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Everything posted by extreme_tooth_decay

  1. Throw some roaches in there. Their frantic swimming action might even it.
  2. Hm...they might have been killed by the salt or possibly by me mashing them with a stick. I like to pile them up around my stand to let the other roaches know to stay away. Maybe I will cut off a couple of their heads and mount them on tiny pikes. About the etc... I once actually did find a dead mouse near my stand after there had been a bit of a leak onto the cement floor. Possibly he drank the salt water and died?
  3. I wouldn't worry about it. I have had bare wood non-PT stands on the basement floor for years. Encrusted with salt creep, dead roaches that ate the salt, etc. If I was worried, I would paint the stand with waterproof paint.
  4. edit: changed my mind about opening that can o wormmage.
  5. Who is to judge what is a pest and worthy of eradication?
  6. I know I've bred multiple different mbuna in a 29, and transferred the fry to another 29 (20-50), where I raised them all until 2" then sold them to an LFS...probably half a dozen times. Labiochromis, Zebra, Polystigma, Brichardi (sold the fry there at only maybe 1"). Keep trying acei but no dice. Do what works for you...
  7. I would drain at least until the 2 broken ends of your existing brace meet easily.
  8. Because turtles and fish are "cute"? Would you be upset if it was a mosquito or cockroach? Be honest!
  9. PE mysis has helped me with picky eaters several times.
  10. That is the only repair I would be comfortable with. Way more effort and money than is worth spending on a 10 year old 72G tank though in my opinion...
  11. Another $60 clam with silly price. Probably will look totally different under anyone else's lighting.
  12. Awww....how cute... Do you think you could train them to wear little hats and suspenders?
  13. I once watched my cat jump up on top of my tank (lid on one side), and reach it's paw into the tank...only to be bitten by my huge Oscar. Cat yelped, and went and hid under the table for about 2 hours. Never did it again.
  14. Reminds me of those goldfish shoes from the 70s.
  15. Same here, I am going to buy a bunch soon...I may set up a group buy in the members area. If we order 9 of the small size (or fewer of the larger sizes), we get free shipping and 6-11% off...
  16. You would still have a 1" choke point at the bulkheads, so this would not increase your flow. You would have to re-drill and install a real 1.5" bulkhead in place of a 1" if you wanted to do that. I'm not sure you need to, you need to calculate that. There is a big difference. As I recall, A 1.5" bulkhead carries about twice as much as a 1" bulkhead.
  17. Restricting pumps at the output is common and normal. The pump can't tell the difference between that and additional head height. Personally, I always try to size the pump so it does not need restriction, but others take a "bigger is better" approach for future planning.
  18. Store bought tank stands are so cheap and flimsy top begin with, I would never consider removing a structural element, even if I planned to replace it. (You know you would have to replace it if you took it out, right? Then you would trap your sump in there with no way of removing it...unless you tried to make it removable, which is another headache, but even if it was removable, it couldn't be removed with the tank set up, so it wouldn't even help).
  19. I never had any problems with the impeller (even years later). Here is a thread about my experience: LINK Great mod, well worth it. As you can see from my thread, the pinwheel was total junk.
  20. Hasn't happened in well over 20 years...I am not one to add complexity for no good reason. Of course, using stealth heaters would constitute a good reason in my opinion...and the opinion of its own manufacturer that recalled all of them...
  21. In all this time, a heater is one of the very few things that has always been in the "aint broke, don't fix it" category, at least for me. Simple (old: Ebo new: Eheim) Jager heater(s), no controller.
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