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Everything posted by steveoutlaw

  1. Are you sure that there is no reducer??? I know that the intake on this thing is only 3/4" but the pipe coming out the back is 1".
  2. Erik- Can you order me 2? That way I can use the one you're giving me for my fuge. Or if you need that one order me 3. I'd prefer the slip. Thanks, Steve
  3. Where is the closest place to Woodbridge to get some 1" bulkhead fittings? The 2 that are on my tank right now are only 3/4" inside the tank (it almost looks like a reducer fitting on the inside) and can't keep up with even a mag9.5. I'd like to get my mag12 on there so I get start getting more turnover going through the sump and skimmer. Erik - I'm still going to take you up on yours......just have to find the time to get to it. Steve
  4. I'm interested in anything colorful out there. Unfortunately since I'm just starting out I can't offer much.......some xenia and a torch frag (if someone is willing to help me frag it. Lee - I'd love a bag of Chaeto if there are any left. Steve
  5. I'll split a bag with somebody. Steve
  6. I'm going to be setting up a fuge below my tank. I've read a lot of articles on the fuge and the opinion seems to be about equal. Half of them say that it's better to have raw tank water going to the fuge (algea and pods feed of the bad stuff in the water) and the other half say it's better to have skimmed water going to the fuge. Any opinions?
  7. Am I supposed to hand feed this thing?
  8. Do I have to worry about my rockwork with an engineer goby? It seems like he's doing a H-E-double hocky sticks of a lot of digging and I don't want any of my rocks to fall against the glass and crack it!
  9. I agree with dchild.......use the water from a water change on the existing tank and let it sit for a few days to avoid too much of a shock to the system.
  10. In all the reading I've done about refugiums, the most popular opinion is to have 7-10% of your flow going through the fuge. This gives the fuge enough time to take all the bad "stuff" out of the water and put all the good "stuff" into the water to go back to the tank. General consensus is also to have "raw" tank water going to the fuge rather than skimmed water because your fuge inhabitants thrive on the bad stuff in the water. Please let me know if there is a better way because I'm about to convert my 30g tank into a sump/fuge and want to make sure I do it right. Thanks, Steve
  11. I actually have about 40# that has a lot of coraline on it......it's really purple. I'm asking $4.00 lb if anyone is interested. Steve
  12. Mike, when I had a cyano problem I just took my fishnet and drug it along the top layer of the sand to get rid of it. anything on the glass I just scraped and let it go down into my fuge. Once I got the tank out of the sunlight I had no more problems. Steve
  13. I have 40 lbs of live rock for sale. It's been in my tank for 9 months and has a lot of coraline algea on it (lots of purple). $4.00 lb.
  14. Count me in on a bulb order when the time comes.
  15. I think the problem with the Cyano is 2 fold: 1. Lights on for too long.....I have PC's on my current tank and I had that problem. I cut them back so that the actinics are on for 10 hours per day and the daylights are only on for 8 hours per day. 2. Stop using well water - use RO/DI water to make sure your not adding anything that will help the Cyano thrive. Good luck.
  16. Welcome to WAMAS. Let us know if we can help you out in any way.
  17. I used to have that problem a lot. I cut my lights back to 10 hrs per day and moved the tank away from my back door. I was getting a lot of sunlight on the tank and it was growing out of control. Now I have no problems. Steve
  18. Dano - I'm going to be selling a 6mo old Coralife Aqualight 4x65w with 4 lunar lights at the beginning of April. I'm selling this with the control center power strip for $200.00 if you're interested. Steve
  19. Steve, I'm getting a new tank at the end of the month and will have plenty of live sand. My 55g that I'll be selling has about 100# of the aragonite crushed coral in it as well. Steve Man we have a lot of Steves here!
  20. Robin, I am very interested in this setup......it is exactly what I'm looking for. Could you please e-mail me at steveoutlaw@verizon.net with all of the specs (type of skimmer, return pump, everything). Is it a glass tank? Any scratches? I'm in Woodbridge so I'm close. thanks, Steve
  21. Steve - Sorry it took so long to reply. When I say getting the glass cut locally I'm talking about baffles to go into your 10g. BTW, what type of overflow did you get?
  22. Oh, almost forgot. You can measure and get glass cut locally for your fuge so you can set it up the way you want. it's like 5.00 per piece of glass.
  23. Steve- I just finished a sump/fuge for my tank. I got 2 amiracle overflow boxes (U-tube design 600gph) for $35.00 on e-bay. I also got a mag12 off e-bay and used an SCWD. It is working like a champ. E-mail me at steveoutlaw@verizon.net and I'll send you pics. Steve
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