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Everything posted by swimmatte

  1. That's weird..... I bet you were the girl that liked going around popping guys pimples back in high school too huh?
  2. +1 to getting a foxface Cool fish and does great with bubble algae. I was just at Tropical Lagoon today and they had little baby ones (which I don't see often).
  3. +1 If you go around popping them you'll be in a world of hurt. They are fairly sturdy though for the most part so just be gentle.
  4. I hadn't thought about it but now you've got me interested. I'm going to look into that now but I think I'd want to keep the bottom black for maximum contrast. Question, could I just buy a black plastic cutting board from a store that sells kitchen supplies?
  5. No, that's my Tang tank..... I'm thinking about trying to fit one of each tang species in there. Just Kidding. Yeah, that's going to be my frag tank. I don't want it to be a boring regular frag tank though. I'm thinking about making it similar to Neto's shallow tank, except that I'm going to keep it bare bottom. Maybe a little rock work over by the overflow?
  6. So...... recently I have been noticing my display tank hanging out with a lady friend. I warned him of the dangers of moving into things too quickly, but I was ignored. So I came downstairs tonight and this is what I found: It seems he knocked his lady friend up and was left to take care of it himself....... What have I gotten myself into?
  7. Hey, I'm starting my frag tank this week and it needs to be filled!
  8. Any idea of what you're coming back with?!?!?!?!
  9. Just went through this thread. I'm liking what I'm seeing. Good progress!
  10. Why can't I find info on fluval making a 3g? All I can see is 6g......
  11. Swimmatte: Swim= I swam competitively my entire life, coached swimming for many years, and currently work in commercial pool management. Matt= My name, duh. E= My last initial swim + matt + e = swimmatte
  12. So you know the smaller tanks are MUCH harder to avoid catastrophes like this then right? When you come back, go big!
  13. Good luck with the sale man..... hope to see you back.
  14. Severe stuff should be limited to NE MD and PA
  15. Sweet! I'm a huge LPS fan, so my tank is nothing but LPS, softies, and zoas. SPS requires higher water quality and better lighting so it can be a bit harder to be successful raising than the rest of them. I'd recommend going through pictures and other resources online to try and develop a game plan as to what you want your tank to be based off of. Good luck!
  16. I don't have a cube currently but I do have a column which I love. With that said, my next tank will definitely be a cube, and will probably be in the range you are discussing. I love the height that the column brings, and would love if my tank was a cube to add to the depth. It's hard to argue that the ability to view the tank at maximum potential from 3 sides makes the cube an awesome tank. Don't look back, go cube!
  17. All rock was purchased from 3 different WAMAS members. My favorite piece, the corner rock that holds my zoas was purchased from Yauger but originally came from Marco Rock.
  18. Yeah that cynaria is sick. You should see it in person, it looks exactly like the picture.
  19. I was looking through these pics trying to decide which of these were my favorite and it was impossible. I'm loving the bi-color octospawn, that gold striped red trachy with the crazy center, and that acan rotundaflora...... Sick stuff man.
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