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Everything posted by steveoutlaw

  1. Howard is bringing about 10 stalks of pulsing Xenia from me. One or 2 are for Lee Stearns and the rest is up for grabs. I would like to get frags of anything colorful for them. anybody who wants to trade see Howard.
  2. Howard, I'll take whatever you got!! When we do the tank swap I'll give you the green zoos and a whole butt load of Xenia to take to the meeting......I don't think I can make it. I'll call you today to arrange a time. Steve
  3. I'll take the Queen Conch too. I'll pick up the lobster and conch on Saturday.
  4. I'll take the Purple Lobster if Chip doesn't want it.
  5. Thanks, but I'm looking for Percs or false Percs. Steve
  6. That's awesome.......I put some strainers on my overflows to prevent this from happening again. Do you want anything in trade for her??
  7. Well, I solved it. Unfortunately it was a bad ending due to my stupidity. I have 2 1" bulkheads in my tank as overflows with 1" 90's in the tank sucking the water out. My Percs liked to sometimes take a ride down the overflows. Without thinking I put a spraybar in the sump where the water comes out. When I checked it this morning I found both clowns dead. I was getting ready to order some 2" 90's with strainers and reducer fitting on them. Anybody got any clowns they want to trade??
  8. Where is the meeting going to be?? Howard - I'm interested in anything. I'm going to have 1 frag of the green zoos that you can pick up when you come for the tank or at the meeting (if I can go). I also have a ton of Pulsing Xenia if anyone is interested. Steve
  9. PRO PRO PRO!!! I don't know about all the electrical muckity muck, but I do know that when I got my 120g set up my yellow tang got HLLE. I put a grounding probe on and it started going away.
  10. My tank temp has been consistently going up to 85F. I don't want to kill everything in it so it looks like I need a chiller unless someone has another idea. I'm all ears.
  11. I agree with Howard......check their financial situation first. I found out the hard way that it's better to make the investment from the start rather than try to go cheap and play catch-up. I would go with the bigger tank - 120g. It won't take up much more room than the 90g and they will appreciate the extra space as their tank fills up. If they have any skills whatsoever I would advise them to build the stand and canopy.......there are a lot more customizations they can make to suit their individual needs. If not, have them look around a lot before they commit. Go with MH.......I've experienced and read too many posts about people trying to go cheap on lights and having their tank go to H-E-double hocky sticks Definately go with the sump.......incorporate a fuge in there if possible. Go with the Mag if they're going submersible and definately a SCWD or Oceans Motions (depending on budget). IMHO - and based on my experience, look on the boards at RC, SWF and the local clubs and buy the stuff used. You can get a lot more for your money that way.
  12. Great, thanks Phil. I'll just take this stuff back then.
  13. I want to put some bagged aragonite live sand into my fuge but don't know if it will have an adverse effect. Anyone have any ideas?
  14. Gotcha.......but I wouldn't think about treating a toothache with anbesol.......scotch works much better (and tastes better). On a good note, the fish isn't acting strange. The only way I know that he has it is by the white areas under his eyes.
  15. I have the seaweed selects that I put in every other day. I'll increase that to daily and see how he does. Lately I've been dousing the seaweed with Kent Garlic Xtreme so hopefully that will help (although it does make the water stinky).
  16. My yellow tang has it and I have to figure out how to cure it. I've been told to use Zoecon as a food supplement but can't find it anywhere. Anyone have any ideas?
  17. Howard, I have zoos coming out the ying-yang in my tank. I would be happy to give you some/trade for stuff. I liked the 2 items in your series of pics at the top of this page. Let me know if you want some or want to trade. Here are pics of my zoos:
  18. Top Fathom TF100A skimmer with mag 5 pump for sale. $100.00. steveoutlaw@verizon.net
  19. Ok, the skimmer that came with my tank is a piece of *@. I can't get it to work right and from everything I've read nobody else can get theirs to work right either. I need a decent skimmer for a 120 gallon but don't want to break the bank. I was looking at ASM skimmers and then came across a thread on RC that was talking about the Coralife Super Skimmer. Anyone heard of these? Anyway, I need to order one this afternoon so I can get it here by this weekend. I'd appreciate any and all advice on this matter. Thanks.
  20. Right, and if you use the split approach you get raw water to the fuge to feed it and pods and things back to the main tank. Granted all the water will eventually get skimmed but if you have a loop of raw water to fuge and fuge water back to main tank I think you're accomplishing most of what you have a fuge to do in the first place. Thanks for all the input.
  21. The more I read the more people say that is the best idea.
  22. Welcome to WAMAS. You should be good to go in about a day or 2.
  23. I want to make a strip of moonlights for my 120g. Anybody have any recommendations on where I can get everything I need? thanks.
  24. Son of a @$%#& - it is a reducer fitting. They are only 3/4" openings that are draining the tank. No wonder I'm not getting much flow through this system!!!
  25. I'm going to check and make sure tonight. I have some 1" PVC fittings I'll stick over one of them just to make sure.
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