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300 gallon deep dimension ?


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I read online about a person in atlanta getting a 300dd tank into house through a 36" door by bringing it in on its side. Has anyone heard of this? ,can tanks be rested on their side for short periods of time?

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I've had every tank I've owned on its side except for rimless of course. Shouldnt be a problem.

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I've had every tank I own including rimless on its side.... If it's going to hold hundreds of pounds worth of rock and water it better be able to support itself on its side...

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thanks guys that is good to hear, I was excited about the possibility of getting a 300d down the road, but then measured my door and realized it could only come in sideways. That is when i started researching and found the thread about a guy in atlanta.

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Sure, that's why both the tank and stand are 27" tall... they both fit through a standard door.

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I had my current rimless tank on it's side for quite some time while I was cleaning it, drilling it, and storing it... this is all before I leak tested it and set it up... it's fine.

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How often do people rest their tanks on one end? For instance, standing it up on end on a landing inbetween floors when coming down the stairs to a basement

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FWIW, I'm currently in the process of ordering a custom tank 68x38x38 and the manufacturer specifically says NOT to turn the tank on its' end to get it through a door.

I have moved numerous tanks up and down stairs and haev put them on ends or backs though.

Edited by zygote2k
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^what manufacturer?


I suspect that's an exception rather than a rule.


(cool tank size, by the way!)

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