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Everything posted by extreme_tooth_decay

  1. If you go into a LFS and ask for a koh - leh, someone is going to point at a coke machine.
  2. If you buy it from HD/Lowe's, make sure it didn't expire several years before you bought it: LINK: I Didn't...
  3. It isn't silent, an invisible font was used.
  4. I was thinking the same thing...I pronounce at least half of those terms differently than listed (though in most cases only slightly differently). A couple examples: Astrea - "ass-tree-ah" I would pronounce that "ass-tray-uh" zooxanthellae - zoe-zan-tell-ee I would pronounce that zoe-zan-tHell-ee (sometimes zoe-zan-tHell-aa) Chaeto - "kay-toe" I agree since it is a Greek word (I think?) that is probably a "better" pronunciation, but I mostly hear (and use) "chay-toe". etc!
  5. I remember one time down at Sea Save before I got thrown out for asking the price of something, the guy there showed me a big snail or possibly it was a hermit that had a decent sized chunk of kenya tree on it. It was pretty amusing.
  6. My company doesn't block too many websites in my experience, but it does block that one...weird.
  7. It is a structural piece. I have gotten this information directly from at least one manufacturer. You should either fix or replace it or buy a new tank. For me, I'd just buy one at Petco's $1/gallon sale, but to each their own.
  8. When I go away for 7 days, I don't bother to feed them at all.
  9. Nice, congrats. I wouldn't care either if I were you. I would also feel flattered and think it was cool. Different opinions for people in different fields. I would feel differently if I were a professional photographer and actually losing money, but I'm not. And neither are you.
  10. When I had a snowflake that size (or larger) he never bothered anything. I would feed him using a feeding prong a couple or few times a week. Only complaint is that he was almost always hiding in his hole.
  11. I am on my 5th year with my current membrane. I do not use DI resin. It is still producing TDS 4 or 5 water. I will replace it when the TDS is above 20.
  12. I don't have any extra, but it only costs a couple bucks...just buy some?
  13. I found the mesh wheel to be much better than the needlewheel (LINK) Also, over a year later the mesh was like it was the day I installed it. I used the enkamat from ebay. (something like THIS)
  14. 1.5" if you have one out-hole, 1" if you have 2. Bigger/more if you have room is always better.
  15. What I hear him saying is that the skimmer is an unnecessary component, which sometimes causes problems, and he prefers a more natural system. Seems very reasonable to me.
  16. I kept mine on a 12 hour on/off cycle. It never "went sexual". While I do believe that happens, I think it may be one of the "boogy men" of the hobby, getting more press than the actual number of incidents warrant. YMMV!
  17. I had a large setup (125+55s+40f) that I did not run a skimmer on for well over a year. The 40BR fuge was totally full of caulerpa. I could never measure nitrates a while after I got that caulerpa going. Medium stocking. Very rarely did any waterchanges. DSB in fuge also. If you have the room for it, it is a great way to go.
  18. Hacksaw sounds like a good cheap idea to try.
  19. I would first find out if he is just attached to the egg crate. Try lifting it gently after you get the rock/sand off of it. If it gives easily, he is just attached to it. If he is just attached to the egg crate, just cut a circle of eggcrate around the clam and leave him attached to it.
  20. If you want 500-600, I would definitely consider a MAG 18. It worked well for me for a long time. If you look, you can usually find them new for just a little over $100. A wahoo is going to cost you 4 times that much. And you are right about the heat transfer, I noticed my temps drop a substantial amount when I set up my basement sump...even with the MAG 18 running. That is just heat you don't need a heater for.
  21. I had a basement sump (55+40) for several years for my 125 display tank. I attached a couple pics of the sump setup below. There is a 55 sump and a 40 fuge connected. I don't have one pic of the whole setup, you'll have to glue the 2 pics together in your mind...note that the second pic was taken when I still had the fuge integrated in the 55. I later moved the fuge out to the 40 (first pic). Here are some of my observations: 1) I was able to open up a fairly small hole in my wall and run 2 large diameter (Lowe's) vinyl tubes to the basement (1.5"?) and one smaller diameter vinyl return tube (1"?). The flexible tubing is great for this...lower head loss and easy to route. The big tubes plugged directly into the bulkheads in the tank...no plumbing parts at all from tank to sump. --> The holes in the wall were easy to patch. I would avoid drilling holes in the floor if possible. 2) For a long time I used a MAG 18 return pump, which worked fine for me. I had about 12ish feet of head. I did not need or want silly/crazy flow at that time. This saved me a good deal of electricity because I didn't need additional flow. --> I believe a MAG 18 at 12' is 750 GPH (LINK). A mag 12 at 10' is 600 GPH. 3) I did later switch to a sequence wahoo pressure rated pump (seen in one of the pics below with over-the-top overflow from 55 sump), not because I had to, but because I was bored and wanted a change. 4) I loved having the sump in the basement. It helped with temperature control, got all the ugly equipment out of the way, and I wasn't concerned if some water splashed during water changes. It also gave me a place to put a huge fuge (40B as seen in the pic). 5) I did add a dehumidifier to my basement. 6) After I added that big fuge with all that macro, I never couple measure my nitrates again. And I fed a ton. I also harvested huge amounts of it and fed it to my fish weekly. I'd recommend going for it, I think it is great. You should be able to see the 2 tubes coming in to the 55 sump, the extra 40BR fuge, and the return pump in these pics.
  22. Can't tell anything from those pics...but it appears to be the color of aiptasia. I would not discount aiptasia due to it being circular.
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