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Everything posted by SkiCurtis

  1. Hey I'm hijacking this thread. Steve M has my frag mags from a group buy back last year. so if someone is going to his house maybe they could pick -up them for me as well. I know those Md Peeps are a pain in the ASS Thanks in advance if someone can do that. Curtis
  2. I saw this on Smmas forum a little slow at first but very cool footage. Curtis http://www.vimeo.com/4858287
  3. Tagging along. I have a MAC. so I want it to be very easy and work. Not just because I'm a apple user and expect that. sorry PC peeps. but not some sort of supper computer guy. So is there anything out there Like that? I have a Mac Pro and a Mac book pro lap top. wireless in the house and ehthernet (spelling)cord can be run to the tank. Thanks Curtis
  4. Nobody wants shaft wear. He said Shaft Wear No so serious. Tagging along .. so on my 240 8'X2'X2' what placement would be good for these guys to make a natural wave. my 2 returns come from the left of the tank. Curtis
  5. Looks like a upscale Dr.mac, someone can open one in georgetown DC and make it look like the same thing they have with the same high end rent.
  6. glad to see you have this event. I wanted to have a excuse to make the trek from southern Md. I will see you guys there. Curtis
  7. WOW to late for me I added 2 for my 240 system to eat all bad star fish..they were getting out of hand.
  8. Awesome sump ...Is that a bubble king? I love bubble king's
  9. Ok so I have flatworm's but not on my SPS. I have done some iodine dips and some freshwater dips. but it is in my display tank. will I always have them? I can't treat my whole tank because of all my inverts and clean up crew. man sometime this hobby sucks! too mant pests. Curtis
  10. My green and red live side by side and my red is 4 times larger.
  11. I'm still paranoid when fragging them, I always wear gloves mask,eye protection etc. I'm allergic to bees and seasonal pollen and rag weed etc. so I'm extra Careful.
  12. Thanks Coral Hind..Wow that will easier to plum. I will have a high tech water change system when I'm done .I will take some pics of the system.
  13. Nice frags Rik Hey I thought you said no more mail order or is that until Sean opens back up.
  14. so I just plumed a water changing system from my fish room to my 2 tanks. so now I need to plum the old water out. So my question is do I just send it down the drain in my sloppy sink and then to my septic system or drill a hole in the house foundation and plum it out side? Will the bactria in my salt water affect the septic bactria? I have a 240gal and a 150 system so there will be a fair amount of water going somewere .also out side, where is the best place to drain the water. saltwater will kill grass and trees right. Thanks Curtis
  15. I think you ok .as long as no air bubbles and its not poring in there.
  16. that's is one nasty worm. I hope I do not have a little baby like that in my tank!
  17. Wow that's making progress. looks like you spent tons of time on this build. Curtis
  18. Wow you have allot of expensive toys on your living room floor/playground. My new sump and ATO with kalk stirr made a hude upgrade on my system. looks like you hads will be full for a while! Curtis
  19. Sonny will not shaft you.Make the call or PM him. Also it's not just the customer's that spends $100's even 1'000's .I have been in his store and has seen how he takes care of his customers! Curtis
  20. Man Phillip sorry to see that awesome set up go. But good luck in the marines. I think that is a great job for you. for anybody looking for a high end set up ...this is it. If you part out put me in line for the entire light set-up. Curtis
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