1266&cid=85 George
  9. I have it on my DVR from a year or more ago, seen it many times but could watch it again at anytime. George
  10. You'll also find plenty or "other" manufacturers with blowouts, including acrylic. Bottom line is people buy these "larger" tanks because of cost and then build skimpy homemade stands. Then wonder why they break. Look at the stands from those of us who haven't has a failure and you'll see the difference. A piece of glass can only take so much twisting. Eventually the glass or silicone will fail. JMO George
  11. I have a purple, desjardenii, blone naso, hippo and a convict all together with no fighting George
  12. Sorry to hear that John, good luck with everything. George
  13. It depends, if you run a beckett type skimmer with an auto shut off collection container then the lid needs to be air tight for the auto shut off to work. Depends on the skimmer, but generally speaking if the air is restricted on the way out then it will affect performance. George
  14. I guess no other tank manufacturer has had a tank break except glasscages? George
  15. I personally got nothing out of being a member. Join only if you want to support the organization and what it stands for. George
  16. When in macro mode the flower should turn yellow indicating you have the sweet spot of the lens. It's a fairly narrow range for close ups. George
  17. There's also another that comes from the Atlantic which looks similar. L. Rubre known as the Swiss Guard Basslet. This is what Howard was selling, much easier to find. House of Tropicals had 2 of them last week. George
  18. If you're worried about the weight denting the floor then just use felt pads around the perimeter of the stand. Don't put anything under the stand to catch water because it will never dry out, potentially ruining a good area of the floor. Instead use rubber backed mats in front of the tank to catch any spills while doing maintenance and pick them up after you're finished. Water is a hardwood floors enemy. George
  19. I noticed about a year ago that House of Tropicals sold tank frames. Try giving them a call. 4107611113 George
  20. The above post was me as I didn't realize I was signed on a Jess. The meeting went very well, didn't have many people show up but we know there was alot of competition for attendance yesterday. Just the way it works out sometimes. CMAS only charges for this 2 speaker event as we have for the past 10 years. We fly in 2 speakers from far distances and usually house the speakers for 2 nights. We pay for several hundred dollars of breakfast, lunch, snacks, and refreshments. This is all paid for by the $20. Believe me, this one event costs the club almost $2000. Luckily we had another huge raffle which helps cut the costs down a bit. We did loose a few vendors this year due to someone here running their mouth but we really don't care. SMMAS also has a symposium they ask a fee to attend as has WAMAS in the past. I am a member of all 3 clubs. We don't ask for money for nonmembers to attend our regular meetings but if you like what we have to offer then please join up and support the club. We try to put on a good show every month from September to May and nothing formal over the summer. This past year most speakers were brought in from west of the Mississippi. Hope some of you might consider attending in the future. George
  21. live blackworms, then switch to frozen brine and mysis after a few days. George
  22. I'd say a favites brain of some sort George
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