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Everything posted by Keraxis

  1. Just wondering what everyone's thoughts were about marine pure. BRS showcased some and the amount of water it held was pretty impressive and the package claims a 8x8x4 block has 23,000 ft of surface are.
  2. Dont miss understand.. Sunscreen could be effecting corals but my issue was the way the test was conducted. A wave pool with coral and levels of sunscreen currently being reduced would have to be used for it to be valid. I cant find a new article on how Craig Downs did his testing so I assume its the same one I previously read.
  3. There was actually a major problem with the sunscreen test he referred. Unless they have redone the test they took a coral. placed it into a bag and then dumped sunscreen into the water. Which is 100 times more contact then corals would get through natural use and there is no current in the bag so it just stews with them. Pretty much anything will die like that. The other issue with the test is that sunscreens float. Corals being 10 to 80 feet average would not get much if any contact with the chemical. Christine Williams spoke on this a while back and her background is biochemist and molecular biology. She also spoke about what natural means and we would not consider it natural at all when referring to sunscreens
  4. Think its just a bristle worm. Color isnt quite right for a fireworm and its not a bushy fireworm because those are distinctive. I typically leave them in. They are great and keeping your rock work clean.
  5. Went in yesterday to buy my tank. Clowns stock looks really healthy.
  6. I ended up getting the wavepoint. I can use the stock light and the wavepoint which has blue and white. Should be able to handle up to lps which is what I wanted. If it doesnt work out I can steal my 160a kessil for it but then I would have to get a new light for my daughters tank which iam setting up.
  7. I normally rent a uhaul because the home depot normally only has 1 truck and its first come first served.
  8. If you watch the videos they show multiple tanks. These tanks are in the office area in cubicles and in common areas and belong to the employees. They are reef enthusiast so they care and make solid recommendations. I can respect that and like the things they carry. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=719512828076445&set=a.326925147335217.92970.117073924987008&type=1&relevant_count=1 The image is not from their office but i just wanted to share this picture I found.... incredible
  9. You only need both if your tank is very large. BRS has a great video on this.
  10. Marine battery. Not sure how long a computer UPS would work.
  11. Are we sure its a chalice. Looks like a favia to me. This is called a dragon soul favia. Looks similar
  12. I was wondering when I was going to see these donations starting. Good choice.
  13. CPR overflows have a prevention measure to stop this. Here is the video explaining how they stop a siphon break during a lose of power
  14. Its hard to tell from the pic. The cheek area does look whitish and the pattern fades. Could be a hybrid. They do happen sometimes
  15. white cheek goby. Its hard to tell from the pic though
  16. I plan on using the $8000 thermal camera we have to check my water temp. Maybe Ill just start the cycle and see how it goes. Trying a combo on the lights. the stock white led and the blue and white wavepoint led. So far out of pocket expense has only been about $45 for the entire setup. The rest was old gift cards and equipment I had laying around
  17. I wonder if they at least went down and salvaged any of the coral. Take the 600k and set up a mariculture facility using the new frags to regrow
  18. My nano is coming along. Iam stuck on the heater. What heater are you using on your tank right now. I really like the cobolt easy therm but thought you might have a better option. Edit: I read the post over. Are you still not running a heater. My office is set to 73. Not sure if the led and pump would keep it warm enough
  19. Doesn't get much fresher then this
  20. I tend to believe its runoff that does it. Fertilizer increases algae growth and is actually causing dead zones all over the world. Once you lose the urchins it typically means the reef is close behind
  21. Think Ill come by today. You guys should post your webpage though. The first search that comes up in a capital aquarium in Cali
  22. I am certified micro soldering up to aircraft grade but its for work. What ever I use has to look clean.... Iam kind of toeing the line on whether or not I can actually have a tank on my desk. I went through all documents and there is nothing that says I cant but it does say you can bring your dog to work. SB makes a a micro version of the evergrow. https://sbreeflights.com/ He just started shipping them but I cant find a price yet. Before anyone asks... yes SB stands for what you think it does. He has a good sense of humor but his lights are very good
  23. I was thinking about Nanobox Mini Tide led..... Never mind. Just realized the price of those
  24. Leak test in progress. I need to upgrade the LED to grow coral. Any recommendations for such a small tank.
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