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Paypal Safety


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I just put my old playstation3 up for sale on craigslist and received a response from an us military person in Afghanistan wanting me to ship it abroad. He wants to use paypal. i have never received money only bought with paypal. so my question is how safe is paypal. If he sends me money how long till the funds clear? Also can he somehow take funds from the account that it is linked to? Thanks for responding

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I've never had a problem with paypal and prefer it as a source of payment. However, I would never take any money or give information to someone out of the 50 states. Paypal is secure but not everything is 100%. Unless you know this

Individual I would be cautious about giving out your information...

Hope it helps.

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Funds are available in Paypal right away. He can't take funds back once he sends you money. You can transfer the money into your bank account, It takes 3 days. To be sure I'd wait 3 days from when you get the money before sending the item.


It is not suggested that folks use paypal with craigslist. The buyer has no protection.


Just to be on the safe side I'd call Paypal and see if the person is verified.


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If they are truly in the military and overseas, he will have an APO (army post office) or FPO (fleet post office) address.  If that's the case, I would def use paypal (calling to make sure the account is verified).   If it's not APO or FPO, I wouldn't sell to them.

Edited by londonloco
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Paypal has been pretty fair with the resolution program they have. I've been using them since 1999 as a seller and never lost any money. Find out what unit he is in just in case and make sure the shipping address matches someone who would be stationed in the A-stan AOR.


If Army or Air Force it will be an APO AE address. Army Post Office, Area Europe

If Navy or Marines it will be an FPO AE address. Fleet Post Office, Area Europe

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I guess we both had the same idea with the APO/FPO. :cheers:


If you are really worried you could send it to his friend or family member in the US and have them forward it over to him. That would rule out any out of country scammer.

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Yes Coral, great minds think a like.  It's been over 30 years since we've had an APO addy, but still first thing I thought of.  Internet is available for private use for some over there, and they are restricted on how much bandwith they can use.  But think about it, if this person is really over in Afganistan, would you want to deny him the PS3?  I'd prob be the sucker that gave it to him for free, and paid for the shipping myself.....

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But think about it, if this person is really over in Afganistan, would you want to deny him the PS3? I'd prob be the sucker that gave it to him for free, and paid for the shipping myself.....



Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2



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I hit the ground there in Oct 2001 and although we didn't have much free time I would have loved to have had a gaming system to relax in front of. When we went to Iraq in 2003 one of my buddies packed one into our tool container. When we rotated out we just left it there for our replacements. 



Also can he somehow take funds from the account that it is linked to?


No, he does not have access to your linked account. The worst case I can think of is that the buyer claims you didn't ship it and starts a dispute to get the money back. If you provide a receipt or signature confirmation that the package was sent or received you are clear.

Also can he somehow take funds from the account that it is linked to?

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I hit the ground there in Oct 2001 and although we didn't have much free time I would have loved to have had a gaming system to relax in front of. When we went to Iraq in 2003 one of my buddies packed one into our tool container. When we rotated out we just left it there for our replacements. 



Thank you for your service.  

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you be surprised at how many types of electronics amazon would not ship to afghanistan even if the address is a apo address. most of the time people have to have their friends or family members purchase it from the states and ship it to afghanistan. although they do sell ps3s and tvs in the px in afghanistan, it cost a lot more there than if you bought it in any store in the states and those items usually sell out pretty quick and if you are at a remote location, chances are pretty slim you would be able to get one.

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As a buyer I had an issue with a seller who never shipped and PayPal did its best to work towards resolution.  I'll never use Google Wallet again - used once as a buyer and the account was hacked.

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Thanks for your input. The mailing address given is to mail it to Festac Lagos Nigeria. So this is 100% scam. Not sure how yet since they are giving me money. Unless it will one day disappear from the account after i mail the item.

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Thanks for your input. The mailing address given is to mail it to Festac Lagos Nigeria. So this is 100% scam. Not sure how yet since they are giving me money. Unless it will one day disappear from the account after i mail the item.

This always amazes me, they must think we are all really stupid....

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Any overseas offer on CL is a scam just delete any offers.

I rent out a basement apartment and use CL at least a 3rd

 of the inquiries are scammers mainly from africa or Europe.

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I had something like this happen when we listed my moms horse for sale.. Get this.."i'm emailing about the item you have for sale" how many people do you know that calls a horse an item??? I dont know anyone.. Total scam bcause they wanted to send xtra $ and have overage sent back to them..do I need to say I'm far from STUPID???! Not gonna happen!8)

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Money is probably from a stolen credit card number. I had a scammer call me today claiming to be from the credit card company and wanted to lower my rates. Just needed my card number, expiration date, and the security code. It seems the calls are going around today in our area from this number, see the link.


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I think the main part of this scam is that after you commit to the sale, you will receive a 'forged' email stating that the money has been deposited in your paypal account.  The buyer will then insist that you send the package, stating that the money won't show in your paypal account until they release it (as if paypal truly was an escrow system.)  IF you send the package (the PS3), then you lose!


No money will ever hit your paypal .. only "official looking" emails to you stating that the money has been sent and awaiting delivery of the package.


As for the stolen credit card aspect, I got a phone call from a 'computerized voice' saying my MasterCard was locked. Press 1 to unlock it or 2 to leave it locked.  Option 1 then asked for the credit card number .. I entered a dummy CC# and when they said it was a bad number, I got tired of the game and hung up ....

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Funds are available in Paypal right away. He can't take funds back once he sends you money. You can transfer the money into your bank account, It takes 3 days. To be sure I'd wait 3 days from when you get the money before sending the item.






This is completely false.  Funds can be taken back and have been in the past.  They also know how to get access to your account to continually funnel money from it.  There are articles like the following all over the internet.



Edited by steveoutlaw
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How can the individual take money back from your account without you providing the password?

Hackers have been able to gain access of accounts and collect the passwords the next time you logon.  They have also spoofed the paypal pages and drained peoples bank accounts without any notices ever being sent to the account owner.

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Viktoriia, did you try typing www.paypal.com into your browser address bar (or go from a bookmark, not a link in an email) and logging in to see if the money posted?


Actually, did you click on any link in the "confirmation email" that was sent to your email address saying that you had money?  If so, and if you logged in there, chances are it was a false youtube page and they got your password.  If you did that, you should change password for paypal immediately, then log in with the new password and check to see if any transfers were made recently.

Edited by AlanM
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