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Everything posted by Apcoleman

  1. Thanks Isaac. It was looking rough for a while but it is nice to have it back on track.
  2. Figured its time for an update. After MACNA my free time took a major hit with work and the new puppy so the tank suffered. That coupled with an Apex failure, Neptune's horrid customer service and a return pump failing while I was gone for a weekend, I lost most of my SPS including my MACNA purchases. I honestly thought I was going to lose everything in the tank but the LPS all made it along a few SPS and all of the fish. If I had lost all of the coral I was going to go FOWLR and get some more angels and butterflies and call it a day. After the setback I took a long look at my daily regimen with the Zeovit and decided to go back to the basics. I am now running a small amount of GFO in the vibe reactor that shakes the media twice a day for 15 seconds to prevent any channeling. So far so good. I also have cheato in the sump under a LED grow light that is on 24/7. All of the fish are fat and happy and my enjoyment of the tank has gone back up. The Zeovit system worked well but at this point in my life, I need to be able to just walk away from the tank and not have to worry about missing any dosing or having someone mess up the dosing if they are watching the tank. I am slowly adding SPS back into the system with the help of some great member on this forum.
  3. The Alk and phosphate ULR are very easy to use and I use mine to test weekly. I also own the calcium checker which is great, but takes some practice to get accurate results.
  4. Packaging of the freeze dried product looks the exact same. I saw a similar post on another forum that someone was able to find a blister pack as well. Hopefully they can keep their supply going. I stock piled last year when I came across a bunce of frozen and freeze dried. The other brands just dont come close to this.
  5. I agree with Tom. This gives you the option to go either direction after you get settled in.
  6. Well looks like I can unfortunately revive this thread. My apex bricked the other day and became a giant paperweight. Depending on how I had the outlets configured, some things continued to run and others didnt. Reached out to Neptune and just like Ben got the same bs cut and paste responses when I clearly had stated what had been done and what was not responding. Rather than letting the tank suffer I went out and purchased another unit because it will take weeks for neptune to fix the unit. My only other experience with their customer service/tech support was a few years ago with my initial purchase and it was great. Fast forward and if I wasnt so heavily invested in their system running my tank I would have just punted and never looked back. They may be coming out with some pretty cool add ons but they need to seriously take a step back and invest some of their resourses into good people like Ecotech has and continues to do so.
  7. I went with a Reef Octopus DC250SS for under my 250DD and I have been very happy with it. I still went ahead and had 1/4" removed from the collection cup to make sure I had enough room to remove the cup. Its still a tight fit but anything under that stand will be. If I could have gone external I would have but it was not an option in my case.
  8. wow. thanks for sharing! I am having the same issue. Just found the battery on amazon for $37 with free shipping
  9. I went to staples and got a bunch of the single use gel tubes. I had the same issue and would end up throwing away a tube where the tip was solid or i busted the aluminum tubing trying get the tip off.
  10. Some pictures as promised. The tank needs a little bit of cleaning right now and my plan is to take care of that tomorrow afternoon/evening. I need to do a water change, change the socks and test my levels. FTS 9/17 It looks like cyano on the sand but it coraline growing on the larger pieces of sand/coral. The iPhone just turns it into a purple blob These three are the JF corals I purchased at MACNA. These pictures were taken after they were dipped and added to the tank Some random acro that started as a small frag when I started the tank which has been growing very well. I will try and bust out the DSLR soon and get some pics.
  11. I should finally be able to get some pics up a little bit later this evening. I was gone this past weekend in West Virginia white water rafting and since coming back it seems that work has been non stop coupled with the addition of a 2 month old puppy to the household. I have added a Regal Angel that so far has been a model citizen. This is the final fish that I am planning to add to the tank. He is eating frozen like a pig! Pics coming tonight
  12. Ill try and get one monday as i am traveling through the weekend. MACNA was awesome and I picked up three JF corals for the tank. Needle in the haystack, red shortcake and one i forget the name but I think he called it a fire dragon. Ill post pictures of those as well. Otherwise everything seems to be running smoothly. I will be sending out a water sample to Triton for analysis next week and will be anticipating the results. I had a nice long conversation with those guys and they are doing some pretty incredible stuff.
  13. Quantum Reefs has the clear netting. Head to home depot or lowes for the frame.
  14. The Bellus have figured out their diferences and the trio is acting normal again. The bickering was between the two larger females and the larger one (who was the bully) has definitely established herself as the boss of the group. Now it is just a waiting game whether she starts changing sex.
  15. Update: everything is growing well and looking good. I ended up removing the filefish and found him a new home. My female clown was surely going to kill him. My bellus angels have established their pecking order and the largest female has started to become a little beligerant to the two smallers females. From what I have found online this may be the beginning of the change to male. She is noticiably larger than the other two. There has been quite a bit more chasing the other two around the tank without any damage. The others try and swim behind her now as not to get in the crosshairs.
  16. One thing you might want to consider is an engineer goby. I really wanted to add an eel to my reef but didnt want to take the chance. My engineer has a ton of personallity, looks pretty close to an eel and most people think it is one. Only downside (doesnt bother me) is that they can move some sand. I generally just push some back into his area every day or two to keep him busy.
  17. Looking good. Besides the main zeovit system, what other additives are you planning to use?
  18. great little tank. the edge was my first nano and I loved it. I ultimately ran into the same issue you have noticed with the LEDs in the hood; they suck. I was able to find the rapid LED for the edge and it eliminated the need for any other supplemental lights. keep up the good work
  19. +1. I used hydraulic cement when I did my scape. Much cheaper than Marco and you can find it at your local hardware store
  20. You would need to purchase the WXM module in order for your apex to have control other than off and on for the radions
  21. My clowns are finally back at it. Took them two and a half months to get back in the mood. Walked downstairs to feed the fish and caught them in the act. The filefish may being going into the sump because he is trying to sneak a meal and the female and male just latch on to him and take him for a ride when he gets close. crappy iphone pic:
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