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Pacific East


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8 minutes ago, lynn.reef.nerd said:


He said no one was hurt and livestock are good.


Thank goodness.  I'm sure he is covered by insurance, but if there's anything he needs in the interim (that can take a while), please let us know!  What a nightmare.  

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This sucks. Just happened in my corporate office, now we all work remotely! Doubt they’ll have the same outcome, but insurance should help get them back to better!

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Thanks for the information, Lynn.


Where possible, WAMAS members should consider helping out as you're able to help them through this situation. Pacific East Aquaculture has long been a loyal sponsor of this club, supporting us at every turn. Please give extra consideration to returning their generosity by sending some additional business their way.

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Hi Everyone 

Thanks for your concern and well wishes!


We had a fire Monday evening in the office/storage area at our facility. The fire was unrelated to any aquarium issues. There is significant smoke damage and some structural damage. Our HVAC units are in that area and have created a somewhat toxic environment. We are doing everything we can to minimize any impact to our livestock. All our livestock systems are running normally and thus far all stock appears to be OK. 


We are working with our insurance companies and starting the process. It will be months before we will be fully operational or open to walk in customers. With the replacement of HVAC and dehumidifier units, clean up, light fixture replacements, construction, etc. we are looking at a few hundred thousand dollars in damages.


At the same time I have been working on starting a new coral farm in Tonga. No one has done cultured corals there. They do not have any experience in culturing corals and have asked for my assistance since I set up a coral farm in the Solomon Islands about 15 years ago, a clam farm in French Polynesia about 12 years ago, and another farm in Indonesia recently. I have been working with locals in Tonga to set this up and hope to get the farm going in a couple of months. The fire at our facility will delayed this project unfortunately. 


I appreciate your offers for help however we are doing all that can be done at this time and clean up will require specialized equipment. 


We plan to rebuild and hope we can financially.


Thank you all. I attended the very first WAMAS meeting and have been to virtually every meeting/event over the years. So many of you are friends and supporters and I am privileged to know you all. 


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My guess is that they have insurance and pros that will put the place back together. They will be without some space, though, during the recovery.

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On 2/12/2020 at 8:44 PM, Pacific East Aquaculture said:

Hi Everyone 

Thanks for your concern and well wishes!


We had a fire Monday evening in the office/storage area at our facility. The fire was unrelated to any aquarium issues. There is significant smoke damage and some structural damage. Our HVAC units are in that area and have created a somewhat toxic environment. We are doing everything we can to minimize any impact to our livestock. All our livestock systems are running normally and thus far all stock appears to be OK. 


We are working with our insurance companies and starting the process. It will be months before we will be fully operational or open to walk in customers. With the replacement of HVAC and dehumidifier units, clean up, light fixture replacements, construction, etc. we are looking at a few hundred thousand dollars in damages.


At the same time I have been working on starting a new coral farm in Tonga. No one has done cultured corals there. They do not have any experience in culturing corals and have asked for my assistance since I set up a coral farm in the Solomon Islands about 15 years ago, a clam farm in French Polynesia about 12 years ago, and another farm in Indonesia recently. I have been working with locals in Tonga to set this up and hope to get the farm going in a couple of months. The fire at our facility will delayed this project unfortunately. 


I appreciate your offers for help however we are doing all that can be done at this time and clean up will require specialized equipment. 


We plan to rebuild and hope we can financially.


Thank you all. I attended the very first WAMAS meeting and have been to virtually every meeting/event over the years. So many of you are friends and supporters and I am privileged to know you all. 



Dr. Mac, just let us know what we can all do!  I absolutely love your dedication to the hobby, to captive bred fish, to aquaculture, and to us hobbyists!  Glad no one was hurt and all livestock seem to be doing well.  

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In Tonga, our farm location has been assigned. We are allowed to set up the coral and clam farm in the waters surrounding Pangaimotu Island. We have submitted the paperwork for an Aquaculture permit and will have that in a week. Since no one has set up a farm in Tonga before we will have some challenges, but with enthusiastic backing by the government.


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On the home front, the smoke damage throughout our facility is extensive and will take some time to deal with. Insulation is attached to the roof and in the external walls and so the roof must be removed as well as demolition of many walls. So far the livestock systems are still running and all livestock is fine, but once demo begins it will be challenging. We are still shipping online orders but can not allow walk-in customers. HEPA air scrubbers and Hydroxyl generators are cleaning the odors. A temporary heating system and dehumidifiers are running. The significant livestock areas have been superficially decontaminated. The office and packing areas will need complete demolition. A storage pod is set up outside and most areas inside have all contents removed. The process of demo and construction can begin only after the insurance company decides on a settlement. The process will likely take months. 

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53 minutes ago, Pacific East Aquaculture said:

In Tonga, our farm location has been assigned. We are allowed to set up the coral and clam farm in the waters surrounding Pangaimotu Island. We have submitted the paperwork for an Aquaculture permit and will have that in a week. Since no one has set up a farm in Tonga before we will have some challenges, but with enthusiastic backing by the government.



What I'm hearing is you need me to quit my day job. Lol. In all seriousness, that's awesome!

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