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Hello WAMAS... its been awhile


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Whats up everyone! Hope you all are all doing well. I have since adopted another female english bulldog :) She is doing really well. She is pretty humungus! She was around 100 lbs. when we got her and I have since slimmed her down to around 77 lbs. She is a huge sweet heart!

I also found out I will be having a baby girl April 18th of next year so I am pretty excited about that!


I am now in the early planning stages of doing my next tank. You know I couldn't stay away too long! I hope all the stuff I sold all you guys is doing really well for you all!!


I see alot of you have gone the way of LED's. Great decision! I will also be going this route. Just need to read up on it more and try and convince my brain they actually make coral grow and thrive! LOL

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no need to convince your brain that corals grow and thrive under LED- it's apparent in many of our tanks.

Let me know if you want some of that Blue Stag...



Hey Rob,


As far as LED's your pulling for Ecoxotic now yes? What ever happend to those LED Pendants you were using from Nano Tuners?

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Hey man good to see you back, congrats on the two new ladies in your life, i picked up that mimic tang from he and he is starting to change over and really getting the black/grey in now and loving life (a little skiddish but a great fish)


start carrying around a bag fo sugar now to get your arms used to the weight of the baby haha.

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Welcome back, congratulations on your new family member and your impending arrival of your newest family member. Though I'd say just start carrying around an 8-10Lb bag of dog food beings you probably already have that :)

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Hey man good to see you back, congrats on the two new ladies in your life, i picked up that mimic tang from he and he is starting to change over and really getting the black/grey in now and loving life (a little skiddish but a great fish)


start carrying around a bag fo sugar now to get your arms used to the weight of the baby haha.



Oh wow do you have a picture? That is awesome!! Yeah I been back in the gym throwing around the Iron as of late...hahah

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Ill try to get some pics tonight, just cleaned up the frag tank a little bit and was planning on showing of a few new additions so ill snap one


my daughter is 7mo old now, its amazing how fast time flies, take as many pics/movies as you can.


We may be out your way and i think we have a few left over baby clothes at the inlaws (down the road in remington) that you could have....we have been picked clean by some other friends who just had some babies or id have more, so many having babies these days it seems

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Hey Chris, welcome back!!


Congrats on the new rescue and baby on the way, it sounds like you will have your hands full... so you will be posing up pictures of your 300 build soon, right? ohmy.gif


Glad to hear all is going well

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Thanks guys :cool:


I am looking into designing something that will not only be amazing but will require me to do as little as possible. I dont want to be draggin out hoses or buckets when its time to do a water change or top off re-fill. I want to set it up so that I either puch a couple buttone, turn a few knobs and I am good to go! We'll see. I am in the design trenches as we speak :ph34r:

Edited by Novi
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snaped a couple of pics for ya tonight of the tang, really cant wait to see his final colors, i hope the yellow highlights on the edge of the fins stays

here is with flash


and some close to the real color



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snaped a couple of pics for ya tonight of the tang, really cant wait to see his final colors, i hope the yellow highlights on the edge of the fins stays

here is with flash


and some close to the real color




Oh wow is he amazing!!! Thats so cool!!

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