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Coral Hind

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Everything posted by Coral Hind

  1. Did you put the brass insert in the tubing?
  2. I'm not sure exactly what you are talking about but if you want to connect to a hose bib then below is what I use. I installed a two way "Y" connector with mine so i could still use a garden hose. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Watts-3-4-in-x-1-4-in-Lead-Free-Brass-MGH-x-FIP-Adapter-LFA-696/203473937 If you want to tap into a water line then you could use a self piercing saddle valve like the link below. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Watts-1-4-in-x-1-4-in-Lead-Free-Brass-Compression-x-Compression-Self-Tapping-Saddle-Valve-LF-A50/202254838
  3. KenB, What controller are you using now? Do you already have the other controller with the one degree deferential? My ACIII controller has a .1 deferential.
  4. Looking really nice! Awesome polyp extension. ***Topic moved from the for sale section to the general section.
  5. Go to your "My Settings" page and then the "Notifications Option" tab and make sure everything is properly checked. I have had some items get unchecked in the past without me knowing, must be a system flaw.
  6. It is either an algae or bacteria strands. Both are nothing to stress over right now.
  7. The link below should help to clear it up, see all parts. I only run mine at 50mg/hr, with no air dryer, and I only use it for a couple days at a time to clear up the water as needed. I don't have an air pump, I just let the suction of the skimmer pull the ozone in. I try to keep it simple that way. Every system is different, that's just how I do it. The skimmer works more efficiently when running with ozone. http://www.saltwatersmarts.com/ozone-aquarium-water-clarity-part-1-3705/
  8. Yes, carbon has a direct link to HLLE. Even rinsed well, it still can cause it and I've seen it happen very quickly.
  9. I agree with everything Happyfeet said above but would caution on the use of carbon. I prefer not to run it except for emergencies because of the effects on tangs and angels. I run ozone in my skimmer a couple times a month instead of using carbon.
  10. My vlamingii tang came the Petco in Alexandria, 10 years ago. I've never had any issues with Petco fish. Like any fish from any store, you need to observe before purchase and then QT properly. DOA for shipped fish is normal. I have never seen a shipment without some dead in it and certain fish like wrasses are the worst.
  11. I'm not sure what you are looking for since I didn't really see a question asked. You can still have live rock with pods, worms, and bacteria on and in it. Those things all compliment the fish only system. I have 600g fish only system with fake corals and the build thread is located below. http://wamas.org/forums/topic/53669-coral-hinds-600g-fowlr/ http://wamas.org/totm_previous.php?prev=totm-2014-08
  12. The coral survived a fresh water dip? I would try that again. Flatworm exit didn't work on the monti nubies I had so I wouldn't waste money on that. The Coral RX worked as well as tank water with iodine it. Those two dips done for about ten minutes every week for four weeks worked. Manually remove what you can see and superglue over any eggs you see.
  13. Nice site, thanks for sharing.
  14. You can remove the sponges and just use it for flow, no problems there. You can also use a canister with everything in it as designed , just clean sponges weekly.
  15. I love my ASM-G6X. Would the use of a skimmate locker help? I think the design of your current cup should have been wider to allow the bubbles to pop better.
  16. See this old thread and see if this is what you are looking for. After you turn the item off and then turn it back on it will start to count and then turn on your item when the set time has been reached. http://wamas.org/forums/topic/23197-time-delay-relay/?p=204058
  17. I doubt the frag rack caused it to jump. Any way to get a screen top on the tank to prevent the carpet surfing?
  18. A new thread for those interested in joining the group buy is located in the member's section. Follow the link below. http://wamas.org/forums/topic/71637-water-storage-tank-group-buy/
  19. Any group buy discussion should happen in the member's only group buy section. Please start a new thread there.
  20. It does say that, but right below it says, "Wine or Beer Making, Pickling...Portable Water" I think once you rinsed it out you would be fine.
  21. I had a brute trash can split on the side from top to bottom and spilled water everywhere so I do not recommend using them. I have used the food grade drums like the one in your craigslist ad with no issues.
  22. It could be something like a majano anemone but looks like it may be closer to a possible strawberry anemone or something similar. I would leave it and see what it turns into.
  23. Acropora abrotanoides or Acropora robusta (similar when small) Acropora austera (blue) Acropora millepora (red)
  24. Very nice shot. The red slime background really makes the green colors stand out. I have a similar looking one in my tank but it is all white. Moves very fast for a worm.
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