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Everything posted by hbh

  1. Anyone near Fairfax Inova hospital? I need a ride to cvs to get pain meds for my DD who just had open heart from Fairfax Inova hospital. My car is. Dead. Call me @ 301-452-5313 if you can help.
  2. My mated pair displayed the same behavior. Sit back and enjoy! It is cool to watch the eggs develop but after 14 days they don't usually make it. Mine had a new batch every 2 to 3 weeks. Hth.
  3. I think after you all are done working, a few should don the leftover Halloween clownfish suits get in the tank and do a photo shoot! ;-)
  4. Thank you for the social! It was really one of the best we have been to. My son was really engaged & awed by the exhibit and now wants to volunteer there. Just wish we were closer! It was well worth the drive. So grateful to all who worked to put this together!
  5. Dave, I would encourage you to put aside any fears of needing "to clean house" & put out the call for help! We ALL want to see you finish this amazing tank! And there are quite a few members who could help and would enjoy learning from this in person. You do explain well what you are doing and ask good questions. Keep it up! :-D
  6. My awake teens felt it but I slept through and so did my hound. Guess we will not be depending on him to predict earthquakes!
  7. Dave Linn, My baby clowns from dbarrtco are very lonely for an anenome. Are you willing to give one up, please??? Both my clowns and my DH would be very appreciative! LMK. :-) Hbh Well, it's worth trying! In meantime, anyone else looking to trade or sell one?
  8. Do you have any more f/s or trade?
  9. What would a 36" x9" array run in cost? In time? What Experience level to build (ie. totally challenged non-DIY could do this to only a pro could this) it?
  10. Go to the gb for pics. There is talk of going for another group buy. Possible Delivery in Gaithersburg, MD (30 min. from Tysons Corner). Sam- Your review is already circulating the internet! Lol!
  11. Thank you for showing this sweet project! May it bring joy and a smile to those who see it.
  12. Great job! Those photos make it seem easy. Was it as easy as it looks? Thanks for sharing.
  13. Just wanting to confirm: the cb & goby are sold? Correct?
  14. Isthe coral beauty and goby still available? Do you have an anenome available? I would also like a small amount of rock with sponges. Are you available during the week day? LMK. TIA
  15. OOh man! You did happen to find your mischievous,missing clown in there,did you?
  16. I can bring empty large buckets and some old towels.
  17. Steve, Thanks! It's a deal! What do you like? LMK. I can do homemade rustic bread,scones,cobblers, triple chocolate brownish and cookies. See you at the meeting with a plate of whatever you want. Holly
  18. Will you trade snails for cookies or homemade brownies? :-)
  19. Hi! Any chance you have any of your clowns left f/s? I am looking for another pair. Thanks!
  20. Hi! I would love to have some pink pulsing xenial and can trade some homemade bread for the clove and or sinularia as I have no corals in my tank. I do have live rock and sand to trade. LMK what works for you. Thanks for starting the post.
  21. HI! If any of these are available I would be interested and able to come later this week or another time: The Chromis, The cardinal and the2 Small Rocks with yuma Pink/Green Richordia. LMK what works. Thanks!
  22. Forrest it's in the 20L the 'nems are doing fine but my Ballast quit on the 55 so they are still white. My clowns have laid a large clutch of eggs and they are developing rapidly! I'm waiting to to any changes to the 55 until after they hatch. I hope someone can raise this batch... In the meantime the 20 is getting the red stuff in it. I'd be tempted to put the turbo damsels in the 55 except for the eggs and the PJ that is being harassed. Jason, I don't have any extra cash so if doesn't sell and you are willing to loan it out, I'd borrow it from you. Would taking out the rocks and scrubbing them work? I have no corals to worry about in there. I only fed 1x day and it's 2 small pinches of pellets. So this is likely from the salt being high, powerhead and having lighting issues.
  23. My salt was off and one HOB filter quit. Those issues have been resolved but in the meantime a deep red film has begun covering the rocks. Does anyone have input to removing or stopping this?
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