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I'm planning to take my back tank glass from the 65 to the glass place tomorrow morning. I doubt I could get an entire replacement panel very cheap, so most likely will have a 10" long x 5" high corner cut out to get rid of the bad section.


What next? Suggestions for how to proceed after that which might be better than the original plan without being (much) costlier?


The original plan was to get a piece of glass to fit in the space, silicone it, laminate glass over the edges onto the main glass (I need a piece inside that same exact space to fit the trim back over the edge, so I can't simply overlay a piece). Then I would drill holes in a different spot - the overflow box is 20" long by 10" high, so I've got plenty of room for more holes while still keeping the replacement piece behind the glass.

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After taking a whole panel off, I agree with the ones above. Way too much work that will probably be for naught when the tank comes apart. If you had just put plexi on either side of the hole with the crack, I would say that it would be fine, but now it's just not worth it.

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Now that you have the back panel completely off, you might as well fill it up just to make sure it doesn't leak before you go through all that trouble just to find it leaks a little less after.

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I would put it in your car and then the next time the local thugs hit your car, add it to the police report. - just kidding.


Some bad luck. At this point, tank not worth it and once day, be it tomorrow or a month from now, it will leak and you will have a mess. Better off looking for a used one or see what LFS has deal on new.

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Now that you have the back panel completely off, you might as well fill it up just to make sure it doesn't leak before you go through all that trouble just to find it leaks a little less after.


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The glass is at the glass shop.


Other people re-seal tanks. People build tanks from scratch bigger than this one. Why is it that all of a sudden it's asking for disaster to re-seal a tank that is a meager 65 gallons?


There are so many mixed messages on WAMAS forum that it's getting to be very disconcerting.


Also, I did not ask the question of whether I should get a new tank and people keep insisting on saying it when I keep repeating that I can't do it right now. If you feel so strongly about it that you have to keep ignoring what I say and repeating yourself rather than giving the type of suggestions I ask for, then perhaps you would feel better if you just give me a new tank.


Maybe this is not the place to look for help anymore.

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I don't read any mixed messages Forrest. I read that some very experienced people are telling you that there's more of a chance that what you want to do WONT WORK. They're not telling you what you want to hear because there's a BIG chance it WON'T WORK. If it were me, I'd LISTEN.


I'm so sorry that you've had a streak of really bad luck with all the car vandalisms and such. I hope someone has a 65 gallon tank laying around that they could give you. I'd even pitch in a little to get you one if other's would like to help out. You really don't need 65 gallons of water on your floor seeping through your neighbors ceiling on top of everything else that's happened, right? That would really stink! :eek:


The glass is at the glass shop.


Other people re-seal tanks. People build tanks from scratch bigger than this one. Why is it that all of a sudden it's asking for disaster to re-seal a tank that is a meager 65 gallons?


There are so many mixed messages on WAMAS forum that it's getting to be very disconcerting.


Also, I did not ask the question of whether I should get a new tank and people keep insisting on saying it when I keep repeating that I can't do it right now. If you feel so strongly about it that you have to keep ignoring what I say and repeating yourself rather than giving the type of suggestions I ask for, then perhaps you would feel better if you just give me a new tank.


Maybe this is not the place to look for help anymore.

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I don't read any mixed messages Forrest. I read that some very experienced people are telling you that there's more of a chance that what you want to do WONT WORK. They're not telling you what you want to hear because there's a BIG chance it WON'T WORK. If it were me, I'd LISTEN.


Completely agree with Jan on this one. Forrest, it is kinda a waste of money to keep throwing a few dollars here and there at that old tank. I know you say you are in a financial Jam, but if I were you, I would keep looking for used tanks for sale. And if you ever need any help in the future when it comes to drilling holes, I have quite a bit of experience. Hope things work out for ya.

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The problem with the tank now that you have the back panel off is that you now also don't have a top and bottom brace because, as you said, you cut it. Sure, you could get new ones. I have no idea from where, and it would probably cost you a pretty penny, but the point is, and I agree with Nate 1000%, a little money here and a little there adds up to a lot more than it otherwise would. If you have to get a new tank at some point anyways, work with what you've got and don't throw money at a tank that is pretty much done for. If you don't have room, look around, I'm sure there's plenty of wamas members that would be willing to help. Maybe sell some frags to get money, or if you want, I would be happy to keep some coral and fish for a while if you don't have room.


Just my .02.

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By "mixed messages" I meant in a global forum regard, not confined to a single thread... to understand what I mean, a person would have had to be here a little while. Some examples: A. people giving opinons on a thread and giving opposite opinions on a different thread; B. agreeing with an idea when it's hypothetical, but then disagreeing when the situation becomes one of necessity.


I did not cut the brace on the tank, I cut the trim one time on each end of the tank, leaving the corners and back in one continuous piece. I didn't even take the trim off the tank all the way, just lifted the back of it up to take out the back glass. The lower trim is still intact on the bottom of the tank, it just suffered some partial splitting at the seams in the lower back corners when I was trying to pull the back panel of glass up, but is not cut or broken all the way through.


I did not take apart the entire tank, I only took off the back, as you can see in the picture. Only the back needs re-sealing and re-sealing is easy if done carefully.



I can't have my stuff crammed into the hex just waiting for money to be saved, I need something right away. There is no reason that this tank can't be easily and safely repaired and the cost to do it is negligible compared to having to get another tank immediately. I know the proper way to seal a tank.


I will have to re-drill the tank, but I should not have any difficulty if I get a new bit. I am not sure where to drill right now, I have to get the glass home and stare at it for a while, then figure out how I want to set up the overflow.

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Because you need a tank now and cheap, trying to fix your current tank may be your best solution. Although the advice provided here is sound advice, you know your situation better than anyone. That's why you have to take all advice with a grain of salt... including mine :)


Good luck

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Maybe if you are having financial issues, another fish tank is not the answer...

You have one already-why not work on that one exclusively and SAVE some money?

There's no financial issue keeping me from affording to maintain the tanks. The "tank" in fact, is still being maintained in the body of a hex that was previously empty. The only issue that exists is that money I already had saved for things like recreation and pieces of tank equipment, got taken. Unlike so many other people, I will not buy luxery items on borrowed money (i.e., credit).


But again, none of this answers the question for which I started the thread.

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External overflow.

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Is it me or does it seem to be getting angry :angry: in this thread.



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Sorry, I was a bit frustrated yesterday, though not angry other than angry at the thugs who the cops let run crazy while they themselves sit in Starvin Marvins with free food or poke around 7-11, and at the MoCo police. I want to know where the H the old Oldsmobile is like mine that USED to always be parked on the other side of the building up until my tires and side light were stolen. I want to know why the bleepidy bleep the cops refuse to take crime reports other than over the phone here. I want to know why the bleepidy bleep the management here decided that it was better to have security leave some days at 2am and some at 4am with the notion that leaving at those particular times on alternating days would discourage the thugs who all know that security is only here for a few hours and what those hours are. I want the police to look for that other Oldsmobile Ciera and if my tires and light are on it I want the owners put in jail and my property returned. Who the H else would steal a light/reflector thing from the side of a 1993 OCC other than someone who owns one, knowing it's very hard to find any body parts for these old cars. I could curse all dang day and the dang MoCo police don't give a dang darn doggone what the freaking frig happens in this nieghborhood. Gaithersburg has gone all to H. Oh, I also want to know who the H the parents of these thugs are and what the bleep THEIR problem is that they would create and thrust such vermin upon society.


I posted some filters and stuff on FS board... if someone buys that stuff I can use the cash towards a tank, but I don't think anyone here wants filters. There would be a bit of a question about how I would get a tank home. How do most people transport 65 or 75g tanks to their houses?


External overflow.

I'm trying to figure out how to do it and what to do it with - buying glass is not something I want to do. I used a taken-apart 10g for the overflow I had made for in the tank. I might take apart a 20 or a 16 and use that glass for an overflow.... why can't all these little tanks turn themselves into one big tank? Got another 10, a 5, a 16, a 20, a 29, and a 2.5.

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