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how family members feel about your aquarium?


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So do your family members love your tank(s), hate it, wish or do have their own, and why?


I for one have a 25yo son living with me who I swear is acting jealous because he keeps telling me "all you care about is "your stupid fish tank". THe thing is in the livingroom in an apt - how can I not pay attention to it?

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25 is pretty old to be acting jellous of a fish tank... noone in my house hold even gives a care about me or my tank:) They just chalk it up to a big waste of money! Anyway Least he cares enough about you to be jellous:) my family does their own thing all the time! My brothers a mechanic... my mothers obsessed with oprah or home make over shows.. and my dad likes to watch anything and everything.. I gave up on tv along time ago!

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My fiance hates the way it smells and the time i spend on when i do spend time on it. She likes the way it looks otherwise but doesnt have much to say about it. My daughter likes looking at the fish but is bored with it. I love the hobby but sometimes get tired of it and get really into it at other times. Its a love and hate relationship with my tank. (doesnt help i had a kalk overdose and have yet to see if there was any damage)

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Wife loves the tank, hates the money spent on it.


Just last night after a run up to see check out MrCoral:


"We can't afford this you know"

"Actually we can; we have no debt and what exactly is it at the expense of?"

"My clothes for one"

"Well buy some freakin' clothes"

"Oh,... Ok"


I'm thinking this might not have been the right response.

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wow my gf cleans my tank:) she loves it and is very much into it as long as I don't spend too much!

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xtina gets a lil irked when i sit infront of my tank for an hour or so at a time just starin


Let's see... Christina...












Christina... tank... Christina...


Darn... so difficult to choose which to look at.


Fortunately for me, my tank IS the best looking thing in my house (usually).



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Guest webshout

Family is excited when new additions added to tank: Gee that's interesting. What's that? Then bored.


Wife is mostly OK, but has no idea of true cost. I aim to keep it that way. :biggrin:



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Sittin on the couch and just read the thread to my wife. We both got a chuckle. I then turn to her and ask, "So what are your thoughts on my new tank honey?"


She says "That's all you babe"


I'm aiming to keep her away from the expense involved as well.


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I guess I'm pretty lucky. My wife enjoys it and never gives me any grief about it or how much time or money I spend on it. As a matter of fact she is aways after me to get a BIGGER tank. If we weren't moving in a couple of years I'd probably do it. My plan is that when we build our new house in Florida I am planning on a 500 gal in wall tank with its own fish room and she's all for it.


She has a lot of her own hobbies and I aways try to support her as well. Life is good!

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Considering my reef hobby is much less expensive than the racing, she'd much rather have me reefing :P


Too bad now I am doing both! HA!

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My wife was first interested in the hobby and wanted to start a tank....then she got me interested...then I'm the one doing all the work (cleaning, building, purchasing)...and now I'm the primary person...


Funny how that happened... ;)

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I got back into reef keeping because I was jealous of my wife's horse hobby. That's one hobby more expensive than reef keeping so I don't get much grief ;). She enjoys looking at my tank.

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As you all know by now, Scott and I are a team and love the hobby with equal passions. Our six kids are, in various ways and at various times, tolerant, amused, grateful that we now HAVE a hobby instead of just work work work on our small business, and think it's neat to look at for five minutes at a time. :) We figure that's pretty good!

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My wife never cared much for most of my hobbies... so I traded her in on a fish tank.


My daughter likes the tank - especially new fish and stuff.


Nobody gives me any grief about the fish tanks, or their cost.


I invite ladies over to see my fish tanks instead of my etchings.


Life is good.



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All my family members think i am obsessed. First it was dogs...then cars...then came electronics and now my fish tank. What can I say :) I had to find another hobby to spend all my money on.

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All my family members think i am obsessed. First it was dogs...then cars...then came electronics and now my fish tank. What can I say :) I had to find another hobby to spend all my money on.

Is that an invitation? OK, call me Hobby... now give me your money!


By the way, my wife tolerates it, and enjoys it until a fish dies, then she hates it... she also likes some of the corals, but not all of them. The baby loves to sit in front of the tank, it's very soothing for her. Reilley, the 3 year old, loves to look at corals and insisted on getting a mithrax crab today and also naming it John, just like the last one we got and still have somewhere in the tank. She also likes to scream out "beautiful!" when looking at picture threads, until she gets to our corals, and then she's kind of silent... the little... Preston, the 4 year old, wants everything to come out of the tank so she can touch it and loves to stick her hands in there. She's also the one that came to the fall meeting and was running up to snag corals - she wants to come to the next one, too. Kammie, the now 7 year old (today!), likes it but would rather have a betta... oh, and the cats love to sit in front of it and try and grab the fish through the front pane.

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Wife? Oh yeah, I knew I was ignoring something while I was working on the tank for the past few years! :blush:



My answer - don't care, not even a little bit.............delivery people/service people are more impressed.


I for one have a 25yo son living with me who I swear is acting jealous because he keeps telling me "all you care about is "your stupid fish tank". THe thing is in the livingroom in an apt - how can I not pay attention to it?

That's easy to solve - he can put a roof over his own head :lol:

Edited by ErikS
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My wife and daughter like the tanks, but hate it when a fish dies (which hasn't happened in a while except for some Bangaais that only lasted a few days). They tell me what colors I need to add and let me know their opinion on how the tank looks if I change the lighting. Before my clownfish started laying eggs my wife told me "no more tanks", but after I raised some baby clownfish she gave me the OK to setup another tank, it also helped that I was given the tank for free. I'm still working on her for clearance to get a bigger tank. :)


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Guest beatle

My fiancee loves the tank and helps with the ATO, algae, and feeding when I'm on travel. She'll even clean the skimmer cup! She rolls her eyes when I mention a 180, but that's just because we both know it'll have to be a few years... it literally wouldn't fit through my small basement door!

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