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Fall Meeting Trade Thread


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I'll bring some hand towels. I'll just buy a pack of the hand towels you can buy in the automotive section at most stores. I'll keep them when we are done and wash and reuse.



Thanks. Large, small, all will be used.

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I also have three mangroves that I've been growing for about 2 years now. They are starting to impede upon my fixture over the sump so they have to go. A frag would be nice, but free might work for me too.



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darn, my blastos look a lot like yours unfortunately. I will look around a bit to see what else might be worthwhile. I am not a zoo person.


Just looking for one. I'm not dying for one. Just something new for me.

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Up for your consideration is a Steve Tyreee Super-Special Limited Edition turd...it's brown, but will color up nicely in your tank.


Seriously, since I'm just getting back into the hobby, I don't have much to offer for the fragfest, and wouldn't even post this, if not for the kindness and generosity that several WAMAS members have already shown me.


If anyone wants Caulerpa (yes...Caulerpa) frags, let me know...I have the mini & the weirdo farlowii.



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Up for your consideration is a Steve Tyreee Super-Special Limited Edition turd...it's brown, but will color up nicely in your tank.



hahahaha. That is too funny. I actually have one of those too. Here it is:



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Here's what I have in the frag tank right now:


4 bright green encrusting montis on disks

4 mounted fast-growing sea rod gorgonian (more available loose)

3 mounted yellow-brown digitata with several branches (more available loose)

Red mushrooms, available mounted and unmounted

Bright yellow mounted sinularia

One anthelia & mushroom rock (golfball size, 6-12 polyps of each)

Anthelia alone ( a few)


Let me know what you have. NO reasonable offer (including free for some of them) refused.


If there's interest, I will shoot a few photos when the lights are on.

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Here's a better pic of the blasto wellsi polyps. Finally adjusted the white balance:




Still looking for other SPS or zoanthids.



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Green Star Polyps, anyone? Happy to bring free frags of GSP to the meeting. Might not be mounted (got a 6" diameter clump on a 1" frag disk...); or if you have no idea or no glue, let me know and I can mount it on something. This is mostly the blue-green, very fine polyps, no visible center. If there's enough demand, I'll probably have some blue-green with white centers, as well. And maybe a few pieces of Jake's bright neon green. Not sure how far it's spread; it's under one of the racks.


Or - for $10 - I'll give you a nice little rock covered with it (3-4").


Or - for $20 - I'll give you about an 8" x 3" rock covered with the white-centered ones (it's trying to eat my sinularia - sinularia doesn't seem to care much, but the GSP has almost wrapped itself around it).


Or - for $5 - a very nice, mature, mounted frag of Jake's neon GSP (about 2x2" or so).


OR - of course I'll trade those for just about anything that grows, except bryopsis.


NOW - can someone tell me about the 'free frag table' ??? I just bring the stuff I'm overstocked on, and put it out for anyone to grab? (First fall meeting)




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NOW - can someone tell me about the 'free frag table' ??? I just bring the stuff I'm overstocked on, and put it out for anyone to grab? (First fall meeting)



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i have a 250 watt crap heater as a back up that i could take offline for the day if needed. lmk

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I have For Sale:


Ultra Neon Alien Eye Favia 8 left no less than 8-10 polyps per frag $25.00






Will consider trades for SPS Frags (not the commom stuff)





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Bringing these tommorow for trade or sale. I will have all of these bagged up tommorow. Please excuse my poor photo skills & camera the zoos look much better than I can take a photo of.



Tubs Blues, I should have mulitple disk for $10 per polyp, (Note: this is not my pic but exactly what they look like) Look great and grow fast !






Zombie Eyes: (Not sure how many disc I will have, just ask me tommorow)






I believe these are called pink puckers palys but not sure, I will have 1 disk of 4-5 polyps for trade or $15. These glow pink under atinics (my pics DO NOT do it justice) and also look great under my daytime 10ks and grow quickly and have nice large polyps (Only 1 Frag Available)



Dont know if these have a name or not but they are are nice light purple/lavender color paly. Trade or $15 for 5-6 polyps mounted on live rock rubble. (Only 1 Frag Available)




Wham' n' watermelons 5 or 6 polyps mounted on live rock $10 (1 Frag Available) (Note: this is not my picture, but its what they look like, got the pic from zoaid.com



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If anyone has a spare overflow that will help to keep things in the water! I will be bringin a large tub for all of the water people bring and a return pump branched into three returns. I only have 1 overflow, though, so if you've got one, bring it and we can plumb two tanks for frags.

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If anyone has a spare overflow that will help to keep things in the water! I will be bringin a large tub for all of the water people bring and a return pump branched into three returns. I only have 1 overflow, though, so if you've got one, bring it and we can plumb two tanks for frags.

Hmmm... well, I have this big old U-tube overflow left over from my 45. I don't know if that's what you want - but maybe I can just throw it in the car.


Geee... I sure hope I don't forget it when I leave. I might wonder where the extra space in my basement came from.



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