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Warren's 90 gallon Zeovit tank

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Tony and I have come to the conclusion that I'm nuking my corals with too much light. I went through some old posts of mine on RC and found that I was doing well with a white level of about 45%. Why the H-E-double hockey sticks did I change it?


On another note, my Laboutei wrasse escaped for a third time. I took the cover off to feed. He went back in shortly after, but now he has pop eye. Hope he pulls through. I can't even find him to catch him, not that I have a hospital tank for immediate use.

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Well that was fast. Not sure if another fish attacked his eye or if it popped, but the whole eye isos song now. I've had freshwater fish recover from pretty gruesome injuries, but this one looks questionable. Very sad.


I will monitor his progress. He is in an acclimation cube in the DT.





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Hey, did you remove the factory plumbing or did you somehow cut the pipes? Just got my own marineland 90g and I hear factory plumbing can be a bit noisy...still don't have water in mine to confirm


Herbie overflow





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The pipes weren't installed yet on mine, so I didn't have to remove them. Isn't it just a slip x thread? If not, I would recommend going slip on the tank side, and screw on for the bottom. Don't glue the herbie pipes in on the top side, in case you want to adjust the height, and I'm sure you will. It took me 2 or 3 tries before I got the height where I like it.

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Hey man I am glad you got the tank on track! Also glad that the little darth maul made it! I still have your jackolantern when your ready for a piece back.


Has it grown? Amanda said it hasn't really done much yet. Would absolutely love a piece back, but I don't want to make it too small.


For anyone that cares, the little Labouti pulled through the night, and seems to be marginally better. Crazy looking wound. You can see right into his head...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm rebooting my tank. Switching to biopellets and will probably build a T5/LED hybrid. Saw Paul's and I love the look. No disco, and the colors were great. I shoulda stuck with T5HO in the first place. That's what I used to grow more than 2 dozen orchids indoors.

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I'm rebooting my tank. Switching to biopellets and will probably build a T5/LED hybrid. Saw Paul's and I love the look. No disco, and the colors were great. I shoulda stuck with T5HO in the first place. That's what I used to grow more than 2 dozen orchids indoors.


Bio pellets instead of Zeo? You should just do all T5. I did the T5 LED combo, but will do straight 8 bulb HO with a reefbrite on my new 180, very crisp look that you can't beat.


Would you ever grow an orchid outside of the T5 bulbs? I inherited one from a friend who moved, and I killed half of it, but then JasonRhodes suggested I put it in the bathroom, (something about the steam from the showers?) and the rest has not died. Any advice?

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Depends on the orchid. The bathroom is surely doom though, unless you have a window. They do take a considerable amount of light if it is indoors. In this area, you can leave orchids outside in a partly shaded area as long as the temps don't fall below 60F. Dendrobiums will take as much light as they can get. The leaves will turn purple. Cattleyas are up next, and phalenopsis the least amount of light. More than likely, you have a phalenopsis. Put it by a window. That should be enough light.


Honestly, the usual way to kill an orchid is to over water it. The roots should just dry out before the next watering.

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Depends on the orchid. The bathroom is surely doom though, unless you have a window. They do take a considerable amount of light if it is indoors. In this area, you can leave orchids outside in a partly shaded area as long as the temps don't fall below 60F. Dendrobiums will take as much light as they can get. The leaves will turn purple. Cattleyas are up next, and phalenopsis the least amount of light. More than likely, you have a phalenopsis. Put it by a window. That should be enough light.


Honestly, the usual way to kill an orchid is to over water it. The roots should just dry out before the next watering.




I used the round orange ceramic balls for soil.  Kept Phalys and Poison Arrow frogs at one time.

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Thanks! Maybe I'll take it to work, not a lot of natural sunlight at my place. I know not to overwater, I do a small amount once a week, quarter of a cup.

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I think I've made up my mind to go custom. I'll be able to put some nice 120mm fans on this way too. Not convinced that tiny 80mm does that much on the ATI. I will probably make it out of MDF and angled aluminum stock.

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Something like that. I have a few different ideas. My wife said she liked the look of the ATI plus reefbrite, so I guess that isn't off the table. I would want to find a nice LED strip that dims though.



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  • 1 month later...

It's been a rough ride the past few months, but things are turning around. AWT showed twice that my home tests of K were reading seriously low, and I took the Zeo totally offline with a nice recirculating biopellet reactor in its place. Also I ended up going with ATI T5 6 bulb fixture, with some LED strips to complement. SPS growing rapidly once again. About time!


I also picked up a new camera, an Olympus OMD EM1. Man is it nice! Still getting the hang of it though.




King of the wrasses


My kole tang eats no food that I add. All she does is peck surfaces and eat... fish poop. Yay for recycling.



This one is for Piper27. Darth Maul porites with full polyp extension.



Miami Chalice expelling zooxanthellae



This little guy eats no frozen, but has fattened up over the past few months


Edited by wangspeed
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I love the Darth Maul Porites... Reputed to be a real slow grower, though. How's it doing for you?

Fairly slow for me. Slower than an encrusting monti, but then again, my frag was mostly uncolored and small.





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Looks good! What are your bulbs and led supplements exactly? I'll have a similar setup going shortly too.

All ATI. I don't recall the order but 3 blue+, 2 coral+, and 1 purple+.


The LED strips are low powered actinics from 21 LED USA. They have high power versions too.




I use one in front and one in back to adjust the color and have sunrise/sunset and moonlighting.





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It's been a rough ride the past few months, but things are turning around. AWT showed twice that my home tests of K were reading seriously low, and I took the Zeo totally offline with a nice recirculating biopellet reactor in its place. Also I ended up going with ATI T5 6 bulb fixture, with some LED strips to complement. SPS growing rapidly once again. About time!


I also picked up a new camera, an Olympus OMD EM1. Man is it nice! Still getting the hang of it though.




King of the wrasses



My kole tang eats no food that I add. All she does is peck surfaces and eat... fish poop. Yay for recycling.



This one is for Piper27. Darth Maul porites with full polyp extension.



Miami Chalice expelling zooxanthellae



This little guy eats no frozen, but has fattened up over the past few months


Um sir, what kinds of wrasse is that? !?!?!?!
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