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Everything posted by freshfins

  1. Right. No guarantees. I broke a 75g on my first attempt.
  2. I can help. I'm no expert, but I've drilled several. I have bits and a drill guide.
  3. Diatom outbreaks are typical of a new setup. You just wait it out and the silica gets used up and the diatoms go away. It can also be caused by old light bulbs that have shifted out of spectrum. Check out this article: http://gwapa.org/wordpress/articles/algae-in-the-planted-aquarium/#diatoms
  4. You can call Incredible Corals and ask to visit today.
  5. I did this just recently... use a razor blade. It came off very easily, all in one piece.
  6. I need to get a culture of pods, but is it safe to order them and add them to the DT? Or is that just as risky as not quarantining fish?
  7. I hope all goes well and you have a speedy recovery! My Dad has been through the same procedures and did well.
  8. As with all equipment, it depends on age and condition. If it's like new, then half of retail price is fair.
  9. All that. The club recenlty ordered bulk dragon stone, pagoda stone, spider wood and manzanita.
  10. GWAPA. gwapa.org The next meeting is on the 22nd in Sterling. They have nice wood and rock for sale.
  11. It was an Eheim that shocked me. I've had a few Eheims go bad, but they're supposed to be one of the best brands.
  12. I've been shocked too. That's why I now keep a grounding probe in the tank.
  13. I think Cobalt is a good company, so I trust their products as far as any. Stuff happens.
  14. From the original designer: http://www.beananimal.com/projects/silent-and-fail-safe-aquarium-overflow-system.aspx
  15. I did crack the 1st tank I drilled. It was an old tank that may have had a fault in the glass. It's always a risk, even for the pros.
  16. Most standard size tanks have tempered glass bottoms, which cannot be drilled. I drilled the back of my 75. I got a drill guide, which helped a lot. It took an unusual 2 hours to drill each hole, I think because I used a cheaper drill bit from BRS. Other people have said that it should only take 10 minutes.
  17. Where? I didn't think any shop would drill. I drilled my own.
  18. Have you found a place that will drill for you?
  19. Joshua at Batfish Aquatics can help. He's in Silver Spring. http://www.batfishaquatics.com batfishaquatics@gmail.com
  20. I have a some new computer fans I'll probably never use.
  21. Go very early before the bigest crowds. Also, the dolphins and Amazon exhibits close earlier than the rest of the aquarium.
  22. Using baking soda and water helped me a lot. Without them the saw kept getting stuck.
  23. I'm not sure if you can see this if you're not a member, but give it a try: http://gwapa.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=4437&p=39837&hilit=diy+co2+regulator#p39837
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